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Didn't get my order-this never happens!

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    Didn't get my order-this never happens!

    I have done alot of general ordering on the internet in the last few years and everything seems to go just fine. But my 1st MWO order is now 2 weeks old and haven't seen a thing! Of all things to get lost in the mail!! They say they shipped it and I have to believe it, but the USPS, who knows?? I need this order!!!!!! Everything else I buy on the internet is a 'want'. This is a 'need'. I am going through alot of stress right now. We are building a house and sold our original one. We have to be out of the old one Friday, but our new one won't be done until October. So we will be renting a house the meantime. I HATE moving and now we have to do it twice! I didn't really want to build in the first place, it was my husband's idea. I have been drinking about every other day this last week, just because I am tired and crabby and it helps me get through hours of packing.

    I need this order!!!

    Thanks everyone, for letting me vent......:thanks:

    Didn't get my order-this never happens!

    Hang in there! My order arrived just 2 days after I placed it - it is worth it. Been doing the program for approx 3 weeks now and it REALLY helps. Only on 2 days did I exceed 2 drinks (that is MAJOR if you know me). Received and started my Naltrexone 2 days ago - have not had a drink in 2 days, and I do not think I want one. I cannot believe am I not craving - I did not think anything could take that away. The hypno sessions are wonderful. They seem a little "corny" at first, but let yourself get into it - it works. I would have never believed that either, until now I have tried it.

    I hope the move(s) go ok for you. I know that is a chore.

    Love and strength to you - you have done something very, very good for yourself taking on this program.

