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Newbies in need - Day 30

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    Newbies in need - Day 30

    Hi Everyone: I hope all is well. I'm just beginning day 52 AF. I feel very proud of all the zeros for Aug. in my DrinkTracker. I could not have done it wo/this thread. For all of you that are still struggling: I've been there. I can't count the number of times I've slipped & started again. Please do not cut yourself off from MWO. I joined in April but didn't get sober until July 10th. Up until that date, I was very erratic, but I never stopped coming to MWO on a daily basis. Also, I never stopped accurately recording my drinks in DrinkTracker. That's what I attribute my success to. When I was ready on July 10th to stop drinking (on a one-day-at-a-time basis), I was able to do it. Good Luck, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 30

    Hey Mary,
    A big congratulations on 52days, that is awesome!!
    Yes I agree with the 'one day at at time' thinking, it seems like a much easier mental shift than 'forever'.
    Good on you.


    Sober since 30/06/10


      Newbies in need - Day 30

      That is awesome, well done!!!!... I am moderating at the moment but the aim is to go completely AF .....


        Newbies in need - Day 30

        Good Morning Mary, Skye, Amelia, and all who come after!!

        Made it a week so far and a couple days. Whew!!

        Last night was tough but getting through it.

        Lots of newbies joining in the last couple of weeks.

        Best wishes to all and keep on reading and working at it. Eventually something clicks and then you are off and running!!

        Don't give up giving up!

        Have a wonderful day to all,
        AF April 9, 2016


          Newbies in need - Day 30

          Great job and keep up the great work everyone.....have an awesome day! Buckle


            Newbies in need - Day 30

            52 days is truly outstanding! You have every right in the world to feel proud of yourself.
            Hope all of you are having a good day, sticking with your goals and treating yourself with kindness.



              Newbies in need - Day 30

              hi everyone,

              as some of you know, i'm still waiting for that 'click'. i take great hope from all of you that have had it and are getting AF days in, one or a hundred is fantastic.



                Newbies in need - Day 30

                Have a great day everyone whether you are AF or modding. Just don't do the other thing (over doing it). There are so many other better choices to make that will feel so much better later.
                Roxane I'm hoping you will find that click soon. I think about you everyday.

                Janice and Garden Girl if you are lurking please drop in and say hello.

                If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                  Newbies in need - Day 30

                  I just want to say hi to everyone and a special well done to Mary on your 52 days and also Cindi on getting to where you are today. I'm feeling pretty down at the moment, I'm not drinking heavily but I'm having a drink (2/3glasses) most nights. Last week really knocked me for six going up to see mam. I have never experienced withdrawal like she went through. It was really scary seeing her like that. Anyway I'm back home now but it does have an affect on me when I get home - when I'm there I get all sorts of practical jobs done and just don't stop but when I get back home and on my own, everything catches up with me - losing dad, the state mam's in, etc etc. I know I've got to look after my own health too but the vitamins have gone out the window - I had a good start to the first half of August, two weeks AF but then that was it. I'm not as worried about my drinking as I was in April but I know I've got to watch myself. I can't keep blaming it on the stress I'm under.Anyway, I have been lurking but have found it hard to post and say hello. Everyone seems to be doing so well. Much love, Janicexxx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Newbies in need - Day 30

                    Good to hear from you Janice. See what an impression you made here. We can't stop thinking about you. Please don't stop worrying about yourself just because you are down. Now is the time to take care of you, before it gets worse. You are worth it. I know it's hard but you've got to pick yourself up and get back to taking care of yourself. Go back and read your posts from when you were motivated. Remind yourself of why you want to do this.

                    We are behind you and we care about you. You don't have to answer but please think about it.

                    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                      Newbies in need - Day 30

                      Janice: I too have been thinking about you & hoping to see you back at MWO. Glad you're back...we're here if you need us. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Newbies in need - Day 30

                        Janice, i'm so sorry for you and your family. its terrible that your schizophrenic brother has to care for your mother when he should have care/help himself.

                        can you nag/talk to her doctor about proper detox? or does she not want it. as you know she has to want to do it never mind how much her loved ones want it.



                          Newbies in need - Day 30

                          Rottrod, Mary, Roxanne, thank you for caring. It just feels like I'm always coming onto MWO with all my troubles and some days I don't even have time or the energy to read everyone's posts and respond and I feel so bad about that. I just feel as if I've been drained for the last 5 years. Drained of energy, positiveness and happiness. I know I'm craving my mum's love and I know I won't get that now. I just have to remember her how she used to be before she became this monster that she has been for the last 9/10 years. I just feel so lonely even though I've got the most supportive husband I could ever ask for and two lovely kids. I just want to help my mam and my brother but it just doesn't work and whatever you do, it just isn't right. Anyway I know we're coming to the end of the month and a new month means a new start so hopefully I can get myself on track. Just what would I do without you guys to talk to? Last week in bed, I could hear mam outside the door at 4 am in the morning talking to some aunty mabel or someone from way back and I laughed at first, then I cried, then I laughed because it was just so unreal. She then started packing to go "on holiday" and making pretend cups of tea. I got up with her just to give my brother a break and ended up joining in this "charade". It was crazy!! Anyway another 3 glasses of white tonight but I feel okay and I haven't heard fromt he Drs about my blood tests but I'm keeping myself on a tight leash. Roll on 1st September. A new month for newbies. As ever, thanks for your support. Janicexxxxx
                          AF since 9 May 2012
                          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                            Newbies in need - Day 30

                            Oh boy Janice, it sounds as if you have your hands full. I hope you continue to come here and to get the support that you need for your own sake and for that of your own children.

