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Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

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    Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

    Hi Guys & Gals,

    It's been about 14 days since I last signed on and well we all can take a guess of what the reason is...... Yep, yep, I DRANK and boy oh boy was it hell, being as I am WAY too embarrassed of sharing the "sloppy" details for awhile and might not. I KNOW story and that's why I decided that it needed to be STOPPED!!!!

    However, some good did come out of it and they are the following:

    1) I came back to MWO and will be posting my AF Day Count and messages.

    2) I am TRYING to really not allow myself to feel bad for the events that occurred while I was drinking because we all where that leads.


    3) My boyfriend(who also has an issue with drink) decided to join with me in being AF, this is actually the least of reasons but still it is nice to have you and your partner support each other

    I could use some words of support :thanks: and if anyone would like to join me for a AF Count, that would be great. Going to bed and will post tomorrow.

    AF Day Count 1

    AF Since May 2nd 2012

    Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

    Janet - WELCOME BACK! Yea, don't go back 'there' unless it's helpful....guilt < bottle only too often....look forwards to the sunshine and not down into the murk!!

    Count away and I'm so glad you can both do this together - probably wont be Olympic stardard synchronised swimming (yet) but keep practising! We'll be right behind you.

    Day at a time it for me... (does it for me...!)

    Love Finding x
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

      welcome back sounds like you have the mindset to get going...


        Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

        Good on you for boucing back. And I do think your BF joining you will be a big boost. Even though my sig. other has not joined me (he doesn't have issues, just drinks now and then), he is a great support to me, having "joined" me in my efforts. Glad to have you back.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

          Welcome back! Sounds like you know what you want and need to do.

          Great news bf is joining in, that will be much better help for you. It is so hard to be around loved ones who drink when you are trying not to. Yet, you don't want to avoid being around them.

          Take care of your body with good food and supps and jump back into the fray.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

            Welcome back....i totally understand...its great to have you back ....buckle


              Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

              Janet: I can't tell you how many times I said "no more" & then went right out & drank. For the last 3 years of my drinking I did it hundreds of times. I came to MWO in April & had many, many slips until July 10th when I had my last drink. I kept coming to MWO every day anyway reporting on all my slips. Keep coming here & read & post. Mary
              PS: Day 50 AF
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                We've all been there Janet, move forward and do it for the last time. I think it's huge that your BF is on board with you this time... Have him post also... Good luck. Don


                  Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                  Welcome back PJ....yes having ur bf or hubby go AF with u does help. What's past is past. Today is the first day of the beginning of ur life. :l


                    Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                    hey PJ, your on the right track.hanging out with these guys here has kept me strong.sounds like you'll do good Keep posting & reading .Good luck


                      Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                      Hi Planet Janet,

                      I too have fallen off the wagon and am brushing off the dirt and trying to get back on program. I did so well during July and then in early August I lost my resolve. I am sick and tired of this crazy cycle. I will join you for an AF count.



                        Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                        Lovely to see you back pj.

                        Love and renewed strength to you.

                        Starlight Impress x


                          Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                          Thanks Everyone for you support. Taking Control, if care to join me, the more the merrier. My boyfriend told tonight that he drank because his leg was bothering him, just another excuse but not my problem. We live in different cities (me, in Los Angeles, he in San Diego), so it's easy for both of us to drink without the other telling us no. But once again, it's not up to me for him to not drink nor him for me to stop drinking. We have to want it and do it, right? RIGHT!!!!

                          I had a really busy day at work and just I am just going to go to bed early. I will post tomorrow.

                          Big hugs,
                          AF Since May 2nd 2012


                            Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                            Hi to Planet Janet and everyone in this thread

                            :new: This is my first post and my 2nd day AF. I found this site last week and ordered the book online and got started on the vitamins. I got my Kudzu yesterday and started straight away and for once I didn't feel like a drink after work yesterday. I even exercised for an hour (I usually only to get 20 minutes before opting out). I really hope this is the answer to pouring copious amounts of alcohol down my throat every day.

                            I'd love to join in the count. I know I feel okay today but with the weekend coming up I could be struggling and will need support.



                              Uh Oh Fell Off The Wagon

                              :welcome: Fortyplus,

                              Yes, let's do our AF Day Count together and anybody else who reads, please join in...the more the merrier. Definitely keep up with the excerise, that's what helps me. I have been doing really well since being sober, my energy level is higher, my mind is clearer and it's wow such an awesome feeling. I am not too nervous about the holiday weekend, don't know why but for now I am definitely not going to drink.

                              Gotta get back to work, will post this evening.....

                              Big hug,
                              AF Since May 2nd 2012

