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new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

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    new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

    Hi! :new:
    I Started the supplements about two weeks ago and feel really energetic, although I haven't noticed a decrease in any cravings. Just started the topa last night 8/29.

    Here's the thing...I've been abstinent for a year now through AA and really love the AA way of life. Problem is, since quitting the drink I picked up smoking and gained 20 lbs, and though not any where near as miserable as I was when drinking I'm pretty unhappy about smoking and extremely dissastified with the weight gain.

    For my one year abs anniversary my husband bought me the MWO book. I found it interesting and was really excited to read the supplements and topa might help with cravings for alcohol, cigarettes and help me lose weight. You see, when I crave a drink I go for a smoke or sugar instead, so while I've been able to stay abs, the craving is still there.

    I started the Topa yesterday. Part of me thinks I must be crazy to risk the side effects, but I fear if I try to stop smoking or diet that I'll end up drinking and lose my sobriety.

    Anyone out there relate? Has anyone had luck with weight loss and smoking cessation while on topa? Would love to hear from you.

    new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

    I just wanted to say welcome! I was only on topa for a week or so and it did not agree with me but many others here have had great success.

    Great job on the one year!!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

      Welcome and congrats on being sober for a year. That's wonderful news.

      I gained a ton of weight from drinking. I am also hoping the topa will help me lose weight as well as help me quit drinking although I am sure quitting drinking alone will help with the weight loss for me. I haven't started the topa yet, still waiting for it, but just wanted to wish you luck.

      I did read that adrafinil helps with the dopiness that topa causes. I ordered that also.

      Good luck.


        new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

        kxcunn1, welcome to the site!

        I read a study once that said 75% of people who are alcoholics also smoke. I have found that since I've quit drinking (April 15th is my AA sobriety date) I will have a cigar much more often than I used to.

        You sound similar to me - I no longer have a desire to drink, but still need that release ever so often. Luckily, I've been a multisport athlete for awhile now and execrise is my biggest crutch. Guess there could be worse things, except that I separated my shoulder last weekend while cycling! So, I've had to be very careful to not get down on myself...

        Anyway, I used both this program and AA to help maintain my sobriety. Lots of good people on this site with helpful advice - I hope you get as much out of it as I do.

        By the way, congrats on your year of sobriety!
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

          Welcome and well done on a year abs.

          I too, as many others, developed a sweet tooth since quitting alcohol. This is natural, as you were getting so much sugar from the alcohol, and when you cut that out, your body wants to get it elsewhere. But this is a bad trap. It's hard to deprive yourself of sweets, but actually after a short while, your body will adjust, and then cravings for both sugar and alcohol will lessen.

          There is a lot about this in the book "Seven Weeks to Sobriety". It says that over 90% of alcoholics are hypoglycemic, and after quitting, the next step is to treat the hypoglycemia or else it is hard to stay sober. I highly recommend that book.

          Good going and good luck with the topa.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            new to program hoping to lessen cravings new addictions

            Just adding my welcome Kx, and well done on the year of sobriety. A real achievement.

            I think we're certainly onto something in this thread. While in detox from alcohol (the first time) I noticed that my sugar cravings were phenomenal, and this was confirmed by the nurses as having a lot to do with the alcohol. Quite feasible that this would continue. I observe in myself that I often substitute sugar now and am also gaining weight that far exceeds how I want to be. I'll be interested Kx in how you go, keep us posted.

            BTW, I'm starting to get so many tips from this site that I'm going to have to dedicate a notebook specially to it! (re: the hypoglycaemia and the '7 wks to sobriety' beatle!)


