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Hi Starlight

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    Hi Starlight

    Haven't seen your Name on the boards today.Maybe i missed you .Hope thats the case.Know things have been tough for you recently.Just hope you are ok.You are a star and although i do not post as much as i should i have missed your insight.Take Care Starlight and come back soon XX

    Hi Starlight

    wakupmom;186558 wrote: Haven't seen your Name on the boards today.Maybe i missed you .Hope thats the case.Know things have been tough for you recently.Just hope you are ok.You are a star and although i do not post as much as i should i have missed your insight.Take Care Starlight and come back soon XX
    Hi Wakeupmom, thanks for your concern. Things have been hard lately. Feeling depressed today. I'm at work and don't feel like working. To much quietness and isolation. I will listen to The Secret CD's soon and that will help me get more positive.
    Blessings, Angel


      Hi Starlight

      Hi Starlight - I'm really glad you're hanging in there. Been thinking of you and sending prayers/good thoughts. The Secret is wonderful....I am just amazed how negative my thoughts are!!! I've known about it for about 15 years but old habits are soooh strong! But now my head is clear....I'm going for it! The book is my final read before lights out...
      I hope the CD's have done/do the trick for you.

      Wakeupmom - hello to you.

      Off to read the book and get some kip!
      F x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

