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    #31's outta here!!!!

    Hi all,
    Lots of names that I recognize, but you all seem to be speaking a secret code. I admit I haven't logged on alot lately, but this thread struck me as "what are you guys talking about"? Does alot of this "stuff" happen in chat rooms and private messages? Just curious. I think only a select few here are in that fold of all the stuff and secrets that happen here. Although I must say, on this thread I was familar with a lot of names. No idea what you all were tallking about, but that's okay. Just a lot of you chat or email one another separate from this website?



      #32's outta here!!!!

      Julie, at least in this case, there is nothing private and nothing to do with chat (I'm not a member).

      There was a long thread that was HOT for a couple days. A new member came on and was very strange (and very drunk), wrote in a literary, semi-cryptical way and, among other things, talked about sexual play.

      You can find the thread (her name was Esmeralda_Dangerfield) but we are actually all trying to be done with this (which we obviously aren't!).

      That's what happens when you miss a couple days on MWO. Now I'm afraid to go on holiday!
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        #33's outta here!!!!

        Hi Julie

        sometimes things happen in chat rooms and are talked about mysteriously.

        i sometimes find myself in the dark when there is a controversial thread and it gets removed for some reason and everyone is talking about the aftermath and I have NO IDEA what is going on.

        I was here at the time this thread went up.


's outta here!!!!

          I don't think it's a case of any special group - it just depends on who's online when something blows up. In this instance it just happened to involve me, otherwise I'd be just as in the dark as you.

          Really, it's not worth worrying about, and there are no exclusive groups here at all that I am aware of. Barge right in at any time!
          It always seems impossible until it's done....


  's outta here!!!!

            I agree with Lushy's post. She is in a difficult position and can't move on from her husband's death.

            She didn't do the right thing in posting drunk when so many members here are struggling for sobriety, I just hope that she and all members who are struggling with sobriety find some help somewhere.

            As loving as we are, it's hard to cope when we have a member who is sucking the sober one's into her lifestyle.

            Be well, Esmerelda, and find help.
            Enlightened by MWO

