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    Just joined

    :new: I just found this website and just decided to jump in and join. I've been thinking I needed to quit drinking for quite a while, so guess this must be my day.

    I don't often get drunk, but drink every day and wondered what it might be like to go a long while without a drink. Maybe I would feel better and have more energy. I'm sure that my drinking influenced some people to not be friends any more and that doesn't feel great. Especially when some of them were drinking buddies. I don't know if I want to quit drinking totally or get to a point that I only drink for special occasions (real special occasions, not ones that we make up). I do know that I want to be able to control it and not have it control me. My birthday is coming up and am going to have company and will be around quite a bit of drinking over the next few weeks, so I don't think I'll make it without drinking at all, but hopefully I will at least limit it until this is over. Not sure if I joined at the right time, but was afraid if I didn't do it now, I wouldn't do it.

    Just joined

    Hi Tinker and welcome! There is never a 'right time' to quit anything unless you are pregnant or very ill is what I say.

    Even if you can be conscience about how much you are drinking will help you in the long run. I know that without my not drinking (and I was everyday - mainly to get drunk, however) I have WAY more energy.

    I would suggest reading the posts and ask questions when you have them. If you can download the book as well, it is very insightful to what this program has to offer.


      Just joined

      Welcome Tinker, The fact that you are aware of your drinking and want to change is the first step. We will help you achieve your goal whether it is to moderate , quit altogether or quit for a period of time to "clean out". Keep checking in and reading our posts and you will find we are quite a bunch. A bunch of what I don't I wish you luck in your journey to live a little cleaner life. Don


        Just joined

        Welcome Tinker. If you check out the other posts from people who have just joined today and yesterday, you will find a lot of good advice for the "newbies"-- Nancy gave a good bit of advice today that pretty much covers everything on the thread entitled "In need of options"-- I know this is pure laziness (hey it's late here), but check it out.

        Hope you find what you need here to help you get where you want to be. We're all here to support each other and sometimes we even have fun. (More than sometimes).
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Just joined

          Hi Tinker & :welcome:

          Yes you will have more energy if you dont drink, that I can promise you .....

          You really have found the right place, keep reading and posting,

          All the best,


            Just joined

            Hi tinker and welcome.
            You`re right in thinking that there`s no time like the present to address your drinking.
            Think we all have to go through a little "trial and error" to see if moderation is actually attainable for us.........hope your initial plans go well.

            Love and strength,

            Starlight Impress x


              Just joined

              Welcome Tinker hope you stick around
              glad you found us

              You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                Just joined

                Hi Tinker,

                I'm one of the newbies that beatle was talking about, having just joined yesterday. I've been reading, reading, reading ... there's just so much support and inspiration here I'm flawed. I think we've definitely found the right place.



                  Just joined

                  Hi's good here! I'm another feels nice to have other new people joining at the same time as me
                  Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                    Just joined

           is the first time I've had a chance to get back here and I really appreciate the responses. I didn't really know how to start and it is uncomfortable the first time, even if you aren't face to face with people. I do think I've found a great place to start, and finish I hope. It's my birthday and we're all going out to dinner, so it will not be a drink free night, but I've had a couple of days that were drink free. Maybe because I just didn't feel good, but I've been known to not let that stop me, so maybe the fact that I cared enough about my body to restrain myself a couple of times is a good sign. We have a lot of birthdays this month, so it will be a hard month to abstain, but I'm hoping I'll be able to restrainmyself and not drink as much as usual and try to really start working on this better when company is gone and life is back to normal. I am also going to try to get in here more often now and work harder at this. Thanks again everyone.


                      Just joined


                      Congratulations on what is such an important decision for you! This is my first day with MWO....and 5 days AF. Going for 30!


                        Just joined

                        sweating it out!

                        This is my first day too. I feel horrible but it is 8:50 p.m. where I live (in NY). I just have to make it to 10 p.m. -- that's when the liquor stores close here. So, I'm sweating it out.....enjoying reading the posts from everyone here and reading a scary book that, weirdly, I think might help me to stop drinking.

                        By tomorrow, I should feel well enough to get out and around; maybe workout.

                        Wish me luck. I now have just an hour and four minutes to go, and to have been a success today.

                        Thanks for listening.............


                          Just joined

                          Less, Hang in there! 1 hour is nothing!!! You will be proud of yourself tomorrow and be on your way to a new life. You can do it...Don


                            Just joined

                            Chief;189655 wrote: Less, Hang in there! 1 hour is nothing!!! You will be proud of yourself tomorrow and be on your way to a new life. You can do it...Don
                            Thanks. I think you're right. This message board has been a great help!


                              Just joined

                              Quit looking at the clock!!! lol... you've got it made! I want to see you on here tomorrow telling me you"re on Day 2!

