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Topa Heaven

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    Topa Heaven

    Hi! I'm Anna. I'm currently taking Topamax 100mgs a day. Yes I have side effects. But I kind of like them. Since being on topa I've went from drinking every day and night to never and tokin on the weed to never. I've been clean for two months. The Topamax cuts the cravings to 0. I lost 15 pounds. I say really off the wall things. But hey at least I have something to laugh about. I just wanted to check out the side effects topa has on other people. I do have to share this. My 8 year old daughters school is selling magazine perscriptions.....thats what I said Thats one way the medicine effects me I say things wrong. Well I have to go. Bye:new:

    Topa Heaven

    I haven't started topa yet but happy to hear about the results you are getting from it. I am still waiting on mine. I really was hoping to go to my Dr for a rx but chickened out and ordered it online. How long have you been on it?

    Congrats and welcome.


      Topa Heaven

      Welcome. That's great that you are doing so well. And that you are able to laugh at the mixed-up words coming out of your mouth. It might not be so good in a job situation, though. Or a job interview, for example.

      I've never tried topa but might someday. Just curious, do you notice right away when you say the wrong thing, or does someone have to point it out to you?
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Topa Heaven

        I am on 100 mg Topa and sometimes I do some dopy yesterday I washed a load of clothes and forgot the soap. I only noticed when I went to put the clothes in the dryer and noticed the loaded cup of detergent. The other day I went to get some water (I drink my water out of a 32 oz bottle that has a straw top thingy) and when I sat down all I had was the sippy I guess I do have a bit delayed reaction LOL. Sometimes I forget the word for certain things. But it hasn't been a real problem compared to the benefit of not wanting to drink. The last two days I have had some moments of wanting a drink, so I guess it's time to up the dosage. I have heard that all this goes away but haven't reached that point yet!


          Topa Heaven

          So happy for you... I love your attitude !! That is what it's all about... Good for you !!

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


            Topa Heaven

            I agree with Niblet...You are have a tremendously positive attitude. I ordered from an online pharmacy also and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive. I hope it works as well for me as it has for you. Way to go!



              Topa Heaven

              Love my Topa too... I only take 50mgs.. I want to stay there if I can. I did try more back in March. I followed the book program to the letter and dosed up to 150mgs and it was WAY too much for me. So, I thought I would try without and just do the supps. I started drinking agian. I started my topa three weeks ago and I am on day 15 AF! Now I just take my little 50mgs in the evenings. I may go up to 75mgs for a while if my cravings don't subside, but I am going to give it another week.

              Good luck!!
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                Topa Heaven

                Hello everyone. I notice my messups right off most of the time. I just laugh about them. See at least now I can remember and I don't have to hear .....Do you remember what you did last night!?!?!?!?! Now I can just laugh at myself. It does get a little aggravating when you can;t think of what something simple is


                  Topa Heaven

                  Hello everyone. I usually notice my mistakes as soon as they happen. They usually are pretty funny and not too annoying. Just when I can't remember what something simple is called when I'm talking to someone. And I feel like a complete idiot... But it still feels better that hearing hey you remember what you did last nigh?!?!?!? LOL yeah well it wasn't too funny then. My Topamax is prescribed to me by a phycyatrist, I also see a drug counselor once a week. I also am currently taking remeron for depression. went through a lot this year lost my mom. I went yesterday and they raised my topa to 200 a day. Do to Mood swings I guess from withdraws..Wishing you all luck...Bye


                    Topa Heaven

                    Hello everyone. I've been on topa for 2 months. I notice my mistakes usually as soon as I make them. They are usually funny. But sometimes I get aggravated whe I can't think of what something simple is called. I feel like an idiot. But it beats hearing...hey do you remember what you did last night!?!?!?!? LOL Well it wasn't funny then. I hope the best to all of you. i'm 29 years old and had been drinking and doing drugs for 10 years. It was time for a change..and yes I was a social drinker if you would say I believe I'll have a drink I would say so shall I...Lol...well I gotta go.Bye


                      Topa Heaven

                      I think I say the things you all say on topa when I am drunk. I mix up words or can't find the right word. It's all in the past now, but that's how I felt drinking, so I wonder why I would want to try topa then.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Topa Heaven

                        Well beatle because you don't feel drunk.


                          Topa Heaven

                          hi, Im considering trying topa, can anyone suggest a reputable online pharmacy. I worry about getting a bad pill. Also, what you say about the words etc scares me a little, as I need to be on the ball for work and the kids. However at present I am saying the wrong thing and putting the milk in the bin and the top I pulled off it into the fridge so would it make much difference??? I think I had more vocabulary when I was 10 compared to now. Thanks for reading - LR
                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                            Topa Heaven

                            Beatle: at least you're not slowly killing yourself & you're learning to deal with every day situations (good or bad) without the alcohol crutch. I was only on Topa in the very early part of my journey. It took the cravings away. So what if I would forget a word here or there-it wasn't everyday & every conversation I had. I'd forget why I came into a room-hell I do it now without Topa! It happened every once in awhile & eventually sypmtoms go away. It beats black outs & alcoholic diarrhea of the mouth any day.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

