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Starting Again....Day 4

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    Starting Again....Day 4

    Hey Everyone
    Here I am again at Day 4, drinking the ever-satisfying "near beer". The cravings are getting weaker. But when something or someone sets my temper off, I just want to self-medicate. I'm really frustrated right at the moment with my job (yea, i know... "take a number red!") LOL I really want to switch departments but my boss is being a political ass about it and causing me trouble. So, either I'm going to get out of the Liquor Biz and stay with the company in a different department or I'm going to find a new line of work all together. Hubby is taking off on a hunting trip for the weekend, so I will enjoy sleeping late!! Thanks again to you all for the kind words and encouragement!

    P.S. "Welcome to all the new members!!"
    "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."

    ~Red :h

    Starting Again....Day 4

    Hi Red,

    Day 4 for me too and wow the same thing happened, something triggered my emotions and I fell off off the wagon after having 17 AF days :upset: , actually I didn't feel as bad as I did in the past, which would lead me to a spiraling binge of drinking. I just brushed myself off and got back on the wagon again.

    Congrats on your 4 days. Keep me posted

    Big hugs,
    AF Since May 2nd 2012


      Starting Again....Day 4

      Hi Red,

      It must make it hard for you, working in a liquor store? Could have the reverse effect at times though, I imagine.

      I'm new (thanks for the welcome), on day five and about to post some concerns,
      Have a great w/e out there in Alaska,


        Starting Again....Day 4

        Working in a liquor store... hmm, kind of like a baby in the candy shop? It must be rough. Anyway, good going on day 4. The numbers will soon rack up again. My favorite antidote to cravings is sleeping. Or at least get in bed with a good book.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Starting Again....Day 4

          Hi Red, Janet and Kyna.
          Red and Janet, sorry that you sought solace in the booze due to being upset, but glad to see you`re both back on track.
          Janet........don`t let any idiot rob you of a hard-earned 17 AF days again........noone is worth that.
          I think part of quitting is learning to deal with whatever life chucks at us, without seeking refuge in the booze.
          Someone "tread on my toes" big-time on Tues. (not my fault in any way), and it would have been the easiest thing to lose myself in a bottle of wine to cool off, but I didn` 33 days AF now, and refuse to allow myself or others to take that away from me. Don`t allow anyone to do that to you again!!!

          Love and strength to you,

          Starlight Impress x


            Starting Again....Day 4

            Hi Red and Planet Janet,

            I totally agree with Starlight Impress, no idiot or idiots is/are worth getting you to the point of drinking again. They say addictive types are sensitive types as well which is one of our strengths but also one of our vulnerable traits. It's likely we're going to get pissed off, hurt, upset and angry in the future at work or with loved ones.

            This week at work I had a few situations where I was offended once and then hurt today. I recognised them straight away as triggers (i have not been good at this previously) and just sat back in my chair. Immediately I thought of and felt the support from the group here and of what we are trying to achieve together.

            Sure I was still emotional for a while but I kept feeling and thinking about the support from here. It put it all into perspective and I calmed down quickly. Then in that calmer frame of mind I just thought to myself, "why would i punish myself later for someone else's insensitiveness by getting smashed, waking up with a hangover and ruining my weekend?"

            I am still a bit sad about the person who hurt me, but I would prefer to feel that sadness and move on, rather than delay the emotion through alcohol and then magnify it out of proportion.

            I feel really strongly about this.

            I am glad you're back with us

