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    Just found this site

    hey congrats and welcome guys its a great place, to start a very interesting journey about yourself. Welcome good luck and we are all here to support, help and guide where we can. Kimbo
    Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


      Just found this site


      I took my first one last night and I didnt feel much and then all of a sudden half an hour later I felt a bit nauseus (which happens in first week I am told) and then very tired. I was trying to finish a post here and started nodding off on my keyboard :H It was pretty funny at my end anyway. It was late anyway but just to reiterate, my Dr was very supportive of this and I'm glad we're all here rather than drinking by ourselves too



        Just found this site

        I'm done...

        Congratulations Ben on your progress...

        I just found this site myself, and have decided that I must do something about my drinking as well. I've been a 'heavy drinker' for over 5 years and I'm very lucky to still have my career/relationships intact after that long a time. I've made this promise to myself before though -- this time, I feel, it could very well mean my career/financial well-being, etc. It simply has to happen.

        In any case, best of luck to us. It's great to have this resource available.
        Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


          Just found this site

          stick at it benno!!
          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


            Just found this site

            I think it's hard here in Australia because, much like England, it's a real drinking culture. I was struck by the absolute difference in attitudes twds drinking while living in the States.

            Great that you managed to avoid the social drinking yesterday. It takes a while. All part of the re-training ... In some cases, it may mean new friends ... This was my experience with dope. I was simply unable to see my main buddy, so strong was the association btwn us to dope, because every time I did, I relapsed. This is not to say this is how it will be for you, but definitely exercise caution ... In recovery groups they warn 'people, places, things' because our habits are all tied up with associations and triggers ... drinking is so automatic here that people can't understand it when you don't drink. I think that you're watching your health is a good answer in social situations.

            I'd be happy to share my story but don't want to bore everyone silly by launching into it here ... Happy for you to private mail me if you like? Yes, I think it's good that we joined around the same time, and have the Aussie thing in common. V/Interested to hear that you've taken the Naltrexone step. My exp. with meds is that you're very tired in the initial stages until your body adapts. I'm not sure whether to go for the anti-craving meds or not yet ...

            Also, keep us posted about your AF days. I'm on day five, and have considered joining the 30 day threads, but unsure yet ... May post on this subject later ...
            See you back here!


              Just found this site

              It's Friday night here and I'm 4 days AF. I would just like to thank everyone for your support, you've all been fantastic help in getting me to this stage, albeit it an early one. Previously I felt entirely alone and just totally reluctant to put practical measures in place to actually give myself a chance of giving up.

              I was scared of giving up before, but not now. I walked to the medical clinic tall and with purpose ... due to the support I have recieved here. In fact I have just felt better within myself in general and a friend at work said she thought I looked really well.

              I realise this is very early days but you've made this week one of the best weeks I can remember ... if you'd have told me that a year ago, I wouldnt have even listened.

              Last night I let my Dad know what I was up to and he was very pleased, possibly more so as someone who is AF 7 years.

              I also called Mum who was AF 10.5 years but then has drunk for the last 2 years, moderately mostly, but not always. She was also very happy. I could tell in her voice that she was influenced by my intentions and said she was giving serious thought to going AF again. This would be an enormous relief to me, given what I have seen alcohol do to her in the past, although I just let her know that it was her decision and if she was ready she would know. And I believe that because you have to take responsibility of your own recovery.

              It's been an emotional week. I can't thank you all enough and I hope I havent been too self indulgent.

              Wishing you all well,



                Just found this site

                Hi Benno and :goodjob:

                You and I are both on Day 4, wow what an euphoric feeling, isn't it? I read you thread and enjoyed you story very much. I too, need to stay away from people who drink to get drunk, even my boyfriend, who too, is struggling himself :upset: I found your story to be somewhat the same as my story with regards to the need to meet someone in social events, in my case usually all drinking events, which might explain my relationship now.....hmmmm. Anyway, moving forward...that's another story. The good thing that has really worked for me in the past when being AF (90 days being the longest I have done, just recently had 17 days, but fell off) is my running. Which in fact this weekend, I plan to start training for my next run. You mentioned movies, reading and not quite sure the other one, whatever it is, you have other interests that will help you with detour from your drinking and that's awesome.

                Anyway, I just wantd to give you a big congrats and being as you and I have the same day count, you must be feeling the same way I am feeling.........GREAT!!!!!

                And that goes for everyone here at MWO, no matter what your day count is, if you are just starting out, or you are still struggling but keep posting us your strong will. I wish you all a big CONGRATS!!!!

                HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!


                Big hugs,
                AF Day 4
                AF Since May 2nd 2012


                  Just found this site

                  Hi Planet Janet,

                  Thanks very much for your encouragement and yes I have been a bit emotional/euphoric tonight. Have settled down now! It's great you're also 4 days, well done!!! I'm going to respond to the things you mention on your thread.

                  Interests are very important and so is excercise. Music is a big one for me, appreciating that is ... I notice they have a book review site here, howabout music?! I like listening to stuff while posting like most people do I suppose? I just finished playing cricket after 18 years ... when I was playing seriously in Sydney I was swimming 1 km 3 days, running 6km 2 days, boxercise and weights once. It all went out the door in winter though so will try to do it a bit more in moderation.

                  Massive drinking culture with cricket, so bye bye cricket, but the running and swimming is starting up once I get more used to the meds, hopefully Sunday. Also will play tennis.

                  Tomorrow will plant herbs and pick up some pots to look after. Then food shopping. Having dinner and seeing a movie with Dad tomorrow night. AFL (Aussie footy) finals are close and my side is playing on Sunday, so going to watch at the game with friends (wont be any pressure to drink). Then hopefully feel good for a run, dinner and relax. Not too much but enough to stay occupied.

                  I'm going to ask you about your weekend on your thread

                  Hi everyone else, take care.


                    Just found this site

          're doing great! Keep walking tall and having a clear head.....and stay strong

                    I come here a lot...sometimes just to read stuff to keep my spirits up, sometimes to post (mostly in the food Beatle I am a bit obsessed with what I eat at the moment LOL)'s always a really big help.

                    Day 11 AF....and I'm still sort of smiling!:H
                    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                      Just found this site

                      Hi Benno,

                      Just got into work and read your message, thank you. I will post you more on your over the weekend. I too, have a great weekend planned as well. Here in Southern California, we have been hit with a heat wave and I am LOVING IT!!! Will be in San Diego at my BF, snorkling, boogy boarding, eating well & healthy, drinking lots of water, sleeping(I call them catnaps), reading, running, going to the batting cages (I play softball on Sunday's) and signing on to MWO, sharing you guys my adventures.

                      Congrats Slightlysuze, you must feel greeeat!!! Gotta run, will post later....til then stay strong people and remember to sign on whenever.........I know I will : )

                      Have a great weekend!

                      Big hugs,
                      AF Since May 2nd 2012


                        Just found this site

                        WOW Ben!!!! You are doing sooo well!!! What a major champion!

                        You are doing all the right things, with such a positive attitude, I don't think you have a chance in hell of failing!

                        Keep us informed of your progress ok!

                        .... and what on earth were you doing up at quarter to 2 in the morning??? lol
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Just found this site

                          Hi Flip,

                          Yeah I didnt realise it was so late. Need to watch how long I stay on here for, although had a nice sleep in and relaxing day.
                          Enjoy you weekend


                            Just found this site

                            I know how it is, I"m often on here for hours more than I should be!
                            It always seems impossible until it's done....


                              Just found this site

                              Hi Benno,

                              I have to say I recommend the Hypnosis CD's as well. Not only are they providing subliminal messages, they are very relaxing and I find they can provide some distraction and help me re-focus when I'm feeling that mid-week urge to binge as well. Good luck to you!
                              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h

