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Newbies in need - Day 20

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    Newbies in need - Day 20

    Hi Everyone: I notice so much more now that I'm AF. Last week at my grandson's b-day party, I was aware of my son-in-law's parents. They are great people & are functioning alcoholics. I saw from the beginning of the party that they really didn't want to be there. They ended up leaving before the party was even half over...opening presents, cake, games were still to come. Why did they leave? So they could go home & drink by themselves. I know this, because I've done it many times. I've left parties & events or skipped them altogether in order to drink by myself wo/the watchful eyes of other people.

    Drinking is so isolating. I'm just beginning to realize how many people have fallen by the wayside because of my drinking. I'm in the process of reconnecting w/them. Thank you MWO for helping me be the person I want to be. Yours, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 20

    Good message, today, Mary!!

    Just popping in to say "hi" as I have an early dental appt today. I dental appts. :-(

    Hope all have a wonderful day.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in need - Day 20

      Hi Mary, Cindi and all Newbie comrades.

      Totally agree with you, Mary............used to wheedle my way out of lots of events in order to hole myself up home alone with my then cherished Char. I feel like a Jack-In-The-Box, who has just popped up and found a whole new world!! LOL Life is just so much more fun, exciting and interesting now.........can`t quite believe that I`ve taken so well to the AF lifestyle, despite my early just so very happy.

      And sure, my life may be far from perfect in many respects, but being sober affords me the ability to start making some constructive changes now. And, just as you say about yourself, I simply could never have accomplished any of this without you all and M.W.O.........a million thankyou`s could never suffice for all the help and encouragement I have received from my dearest friends here.

      Cindi.......I wish you all that you wish for yourself this day. Sorry about the dentist`s........hardly my favourite place either!!!

      Peace, love, strength, health and happiness us all.

      Starlight Impress x


        Newbies in need - Day 20

        Good morning all..

        Today should be Day 9 for me.. but I slipped on Saturday.. so it's technicaly Day 2 .. or I like to say, Day 8 of 9.. sounds better...:-)

        Hope everyone has a great AF day today !! I know I'm planning on it !

        Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


          Newbies in need - Day 20

          Good morning! Day 6 for me - but I'm not counting in terms of AF, but in terms of getting down to business with the program! Had a crazy busy day Sat - from 6am to 11:30 pm. Got home and hubby asked if I wanted a whiskey - I said no, then decided to have a beer. Drank about 3/4 of that, then decided I wanted a Scotch, he gave me one (one shot on ice) and I drank about half of that. I was thinking, "well if I drink this, then another I can stay up"! It's that weird sugar thing, I think, drinking actually gives me energy. But, then I thought "Why? It's already nearly midnight, I have to be up at 6", so didn't drink the rest of the Scotch and went to bed instead. Had another busy day yesterday, and was just wiped out! Nothing to drink at all yesterday - didn't even want it! So that's 5 days with 1.5 drinks. Probably won't have anything today, as I'm still feeling a bit pooped!

          Hope everyone is doing well and here's to a great day to you all!!!


            Newbies in need - Day 20

            8 of 9 sounds good to me, Riker.

            More power to you!!!!

            Starlight Impress x

