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I know I have to do this myself, but....

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    I know I have to do this myself, but....

    Hi folks,

    just found this site and I have been reading some of the posts. I get a very clear message abotu the goodness of this community, and teh help I hope is here.

    As for me; I know that I have to serioulsy curtail my drinking as i am sure it is affecting me in all sorts of ways. i hope my health is okay but the amount of booze- mostly wine but after i've had a few i am not particular! that I get through most days can't be good for my liver, my skin, my weight, my stomach and my brain! let alone what it is doing to my ability to do a demanding job effctively and most of all to look after my family.

    But I am grown up - nealy 50_ enough to know that it is in the end down to me; i don't want to stop drinnking but I do want to stop drinking so much. when i am away from home it is not a problem- i can go a coupel of weeks- or all the time I am away without feeling any craving or even mild desire; so i hope i am not addicted. Maybe I am fooling myself on that as well.

    But at home, its the habit. Gettign home from work,,opening the fridge, opening the wine, making dinner, relaxing, all with a glass nearby. And i am gettign so fat i am sure my husband is finding me increasingly unattractive; it can't be nice being with someone who is drunk every night either. he is very good and i adore him but i do notiec sometimes that he gets fed up. who can blame him.

    i have so much that is so very positive in my life- i have been so lucky; i have will power and ambition, fro all sorts of things but this doesn't seem to matter, because i suppose, in reality i really don't believe in myself about this at all.

    So folks, what i am really saying, i suppose, is that i know that i haev to do it by myself; that all the tricks and pills in the world can't work unless i give it the climate to succeed. So I know that , but all the same, if its out there, some help would be very very very good.


    Must try harder x

    Must try harder x

    I know I have to do this myself, but....

    You are right you need to decide to do this yourself. There is no magic pill to take. However this program can help make it much easier and help you to change your mindset. The CD's are exactly for that reason and the supps/meds can help your body to adjust as well.

    Welcome to MWO.


      I know I have to do this myself, but....

      I hear you loud and clear!!! I worry about my health, my job, my family. It's the "habit" that is stopping me from taking the steps I need to. They say you should replace your drinking habits with more positive things in your life...this is where I get stuck. Husband gets fed, dishes get done, he goes to the family room (downstairs), I get comfy for the evening, stay upstairs to watch TV and I'm off. He used to hear the patter of little feet (as I was going for my "stash") and try to catch me, but over the years he has given up. I can share this, but I know I am the only one who can change this. The games I play with myself are hysterical .....Maybe if I start 15 min later, I won't drink as much before bed, then I stare at the clock waiting for those LONG 15 min. to pass. Sometimes I think I really am not all there!!!
      sobriety date 11-04-07


        I know I have to do this myself, but....

        Hi Everyone: I absolutely know about the habit. It's very hard to break. I've read that if you do something different (than your habit) 21 times, you have a good chance of breaking the habit. Therefore, if you have tea or soda while cooking dinner 21 times, the pull of the wine isn't so strong. It also helped me not to have wine in the house. Good luck. Mary
        51 AF days.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          I know I have to do this myself, but....

          Hi must try harder,
          You now know that "the ball is in your court", and that`s half the battle.........knowing you have to take responsibility for yourself in this.

          When I first came to M.W.O., I was pathetic.........can remember a particular night when I posted something along the lines of : "could someone help me, lead me, guide me, steer me?" kidding.........I posted that, `cos I wanted someone else to do the impossible for me........I just refused to accept that I had to do the quitting myself.

          It took time for my mind to waken up and accept it was my own responsibility, and so, after much deliberation, I decided that I would make a wholehearted attempt at quitting.

          Am now 31 days AF.........could never have achieved this without all the wonderful friends I have made here, and a healthy dose of tough self-love.

          Wishing you love and strength.

          Starlight Impress x


            I know I have to do this myself, but....

            Hello MTH... :welcome:

            Welcome and I really hope you find all the help you need here and that it helps you in your decision... these guys are lots of ways!

            Welcome too, to the 49-ers club - seemingly. (I'm 50 in Oct.) Soooh many women hit about year 49 and away we go.... I posted somewhere this morning (I think on 'Kudzu...?') about this... 50 looms and bang. Is it us? Is it the body (hormoness/enzymes et all? Is it life? Whatever, we have to deal with it and deal with it here we do!!! (Sorry guys! Not ignoring you, is it thing 'age-ist' to you too?)

            So, jump on the bandwagon and all good luck to you. Keep reading and posting and I look forward to gearing how you're doing. Do you want to cut down or 'go' AF (alcohol free)?

            See if you fancy a ride on one of the 30 day threads....monthly abstainers is a bit (lot) of a hoot but are a great bunch of bods, as is everyone here... You'll get all the support you could think of.

            Love from a fellow UK bod. PS Starlight's just said it all...she's a star!!
            FMF x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              I know I have to do this myself, but....

              Have to chip in here 'Must try Harder' as I'm also very new to this forum - am now extending the same welcome that has been such an encouragement to me. I can verify this is a very special community...

              It is possible to change these routines you speak of, but yes, it takes effort, and support, and commitment, and re-training... but it's very possible ... no matter what your age ... and the people here can be a big help.

              I was told when I first landed here to do lots of reading, and to keep posting, which I've done, and it's been an amazing helping hand ... So believe in yourself, and know that it's never too late to start.



                I know I have to do this myself, but....

                Hello MTH - and welcome!

                You sound very much like me.. The pattern.. the family.. not wanting to quit, getting fatter ... the husband becoming unattracted (actually it was really me who was becoming unattractive), anyway. it is something you have to DECIDE, but you don't have to do it alone. Dinking and the battle with the drinking, the back and forth struggle is something we do alone, THIS battle to quit is something we are doing together - HERE. I have found it unbelievably helpful and I don't think my head would be where it is today without it. Stick around, read some of the old posts.. spill you r heart out as much as you can. Tell your story - we will listen. There are also a lot of supplements and meds that help, too, if you so choose. So, you don't have to go this alone.

                All the best,

                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  I know I have to do this myself, but....

                  For some reason I find this a particularly interesting "newbie" thread. Seems like a slightly different angle is being taken.

                  But first things first: Welcome Must Try Harder. (And yes, we must, all of us.)

                  And now my two bits: supps supps supps. (oops, that was three bits wasn't it?) What I really mean is that everything said before me is much better and more important than anything I could say, but I am just adding that taking the supplements is not just a good idea, it makes a world of difference (if you have read any other posts by me, you will notice I am sounding like a broken record-- or a scratched CD).

                  Anyway, you have come to the right place girlee. Walk the walk, etc. and you will find a lot of encouragement, advice (fun? did I hear fun?) and real-time support here.

                  p.s Charlee, very funny, patter of little feet. Been there too, but I'm not getting away with it anymore, thank goodness.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    I know I have to do this myself, but....

          's hard to grow up, isn't it? I just turned 57 on August 8th and the reality hit hoo...well, the ole bod decided to rebel and let me know that I am not the young chick I thought I was and so I am having to face the facts. I am new to the board (this week) and AF for about ten days (I thought it was three weeks but was looking at my journal and I have been lying to myself, can you BELIEVE that!!!??!!! all part of that growing up thing hahaha). I would like to learn to break the habit, like you. Good luck!


                      I know I have to do this myself, but....

                      Hi must try harder,welcome not much i can add to everything said, just wanted to say hi.oh congrads starlite,keep up the good work.And Beatle don't be so hard on yourself, you always sound like a fine opera to me lol


                        I know I have to do this myself, but....

                        :welcome: MUST TRY HARDER! I am not the only midlander now :happy: You sound very similar to me. I am an at home daily drinker too. I also worry about the effects on my health. My bloods all came back fine tho, altho I do have high blood preasure. I am so happy you found us, everyone here has valuable advice. I am wonderin where about in the midlands you are . I am not far from Birmingham. Anyway you take it easy on yourself. You have found a good place. xxxMaxxx
                        Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


                          I know I have to do this myself, but....

                          Luvmypups...........good for you on the 10 days thus far. Now, let`s see you keep on going!!!!

                          Love and strength,

                          Starlight Impress x


                            I know I have to do this myself, but....

                            Hi Must Try Harder,

                            Welcome! This community is pretty amazing and makes a big difference quickly and will put a smile on your face. It really helps in supporting you getting through potential triggers ... you know you have all these great people giving you support to move on and decline that drink, if that's what you decide you want to do.

                            Stick around,



                              I know I have to do this myself, but....


                              thanks- I have been quiet ansd away for a bit and hadn't seen the fantastic posts that had come in- i havd even thought that for some reason it hadn't got put on which i guess is a bit of paranoia- probably alcohol related; i knwo you are not out to get me!!.

                              i feel better for reading thenm, thanks again. One of the problems I have is that i cannot tell my family that i am using this site which means Ihave to delete it from memory; they once caught me- that is my husnand and son- looking at one of the threads- they didn't read the content but thought it was most odd and unlike me (which i suppose in other corcumstances it would be) to go on something like a chat room!! I got my leg pulled mercilessly - so all the time I am keeping a weather ear out for one of them appearing- doesn't help the old stress levels at all!!

                              Hi Maxime, Birmingham is reasonably close-but so is nottingham! i am a country girl at heart and the midlands is beautiful- except when flooded, don't you think!

                              best wishes to all,

                              Must try harder x

