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I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

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    I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

    Hi, just logged on for the first time in over a week, been up north to spend a week with mam. She was in severe withdrawal. She had not drank for 5 days when I got there on the Monday. Went through hell with her Monday night, Tuesday and Tuesday night. I got her GP out on Tuesday am and he gave her diazepan which eventually kicked in at 6.30 am on Wednesday morning! My mam didn't know who the hell I was, was hallucinating badly, talking to people from way back in her past in the middle of the night. She just kept going all night! I just feel like I'm in shock from whats happened. It was so hard seeing her like that as if she had severe dementia. To make things even worse, its sent my schizophrenic brother over the top and he is not good at the moment. (He is actually her carer believe it or not!) Anyway I've just got back home and back to my family. Mam is still very confused and angry, she's still asking for drink but up to now my brother has refused to get it. I don't know how long he can hold out though. I have managed to control my own drinking and to be honest after what I saw and went through, well...I'm determined not to get to that stage. Anyway, not sure if I'll be on much, don't know how I feel at the moment but I won't go down the heavy drinking path again. Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

    Hi Janice nice to see you back again and I'm sorry about your mother,thats so hard for you. I am thinking of you , try and get some rest, love, joesgal xx


      I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

      Hey janice, so sorry about your mom, so very sorry. Please take very good, gentle care of yourself ... come visit here often, someone is here to listen and help ... and we'd really like to know how you are. hang in there and be strong, j
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

          geez. my gosh. i didnt think alcohol withdrawel could be that bad. its so sad. people who go through that kind of withdrawel definitely need medicine to help with it!


            I think its Day 26- Newbies in Need

            As of Tuesday evening, my brother has caved in, to save his sanity he said, and has gone and got mam her carlsberg special lager. Another cycle. Here we go again.....
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

