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New and on Topamax

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    New and on Topamax

    Read my way out. Loved it. Gave me hope. Didn't want to go to A.A. ( tried it before) but sick of being hung over everyday and not having fun without booze.In fact, I feel like I have missed the last 7 years of my life. I got married,divorced, made friends, lost friends all of things that go along with that lifestyle.Gaining loads of weight sucked too. Anyways. I started my topamax 4 days ago. My doctor wanted me to take an antidepressant with it. I didn't refuse because I have had a history of depression and she said that I would need it with the topamax. My only problem is that I am having trouble sleeping. Very little desire to drink. I havn't had a drop in 4 days. ( a long time for me) I usually have at least one a day and then have a big binge every other day. Feel better. At least not sleeping with no booze is better then not sleeping and being drunk when you wake up. Just want to know if there is a forum where people can talk about their exsperiences with topamax?:h

    New and on Topamax

    YES! check out the meds forum (Topamax, Campral...)-- great stuff, full of discussion about meds, especially topamax.

    AND, for sleep problems, look at the Holistic Healing forum, there is a thread on there (started by me, hehe) about problems sleeping. LOTS of good advice there.

    Good luck.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      New and on Topamax

      Hi caterz and welcome.
      Am not taking meds, but you can get lots of info on topa on the meds board, and Chat is good to get lots of help and support too.

      Love and strength to you,

      Starlight Impress x


        New and on Topamax

        Hi and welcome Caterz!

        Glad to hear the topa is working for you. For sleep, you might want to try the Calms Forte. It is a homeopathic sleeping aid and it really has been helping me lately.

        Look forward to hearing more from you!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

