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Atlast a Good Decision

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    Atlast a Good Decision

    Hello Everyone:new: i had been an alcholic for the past 12 years and i am 35 years of age now.I have decided to do something about it recently as i feel its getting beyond my control and as a result i mess up with some violent, rude or indecent behaviour with my frineds,neighbours or my family. Two days back i was quite high and shouted my neighbour's son by name by about 12.30 am when they were all in deep sleep and disturbed them for no obvious reasons. I always don't go this far even if i am high in alchohol and this kind of a behaviour happens atleast once in a year. Anyways i feel so small about it the next morning and have really not taken any serious step to correct it all these days. But somehow considering my social status and the status of my family i have decided to put an end to alchohol atleast by now and hence visted this site today.Wish me good luck please.-908-f

    Atlast a Good Decision

    Hi 908-f and welcome.

    You just made the best decision of your life to date. We have all done things under the influence, of which we are not`s just that sometimes it takes that kind of incident to make us finally see sense.

    Luck doesn`t come into this, I`m afraid............ so am sending you some of the love and strength which you will need to triumph over the booze.

    Starlight Impress x


      Atlast a Good Decision

      908 :welcome:

      Best of luck to you, of course!! Read RJ's book and start reading the posts.

      This will help get you started.

      Everyone here will support you and help you in anyway we can.

      Take care,
      AF April 9, 2016


        Atlast a Good Decision

        Welcome 908, I joined this site about 7 weeks ago and it's changed my life in a big way. Start reading and learning and you'll be amazed. Good luck!!
        Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


          Atlast a Good Decision

          Please keep coming here. I had no success until I did. I'm now on day 52 wo/booze...the longest stretch I've had in a long, long time.
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Atlast a Good Decision

            Welcome 908-f,

            It's a brave and great move you've just made.

            Rather than feeling alone and perhaps scared of stopping drinking, after a few days of support from this site, you'll feel supported and hopefully ready to give it a go.

            I'm 36 and like you I'm sick of embarrassing and offending others and also harming myself. It's early days for me, but I will say this site will make you feel better and is a good place to get all the information you need to put a number of measures in place to help you.



              Atlast a Good Decision

              Welcome Welcome....sometimes when you wake up and feel bad about your behavior it is enough to open your eyes to make least it was for me...this place has changed my life....I will never go back to where I can do the book and keep posting!


                Atlast a Good Decision

                Hey 908 -- welcome!!! You will find this site an exciting place to be, inspiring, uplifting, without guilt or judgment. I found it by accident almost 2 weeks ago and find it a blessing -- am 13 days AF. whatever you decide to do, just know you can get support here too and some laughs as well. Good luck!
                Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                  Atlast a Good Decision

                  Welcome, you made a good decision I'm sure you won't regret. Find out about the MWO program and get going while you are feeling motivated. You will find a very supportive (and fun-loving) community here.
                  Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                  Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                    Atlast a Good Decision

                    Brand new...

                    I just posted for the first time a couple of minutes ago. It's uplifting to know that there are others struggling in the same way...and, persevering!!

                    I'm normally drinking by myself after work. It's as if I've no choice in the matter. In an effort to change this habit, I plan on visiting this site instead.

                    I'm 31 years old. I have so much to look forward to...and, just can't figure out a way to put an end to this damned drinking!! The 29th of this month was my last drink...making my way.

                    Thanks for reading...
                    Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                      Atlast a Good Decision

                      Welcome to MWO! If you truely want to quit this insane habit you have found the right place.. The folks here have "been there,done that" but there will be no judging or put downs. If you want to change, we can help... Keep reading and posting... Don


                        Atlast a Good Decision

                        Thank you...

                        Thanks Chief...

                        I plan on doing just that. I've tried before, however, just recently found this forum and I think it'll help tremendously. If not, I run a real good chance at throwing my career away; that's pretty much my option at this point. I'm past my AF Day 1...and, that's a great thing!!
                        Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                          Atlast a Good Decision

                          Congrats Resolute! get good rest, eat well, drink water,take vitamins, come here often and read and post
                          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                            Atlast a Good Decision

                            Thanks Janka...the support is much appreciated. I plan on doing all those things/am doing all those things!!

                            Doing the 'DrinkTracker' and will enjoy seeing a string of "0's" soon enough.

                            Working on it... AF as of...[sigh]. is all that matters.


                              Atlast a Good Decision

                              Welcome 908 and Resolute. I wish I had gotten a handle on the drinking situation when I was in my early thirties like you. It took me till 47 to come to my senses. The MWO program works, I haven't had a drink in almost five months which would have been impossible without this program.
                              Read the MWO book!
                              Best wishes.

