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    Brand new...

    :new: I cannot believe I am at this point. I am really scared, because I have been drinking every day, and notice really wanting to. This all seemed to creep up on me over about a year's time, and I just do not want to be doing this. I used to be a drink or two on the weekend kind of gal, and I am wanting to be that gal again. I wonder if that is ok?? I am somewhat angry! Scared! I also am not impressed with my clothes being tight...drinking is the only thing I have been doing differently, so, hopefully that will go in a while. I am just needing support, a safe place to go. So here I am! Thanx for reading! :thanks:

    Brand new...

    Welcome, join the rest of us we are all trying to beat this problem, I have been binge drinking 2/3 times a week for five years and desparately want to stop, so we are in the right place, have a look at the newbie thread someone starts it everyday and we all support each other, Good Luck


      Brand new...

      Hello and welcome Kimmie. This is a great place for people like you-- and anyone really who wants to gain control over their alcohol problem/use/abuse. There have been lots of people joining in the last 3 days, so it would be good to read through those threads-- lots of advice there.

      Also, read the MWO (My Way Out) book, downloadable or you can order it online.

      The program is excellent and flexible, so it accomodates all different types of people with all different types of alcohol problems (unlike some other programs which shall remain unnamed).

      You are in control here-- you decide what and how you will conquer this, with the constant and enthusiastic support of all the great members here from all over the world.

      Looking forward to seeing more of you on here.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Brand new...

        Welcome Kimmie, Listen to Beatle,you can fix your problems w/a little support. This site gives alot of that.Looking forward to hearing more from you.hang in there


          Brand new...

          Welcome Kimmie !!
          That is exactly what happens to us drinkers.. so silently it creeps up on us when we aren't looking .... when we least expect it.. then whaaamo !! Well, we are all here to give it a good old "Whaaaamo" right back... Read lots, get some supplements, ask lots of questions and know that you are not alone in this battle.. Take Care,

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Brand new...

            Welcome Kimmie!

            This is a great place to find support and advice. I can relate to your story of how the need to drink sneaks up on you! It's very scary. Keep logging on.



              Brand new...

              I loved all of your responses....! Thanks so very much for the support...last night after work, i joined a yoga class instead of drinking, and it was amazing. So much of what I needed. I look forward to getting support, and offering it here. I am actaually less scared in this moment! Blessings!


                Brand new...



                I caught this thread only this morning and just wanted to add my welcome.

                Great idea of joining the yoga class. Much better activity than heading in from work and hitting the bottle.

                Take care,
                AF April 9, 2016


                  Brand new...

                  Hi and welcome Kimmie,

                  Glad to read you took the yoga class! I'm new too but I've gained alot from the caring and supportive people on this site who know what you're going through. It is worthwhile reading through some other people's experiences along with the constructive advice and support they have recieved.

                  It's been really uplifting, stick around.



                    Brand new...

                    Hi Kimmie, I'm new to all this too. What helps me is I am keeping a sort of journal. I write down what I am eating, feeling, my meds, etc. It helps me keep track of things. If I should slip and drink, I write that down too. When I feel wierd I write THAT down too LOL. I wasn't doing that, but when I started, I don't know why, it just seemed to be a good tool. Exercise is really good...sometimes it is really hard to do, especially in the beginning, because for some reason there is a lot of fatigue involved, but stick to it, you will feel better! Good luck

