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new here and finally the nerve to post

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    new here and finally the nerve to post

    Hi Everyone,

    i have been lurking here on and off for the past month. Have been reading more and more of the threads every day. You all have really inspired me!! i ordered and recieved the supps last friday (24th). I think i can feel them working, hopefully it not just wishful thinking! I have been drinking heavily for the past 20 years For the past 10 years it has been daily, progressing to between 20 and 24 ounces of cheap vodka surreptitiously guzzled from my hidden bottles. i am sick of being ashamed of myself and having wife and kids avoid me/ suspect me / etc...
    i'm sorry to have started going down the path of negativity in this post, i just need to let someone know my situation.
    I look forward to getting better with your help and the help of this program.
    Thanks for being here!!

    new here and finally the nerve to post

    Welcome CTG Iam having a rough day today so I am being positive in Saying Hi to you. Keep posting and reading you will find everything you need here good luck GG


      new here and finally the nerve to post

      hello CTG (you will have to let us know what thats short for some time).

      you know you need to change and you have started the ball rolling by joining this site. we all have a problem to varying degrees, so have different ways of dealing with it, but one thing we definitely get from this site is support.

      hi garden girl, glad to hear youre staying positive through this hard time. you know it will ease, even though it doesnt feel like it at the time.



        new here and finally the nerve to post

        Hello and welcome. You've come to a great place for anyone really who wants to gain control over their alcohol problem. Alot of people have joined in the last 3 days, so I hope you have read through those threads-- there is alot of advice there. (we're extremely happy to welcome newcomers, but just a little tired from repeating ourselves.)

        Good job with the supps (have you read the MWO (My Way Out) book?)

        If you start taking the supps right away, they will help you with the withdrawal. However, considering you have been drinking heavily for many years, you should probably involve a doctor in your detox process, as it can be dangerous, for long-time, daily heavy drinkers. (See the top of the Need Help ASAP forum for more information on this).

        The MWO program is excellent and flexible, so it accomodates all different types of people with all different types of alcohol problems and different approaches to healing (unlike the best-known alternative).

        You are in control here-- you decide what and how you will conquer this. We are all here to help each other (and occasionally have fun,yeh.)

        Hope to see more of you here.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          new here and finally the nerve to post

          Welcome CTG, sounds like your on the right track.stay with your program& adjust when you need to.We'll give all the support we can.Good luck


            new here and finally the nerve to post

            thanks to all of you for your quick response. i have downloaded the book and plan to order the cd's when $$ permits. As to the doc thing... with no health insurance, that is not an option. The fear of withdrawl is the main thing that has kept me drinking all this time. it ceased being fun years ago. I have cut back to about 16 oz's a day since last Fri and hope to get to the point soon that i can be AF.
            Thanks for all the advice, I need all i can get and hope to be able to help someone else get out of this miserable cycle.

