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Newbies in need - Day 31

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    Newbies in need - Day 31

    Hi Everyone: I just put my last zero in DrinkTracker for August. It was nice seeing a whole month of zeros. Today is day 53 for me. For those of you who are thinking about abs &/or mod, why not start today & get a jump on Sept? Good luck, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in need - Day 31

    Phew, so glad you started this - I was on here earlier and seriously scared I might have to be the one to do it. Glad you're doing so outstandingly well. I still seem to lack the absolute determination I had a couple of months ago. Where did that go and how do I get it back???? It's frustrating.



      Newbies in need - Day 31

      Mary, you are a true inspiration to me. I remember reading all your posts and how you struggled with drinking. Day 53 is so awesome. Your persistance to keep trying has paid off.

      Uda, I too know the loss of resolve. I did so well for 3 weeks in July and then lost my will for most of August. I don't have any answers on how to regain determination except to try to remember how you feel while being AF. During my 3 good weeks, I kept a daily journal on all the positives I was experiencing each day being AF. I reread my journal earlier this week and now have 3 AF days under my belt.



        Newbies in need - Day 31

        Hi Uda & TC: TC, your journal idea is great! I'm going to try it. Uda, don't force yourself. I finally tried the one-day-at-a-time approach. I didn't think ahead at all in the beginning. I don't even do that now. TC is right...I struggled in the beginning. I joined in April, & May, June, & the beginning of July were awful. I never stopped coming here every single day. I reported honestly to this forum & to DrinkTracker exactly what I was drinking. I tried (& still try) not to think about life wo/wh. wine. I approached each party, family gathering, & cocktail hour individually. When I woke up the next morning hangover-free, I felt very grateful that I didn't imbibe. I asked myself: Does the drinking tonight deserve the feelings of guilt, shame, & physical discomfort I will have tomorrow? Also, reporting here at MWO every day was a real incentive to keep going once I started to be AF. Keep trying, never give up! The real (not fleeting, phony) benefits I'm now reaping in terms of working through life's problems & fears are huge. Love, Mary
        PS: Don't feel uncomfortable about starting this thread. It's for your benefit & was a big help to me in the beginning. I started it even when I was still drinking.
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Newbies in need - Day 31

          hi, hope everyone is having a good day. love Janicexxx
          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Newbies in need - Day 31

            Thank you all so much for your encouragement - I wish I had kept a journal because I did feel good about myself despite going through a very difficult time. It was my personal challenge to stay alcohol free to deal with it - well the pretty predictable result was a total binge once it was over, because I had not made any contingency plans - it was like doing exams - you push and then you let go.

            Now my life is in (relatively) calmer waters I just cannot get that determination back. But, maybe that's not the way to go anyway, maybe I should just take it one day at a time. This is very exhausting.

            Thank you all for being there.


              Newbies in need - Day 31

              Hi Uli

              You started a thread back in mid June, that got me through 19 days af (my pb), and since then after a couple of hiccups and restarting I'm now on day 38 - it was your encouragement that got me started, then you 'disappeared' for a while. I know you can do it Uli, and so do you. Nice to see you back on the boards - you have the commitment that helps others - stay around this time.

              Gonnabee not Wannabee


                Newbies in need - Day 31

                exhausting, im with you there uda, hope youre doing ok. im still waiting/urging myself for that 'click'. do you know? i think its nearly with me!

                janice im thinking of you. life is sometimes a bite in the bum.

                retteacher, your posts get more and more inspiring. i have read them from before you started AF and the change in you has been amazing. yes, you had some tough days and you got through them. so can we!!

                things here..... OH is now off the chemo for who knows how long 2/3 months maybe longer, so we are tentatively looking to planning a holiday. hes not feeling brilliant some days and some he feels ok. we never know when he feels up to doing anything so its hard to plan.

                luc 38 and counting, well done.



                  Newbies in need - Day 31

                  OK everyone I had better check in as some people have spotted me lurking.Janice hope u r ok i am in the same place as you, at the moment, so just keeping fairly low key but watching and reading everyday. Well done reteacher you are doing great. Everyone else who like me has been struggling I firmly believe that as long as we are slowly improving and we are better than we used to be then we ARE going in the right direction, some of us are just able to get to their destination quicker . So good luck to everyone and love to all GG XXXX


                    Newbies in need - Day 31

                    Hi everybody,
                    well done everyone who achieved their af days, anyone who didn't new day new month
                    tomorrow. Best of luck. Love Paula.xx


                      Newbies in need - Day 31


                      Luc you made me cry and feel determined - thank you.

                      Much love
                      Uli x


                        Newbies in need - Day 31

                        Hi Luc and Uli, This feels like old home week !! You were both the ones to inspire me on my first 30 AF journey, along with Kitty. I did a second (but have had a bad week this past week). I would like to get started again. Mary, you have been a great inspiration to everyone, me included. I will post again tomorrow. I owe you a recipie. I made it last weekend.


                          Newbies in need - Day 31

                          NEWBIES IN NEED --- DAY 1

                          Good morning everyone , Its a new month and by the sounds of it alot of us need a new month to use as a fresh start as some of us seem to be struggling abit at present me included. SO lets help each other as we always do and get our goals achieved wether it is af or mods. This program seems to work for so many people, we all have our individual stories yet on here the support is always there at what ever time of day. I have seen alot of new people using this but also alot of the old friends as well some doing so so well like reteacher and others among us who like me just havnt quite made it yet. As long as we keep coming on here when we we need help I am sure we will all be successful in beating this awful problem. SO lets get motivated I am due to start a job on tuesday, my youngest girl starts secondary and eldest girl start a new class at school. They need me to be there for them and this site helps me achieve that. Thankyou to everyone who has cared this past few weeks, I hope I can be as supportive to NEWBIES IN NEED and OLDIES IN NEED,
                          have a lovely day, much love GGXXXX:h

