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A Scared Newbie

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    A Scared Newbie

    Hi, I am new here at the although on week three, today starting on 100mg topamax. I have read My Way Out and doing the supplements too, but don?t have the hypnosis tapes, although I do listen to other motivational tapes. Still having a lot of sleep probs in spite of the Calms Forte (it doesn't help me one bit), hoping that tonight will go better. I haven't been able to exercise much because of the loopy feeling...I call it "dopymax" because that is how I feel sometimes. It has helped me a lot with the drinking, although if I do get in a situation where there is booze, I do end up caving in, but only have a couple, which is a GREAT BIG improvement. I will go check out the holistic healing forum.

    I had a big awakening as my health has been last check-up showed high cholesterol/high blood pressure, which has affected my heart (mitral valve insufficiency) and the dr put me on cholesterol medicine and warned me that drinking the way I was drinking (I was "fairly" honest and he was shocked...imagine had I been completely honest!...)along with the Vytorin (cholesterol medicine), would severely damage my heart. This was a month ago. It has been a very emotionally hard time for me (the adjustment).

    Beer is pretty much the bond that holds my husband and I together (we are high school sweethearts, married now 38 years). He always stops at a local bar on his way home from work and has quite a few, sometimes I join(ed) him, and when I didn?t, then I had then home alone, most nights, anywhere from 4 to 9 to 11?the first week I stopped he kept doing it and it really was hard and he realized it, and so he has been making a big effort to keep me company?last week he came home every night and we went out Friday night (there was a party) and I only had 3 (he got bombed). He went out Saturday, I stayed home and it wasn?t a problem (yay Topamax). I realize I can?t dictate his fun or he will resent me, and I appreciate his backing me up. I hope I can find things to do as time goes on?.right now I my mind is just too muddled and tired to even think of alternatives. I really hope I will start feeling better and more energetic soon as this is kind of scary for me...this feeling that I may never feel ?normal? (whatever NORMAL may be!)

    A Scared Newbie

    Welcome to MWO!

    Well, I think the status of your health says it all. If you want to live - you must stop drinking and watch what you eat.

    It is one of the hardest things when with a spouse/best friend who started as your drinking buddy and this is something you have shared together for so long. It probably feels like you are grieving over a loss. And you are in many ways.

    I am married to someone who I met and drinking was our common bond. We had the 'greatest' of times in the beginning. We had a baby, we continued on where we left off after she was born. But something inside of me wanted more out of this life and I know I would be dead by the time she was 10 probably the way we drank. I gave up the alcohol and started a life free of it.

    My husband still drinks. He misses us getting drunk together. It has been a stressor on our relationship because now the dynamics have changed.

    Just know that you guys will find a new 'groove' in time. That is what I am hoping for in my marriage. With my being AF my husband is drinking a lot less and is starting to realize there is a lot of life to live now.

    I know our stories aren't the same but I can relate to what you are feeling in regards to support. I have found the support I need here on this site and that keeps things calm in my relationship. I hope you will be able to find comfort knowing you are not alone. Things will come around in time. You must take care of you in the meantime!

    Bottomline is: I don't/can't stop him from drinking and he doesn't/can't stop me from getting/staying well.


      A Scared Newbie

      Thanks...your name says it all! I am "accountable for me"...if not me, then who! I feel like I have to finally grow up...I just turned 57 two weeks ago and it has taken me this long, sigh. It's NO FUN growing up!


        A Scared Newbie

        You will find so many of us are of different ages/levels in sobriety/maturity levels etc....

        I am 35 and I have a LOT of growing up to do yet - that is a given! :H

        Hang around with us and we can be a support system for you. Everyone has to start somewhere. Glad you found us.



          A Scared Newbie

          Oh and BTW - my mom is 57 and I wish she could come to her senses about her drinking problem. She has health problems that are inherited, but combined with her escalating drinking problem over the last 10 years she is drinking herself into an early grave. Very sad.

          Good for you to reach out for help and support!


            A Scared Newbie

            Luvmypups - WELCOME!

            You're doing just great for 3 weeks....3 weeks!! Big pat on the back! Sleep took me just about 4 weeks and my brain returned around 4-6 weeks later but was improving all the time - I hope it still will but there are still hormones around...or not!!!! I'm 50 in October so.....! (I'm not on any meds though....?)
            Keep coming and telling us how you're doing - these guys are just the best.
            Glad you've read the book...
            Love and a hug
            Finding x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              A Scared Newbie

              Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!!

              however, is you are to continue growing older you do need to take control of your life. Sounds to me that you are doing brilliantly!
              It always seems impossible until it's done....


                A Scared Newbie

                welcome and great job. sounds like you are getting a handle on your situation as hard as it is and are doing very well. post away! we are here for support....


                  A Scared Newbie

                  Hi and welcome,
                  sounds like you got the wake up call, and you are doing something
                  positive, good. It's not easy but well worth the effort. Keep in touch
                  you will get plenty of support.


                    A Scared Newbie

                    I'm new here also and just starting out on the program, so wanted to add my welcome as I know how much it meant to me ...

                    Great that you're making a start. With respect to your husband, sometimes watching other people helps motivate us towards change. He may join you yet.

                    Hang in there, and hope to see you back here!



                      A Scared Newbie

                      Just wanted to add my welcome. It sounds like you have made a very positive start. Good luck. Look forward to hearing from you again.



                        A Scared Newbie

                        Welcome lovemypups !!! You have found yourself in a really great place.. Sounds like you have done alot of work already !!! Good for you !!! Do you have spaniels ? We used to have a springer before and also a brittany. Lovely dogs... You will also find alot of pet lovers here too.. Again Welcome !!!

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          A Scared Newbie

                          I have two Cocker Spaniels. One is blind He went blind when he was four, first in one eye, then a year later in the other (from cataracts) and since I live in Honduras I couldn't do anything about it. He is now ten. I also have two Dobie/Rottie mixes and three kitty kats and that are rescues AND a very small house and some days I think I am going NUTS with all these animals lying around tripping me up! Thanks for the welcome.


                            A Scared Newbie

                            Welcome to you pup lover. I think you get the prize for the member with the most exotic location (I might have occupied that spot before you joined, but I'm not letting on where I am), followed by Bashley (unless I've missed someone?).

                            You sound like you are well on your way. Keep it up and good luck.
                            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                              A Scared Newbie

                              Sounds like a great start!!!!welcome and good job...buckle

