I had a big awakening as my health has been affected...my last check-up showed high cholesterol/high blood pressure, which has affected my heart (mitral valve insufficiency) and the dr put me on cholesterol medicine and warned me that drinking the way I was drinking (I was "fairly" honest and he was shocked...imagine had I been completely honest!...)along with the Vytorin (cholesterol medicine), would severely damage my heart. This was a month ago. It has been a very emotionally hard time for me (the adjustment).
Beer is pretty much the bond that holds my husband and I together (we are high school sweethearts, married now 38 years). He always stops at a local bar on his way home from work and has quite a few, sometimes I join(ed) him, and when I didn?t, then I had then home alone, most nights, anywhere from 4 to 9 to 11?the first week I stopped he kept doing it and it really was hard and he realized it, and so he has been making a big effort to keep me company?last week he came home every night and we went out Friday night (there was a party) and I only had 3 (he got bombed). He went out Saturday, I stayed home and it wasn?t a problem (yay Topamax). I realize I can?t dictate his fun or he will resent me, and I appreciate his backing me up. I hope I can find things to do as time goes on?.right now I my mind is just too muddled and tired to even think of alternatives. I really hope I will start feeling better and more energetic soon as this is kind of scary for me...this feeling that I may never feel ?normal? (whatever NORMAL may be!)