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    #16's outta here!!!!

    Are you sure EZ was a female?
    I just have the strangest feeling that EZ was a he.
    She wrote like Edgar Allan Poe but with sexual content.


      #17's outta here!!!!

      I just googled her name and found out what she was telling us was truth. I even found a link to her Quaker church. I feel bad.


        #18's outta here!!!!

        Ok, I found it too and found her real name and saw how they wore three rings and were planning a fourth wedding in 2008 but I don't feel bad.

        And do we still know if this really was her? Could be someone messing with us. I guess only RJ really knows.

        And don't feel bad Buffy or anyone else. She disrespected RJ's intentions with this website. She toyed with peoples emotions. I went to bed in tears last night and came very close to leaving this website because of people like EZ. I don't need any more added drama in my life and this site is suppose to offer me comfort and not tears.

        So I for one don't feel bad because EZ needs to get help somewhere else because I guess I am too catty!!


's outta here!!!!

          I agree Happier.

          but, can someone please share these links?
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


  's outta here!!!!

            Just google Robert Heinmiller at MIT


    's outta here!!!!

              Happier, did going on chat help at all? :l


      's outta here!!!!

                I actually made a point of avoiding reading EZ's thread. and then I kept seeing more and more comments about it, to the point where I could not help but find and read it.

                I think that she/he/it. was definetely disturbed. or just really drunk and depressed. If it's true that he/she/it is mourning, this could be very devastating psychologically for a person. Depressed people behave in many many ways, so do people who are problem drinkers. If EZ was a fake, so be it. This is the internet afterall.

                She made a lot of negative and critical comments yes, but I think if the people replying didn't take it so personally and took a more objective stand this would not have gotten out of hand. In many ways everyone who replied was feeding into EZ's neurosis.

                Just to ad another comment I didn't find the way EZ expressed her/his/it interest in S&M lewd or offensive. I have seen far more vulgar threads and posts on this site.
                I generally don't reply to threads or posts that upset me or make me angry, I just move on, lots of great stuff and lots of supportive people on MWO.
                I hope EZ was banned for something other than his/her/it thread.

                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


        's outta here!!!!

                  I googled that his name and MIT and it only showed a picture of him. Why wont anyone post the link??? I would like to see a picture of her.


          's outta here!!!!

                    was she banned? I missed that. I thought RJ just moved or removed the thread. How do you find this stuff out? Is there something I'm missing?
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            's outta here!!!!

                      She is banned. But I am guessing it is top secret to the link to see what she looks like. Curiosity is killing this cat!! I am intrigued only because she is pretty high profile in some sort of way.


              's outta here!!!!

                        Beatle, I MOVED THE THREAD, ASK ANYONE! :H


                's outta here!!!!

                          Yes hart you did,

                          I tried but failed, but Hart followed it through for me.

                          Thanks Hart, Love ya xxx


                  's outta here!!!!

                            Ez caused one almighty uproar around here.

                            Decided to pass on googling her and her husband or visiting any links to them.........found her too much of a drain on the old emotions to allow her to concern me any further.

                            Did say a prayer for her though, `cos am good girl, really!!!

                            Starlight Impress x


                    's outta here!!!!

                              I understood that, Hart.
                              (so, I guess the thread is still in here somewhere, so we can visit it now and then?... )
                              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      's outta here!!!!

                                I did see her hubby when I googled his name and it mentioned his wife but I could not find a pic of her. It sounds like they were quite the successful brilliant couple. I would like to see a pic of her.

                                Sometimes you can be so brilliant it makes you crazy and completely antisocial.
                                She's real for sure but I really don't think we were equipped to help her. I think the right decision was made.

                                It is sad but not everyone can be helped here, she would have been more of a distraction and unfortunately it would have been like watching a car accident, we would have all been observers and would never have gotten to have a real exchange with her, that was not what she wanted or was able to give. It is very sad.
                                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

