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Day One - First Try at This

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    Day One - First Try at This

    Any other new persons who'd like to be pals? I've been drinking 1-4 glasses of red wine almost every night for about a year and I'd really like to be able to just have one every once in awhile or none at all. I have been trying on my own to no avail, so I gave myself a week's deadline before I started getting help. Going to an AA meeting tonight for the first time tonight, too. I'm so nervous. Anyways, nice to see there is an online community here to help.

    Day One - First Try at This

    Hey Vegemini -- welcome! I'm so glad you found us! We are here to support, encourage and inspire you without any judgment ever. There are many, many smart and uplifting people here with lots of great ideas and wise words from experience. I am fairly new here, with 8 alcohol-free (AF) days completed. I could have never gotten even this far without having found this web site last Sunday by accident. What a blessing! a miracle, in fact. So read on, post, ask questions and join us anytime you'd like, someone is always here
    Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


      Day One - First Try at This

      By the way, loads of good laughs here too!
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Day One - First Try at This

        vegemini welcome! Let us know how the AA meeting goes.


          Day One - First Try at This

          Welcome, Vegemini,

          I'm a wine drinker too. I was doing fairly well at moderating for several months and then slippled back into the bottle a night routine. I logged on last night because I needed support so that I could make a fresh start today, and I had several responses that lifted my spirits and helped me stay strong today (no nightly bottle of wine). This is a wonderfully supportive community. You'll get lots of encouragement and advice here. Plus, a lot of laughs! Good luck. Look forward to hearing from you again.



            Day One - First Try at This

            Welcome Vegemini: You found the right spot.Post &read alot,it's amazing what you'll find.good luck


              Day One - First Try at This

              Welcome to us! Hope you are feeling well.

              1-4 glasses per night is a good bit less than many of us here have done and a year is much less time than the average alcohol history here. But no matter, if you feel you have a problem, then you do, and we are all here to help each other.

              There's a lot of good information on all the forums to keep you busy for a long time, and I suggest you at least skim through them. And please, let us know how you are doing, what works for you and what doesn't.

              And do start threads when you have specific questions or themes you wish to discuss. Welcome again.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Day One - First Try at This

                I am not new, but wanted to welcome you. You will find tons of support here!!! READ and post, it helps tremendously.... How'd the meeting go?


                  Day One - First Try at This

                  I too would like to welcome you Vege !!
                  You have found yourself in a really fun and informative place that has forever changed my life, marriage and total outlook on life... Enjoy your time here and ask any quesions you may have because we'll do our very best to come up with some sort of answer for you... We are all in this together... Again,, Welcome !!!!

                  ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                    Day One - First Try at This

                    hi vege
                    i just got one day yesterday i am a wine drinker too who has had enough
                    im encouraged to do it for myself this time with the support of the people here
                    look forward to travelling with you:O)


                      Day One - First Try at This


                      Hello Everyone,

                      Thanks for the notes of support. I went to an AA meeting last night and I liked the people and learning their stories and what they do to keep them from drinking. Before anyone 'shares' they say 'My name is So and So and I am an Alcoholic' and I'm sort of uncomfortable saying that right now because, while I know I have a problem drinking I don't think I'm addicted to it. Yet I can't seem to stop it myself. Does anyone else go, or is this site more suited for people who don't consider themselves alcoholics?



                        Day One - First Try at This


                        This site is suited for anyone who wants to deal with a drinking issue, whether it is just a problem or full blown alcoholism.

                        No judgements and no one to tell you what you decide you want to do.

                        We all just want to help in anyway we can and in turn get help whenever we need it.

                        It is a great community of caring people.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Day One - First Try at This


                          not sure how this all works really! i'm half pissed here but SERIOUSLY need to sort my self out,its all very tiring for me and i know i'm a great person but i act like such a dichead sometimes.............. its weird.. im sooooooooooooo disappointed with myself all the time ,cant beleive wine has got me like this..:new:


                            Day One - First Try at This

                            lizzied ... so you made a mistake, that's all, a mistake ... no big deal; however, you don't have to repeat it if you do not feel like it. it's up to you, chin up, tomorrow's another day! drink lots of water and take good care, j
                            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                              Day One - First Try at This

                              Welcome Vege
                              I have been a wine drinker (not to mention other grog) for over 20 years and have been drinkin 1-2 bottles of wine nearly every night and it is a very addictive drink. I have just gone 12 days without any and feel fantastic already. Its a different world. You are very lucky that you have recognised its a problem after one year and you want to do something about it. If you dont do it now it will just get harder to control or give up.
                              YOU CAN DO IT!
                              Good luck

