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Newbies in Need - Day 23

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    Newbies in Need - Day 23

    I guess I'll start the thread today.

    I almost caved last night, actually did a bit, I got a glass of wine to take to my hotel room (darned booze beast) BUT I took two sips and realized, "Hey, you are not taking the right action to quit, this is NOT what you want to do." So I ended up pouring it down the sink.

    I have to admit I did look at that empty glass later and kind of wished...

    At hotel prices, that couple of sips was pretty pricey. :H

    I woke up this morning feeling very good and ready to go at it again.

    Unfortunately, I left my Campral and Naltrexone sitting on the kitchen counter at home, so I will have to do this sans meds. But, I will.

    Hope all to come have a wonderful day and attain whatever your goals are.

    Love to all,
    AF April 9, 2016

    Newbies in Need - Day 23

    Cindi: I'm glad you did what you did. The cravings will decreased w/time. Don't count the couple of sips against your record...throwing the wine down the sink cancels them out. I know that one sip would get me going again. That's why I've been very vigilant. Also, I had many, many slips when I first came to MWO. I always reported them the next day here at the forum. That helped me stay honest w/myself & the people here. You'll never hear condemnation from the folks here. Keep up the good work. You'll do fine wo/your supps. I got as far as I've gotten w/just my regular vitamins that I've always taken. Take care of yourself. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Newbies in Need - Day 23

      Hi Cindi,

      Thanks for starting the thread today. I applaud you for what you did last night. I've been in hotel rooms before, where you are miles away from home, no one really knows you, it's easy to go overboard in these situations, God knows I certainly did. I used to tell the Taxi driver to stop at any beer stores along the route from the Airport to the Hotel so that I could pick up two dozen cans of beer, stock up the mini bar, sink, tub etc.. and go to town. I started buying it a the beer store because I was blowing my entire meal allowance in hotel beer so I KNOW how expensive the booze is in a hotel.

      Good on you.. I'm very proud of you for doing that. That showed resolve and determination, you will be fine without the meds / supps for a bit.. don't sweat it you are doing great.

      Take care,

      Day 10 for me today WOO HOO.

      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


        Newbies in Need - Day 23

        it wouldnt have been a glass for me, it would have been a bottle. once i give in, i give in.

        well done for choosing a glass only and for pouring it down the sink. you are a better 'man' than me. dont count it as a failure but a success, it didnt go down your throat!



          Newbies in Need - Day 23

          Hi everyone,
          Well done for not giving in, Cindi. I used to travel on business occasionally and the hotel bar/minibar was always a great temptation, maybe because of the anonymity.
          I almost gave in last night, too. It's weird that when I do get cravings it's always between about 6-9pm. Come 9pm I'm totally over it and very glad that I didn't drink for one more day. I've got my meditation class tonight so that will keep me out of trouble!
          Have a great day all
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            Newbies in Need - Day 23

            Well done Cindi! I too would have looked forlornly at the sink, just because of the price, I'm so cheap :H I'm AF day 4 today. Was afraid yesterday because Joe went out shopping late and I was afraid he'd bring home beer. Nope. Lots and Lots of flavored water and pop. We're doing it again! We all can do it!!!


              Newbies in Need - Day 23

              Yes we can! I'm so happy to be where I am right now. My whole life is opening up. I've always hated taking risks (that's probably why drinking alone was so appealing). I'm finding out that taking reasonable risks (making new friends, developing a hobby etc.), is the part of life that makes me stronger. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in Need - Day 23

                Cindi, Do not beat yourself up, you are stronger than most, pouring the wine down the sink showed The Beast who is REALLY in charge! I'll bet that pissed him off!! lol. Stay strong today and be proud you did not relapse into your old ways. Don


                  Newbies in Need - Day 23

                  Hi all,
                  Almost 11 pm here and I`m finally checking in here........had busy day.

        `re one tough lady.........if I bought it, I may well be tempted to drink it, so simplest solution for me is not to buy it. Sure still have romantic illusions about the taste of wine, but really no longer feel any desperate "need" of a drink. Good for you in slinging it !!!

                  Am still going 24.........never in my wildest dreams, did I imagine I could get through even 1 day without the vino.

                  Never, ever want to return to the "prison" from which I am "on the run"!!!

                  Love and strength to all,

                  Starlight Impress x


                    Newbies in Need - Day 23

                    BOY!!!!!.........I`m one stoooooopit girl............lost not on Day 24.......IT`S DAY 25!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeha

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Newbies in Need - Day 23

                      Starlight, All I can say is...W O W... you are amazing, just , simply, amazing.

                      Now get some shut eye !!!!

                      Talk to you tomorrow.

                      Do or Do Not, There is No Try - Yoda


                        Newbies in Need - Day 23

                        LOL Riker.........just posted in General how AF has turned me into an insomniac and am bloody well p***** off with it!!!

                        Starlight Impress x


                          Newbies in Need - Day 23

                          I'm awed that you had the control to sip and then tip ... This shows that the drinking isn't in line with your higher values. Terrific.

                          I'm not at this point yet, but hoping to get there. I think it's great the way you're all so encouraging - and I notice that many of you are in the early days of sobriety - and spread right across the globe (incl in my home country: England). Hoping to join you. I haven't had a drink all week, but tonight my stepdaughter (25 yr old) is taking my two children (9 and 6 yrs) for a sleepover - the first ever - so I lobbied for a final bottle of wine. Feel unsure about this now, but I know myself: once I decide to drink, there seems no going back ...

                          This is why I think your self-control is great db2. Good on you.
                          I'll get there ...



                            Newbies in Need - Day 23

                            db2mala - Good for you!

                            I have to tell you, I don't think there is anything quite as liberating as dumping wine down the sink. I have dumped an awfull, awfull lot of wine down the sink in my life - I never seemed to decide to quite drinking when there was no wine in the house - Always bought wine in those 4 litre boxes, (quantity, not quality, right?) and usually was barely into one when I decided (for the 100th time) that I was never drinking again - and down the sink it all went. Better than down my throat! :H . I am happy to report 35 days AF now, and aiming to stay AF.

                            Good for you, you showed the Beast who's boss. Don't count this as a slip, count it as a victory.:goodjob:
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

