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Starting out again

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    Starting out again

    Hi everyone

    I first found this site in April 2006 and have used the programme with some success since then. Had about 3 months alcohol free last year and have moderated or tried to the rest of the time. However there were times when it did not work, my fault I was not committed enough. I have now realized that I dont want to go on like this. On one hand I am so jealous when I see people like Gabby who I remember when I started and she's 14mths alcohol free and more recently rrteacher 50 days. On the other hand its also inspirational to see people achieve success, it gives hope. If I too stick at it maybe that will be me next year, I really hope so. I plan to start 1st September, have all the supplements and the CD's, ordered the topa but it never arrived, was a bit wary of using it anyway so will go without. What's the story with the monthly abstinance thread? There seems to be two different ones running? Guess I'll jump aboard one of them. Wish me luck.:thanks:


    Starting out again

    Good luck rustop, you can do this!


      Starting out again

      Go for it Rustop, you sound ready for success
      Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


        Starting out again

        I'm in a similar boat - had over 30 days af in June/July and then succumbed. Am now ready to go for it again! We can do it!


          Starting out again

          Welcome rust and uda: There's plenty of support here and loads of info. There is a 30 day thread in general and also in monthly abs. The 30 day thread in monthly abs generally changes every week or so . Jump right in wherever you feel comfortable because all the folks here are worth getting to know and all have great things to contribute to your journey. There is also a daily thread over on abs and if you're a subscriber, there's a 30 day group starting over there also.

          Keep us posted on your progress. Let us know what we can do to help and again



            Starting out again

            Rustop and uda,
            Just start over and commit to keep going..........when temptation raises it`s ugly head.........tell it to f*** off..........I on Day 31.

            Love and strength to you,

            Starlight Impress x


              Starting out again

              Rustop & Uda: I give you credit for the amount of AF days you had. The one-day-at-a-time approach works for me so far. I know that I'm one drink away from a binge, so I don't miss a day at MWO. Good luck. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Starting out again

                Thanks so much everyone. It's great to have the support. Last time I was more of a reader than a contributor. This time I plan to become more involved, that's why I started posting a few days in advance, no excuse for chickening out on the 1st!!! Thanks Rob for clarifying the monthly abstinance threads. I'll defnitely be jumping aboard. You are right Mary the key is probably logging in every day. In the past if I had a slip I was inclined to keep away but something has kept me coming back again and again. The plan is to defnitely do 30 days and then maybe 60 and then 90, one step at a time.


                  Starting out again

                  Hi Rustop61- three months last year is nothing to sneeze at. I think it is great you are ready to try again. I am part of the boozebusters thread. Best of luck and sounds like you are moving in the right direction.
                  AF since 2/22/2012


                    Starting out again

                    Glad you're back. This really is a journey-- two steps forwards, one-and-a-half back. But still we're all getting there. Stick around this time.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

