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Cant get past day 3 AF

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    Cant get past day 3 AF

    Hello everyone. I am not new to this site, but I have not posted in a long time. I have been disappointed in myself because nothing has changed for me, meaning I am still stuck in the same rut of drinking, depression, and denial. I can't seem to get past day 3 AF. I am not an everyday drinker and never have been, but once I start drinking, I cannot stop until the bottle is gone. I can go up to three days without a drink, and feel great. Then at day three, I feel good about myself, and really really crave that glass of wine. Of course the one glass turns into the whole bottle, and many times more than that. Then I wake up feeling like crap, Well you know how that goes. Any advice on getting past day 3 and what has changed in your minds for those of you who have made it. I really have the utmost respect for those of you who are "doing it".

    Cant get past day 3 AF

    Sorry I cant help ,I can never make it past 2 days. well, i did manage 6 not so long ago, but that has proved a one off. Anyway, enough about me, I just want to say you are here and you are trying and that is a big step. I am an every day drinker and it sucks. wish I had never been offered the "foam" stuff on the top of my dads guinness when i was a wee girl. Think I became addicted right then! you go slowly and keep coming here xxx
    Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy


      Cant get past day 3 AF

      I can relate. I could always manage about 3 days, and then-- ENOUGH!.

      My only advice is to get going with the whole MWO (My Way Out) programme. It really does work, although in different ways for different people. Also, with varying success. But pretty much everyone who tries makes at least some progress.

      And we are all a big support for each other. This place has been a saviour for me. I spend my eves here instead of with the beer. I have a lot more fun, too.

      Best of luck to you.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Cant get past day 3 AF

        This place is a great source of support. I think for most people their 'hurdles' depend on their original drinking pattern - for all day drinkers, an alcohol free morning is an achievement, for every evening drinkers, an evening without is, for people who drink maybe twice a week, drinking only once is.

        Set your own goals, no matter what they are. Every single drink not drunk is good, every day where you would have drunk and didn't is brilliant.

        Read the posts on here - nobody has chosen exactly the same way to achieve what they wanted. It's trial and error. Whatever works for you has to be good.

        And if you 'lapse' people here will not condemn you but encourage you to pick yourself up and keep going.

        You'll be really glad you found this place - I am.


          Cant get past day 3 AF


          I can understand what you mean. After a period of abstaining I went to mods. Then I realised my old habits were creeping up on me. I tried to cut back and after a couple of days AF I was rewarding myself for not drinking by drinking.

          Are you taking any supps or medication? You may find that they help with the cravings.

          What you need to do is change your routine. Make each evening different from the last so that you don't get stuck in a rut. Find things to do to occupy your evening. Instead of going 3 days AF try doing alternate days of AF, or alternating your drinks with something non-alcoholic. You could just buy one small glass worth of wine and try reducing it as opposes to going cold turkey.

          As maxine suggested you could always come here.

          All the best.

          Mandy x


            Cant get past day 3 AF

            OverIt2007;188755 wrote: Then at day three, I feel good about myself, and really really crave that glass of wine.
            I can relate to that feeling.....but when I unpack it, it doesn't really make sense! Because most of my drinking was to help me when I didn't feel good about I still feel confused about that! Is it a feeling of 'reward'? I relate to that too!:H That's a pattern that probably needs breaking.

            If day 3 holds a sort of power over there something you could do then that is totally out of the ordinary for you? In a place where alcohol isn't freely available? Go swimming? Spend the evening on MWO????

            When I hit the danger times I just said in my head 'There are other things to do than drink' and I made sure I left the room (usually the kitchen where the booze it) and went and did something else. Hell....I even hoovered the house once LOL. It's still early days for me but I've picked up other people's ideas and techniques read lots and something will jump out at you as a way to try!

            Keep working on do have the strength in you to do this. :h

            By the way....I don't recommend doing the's really boring!
            Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


              Cant get past day 3 AF

              hey 2007 , I know what you mean.I tried for years to get past 2or 3 days.I didn't realize how bad I was.couple days ,no 3&4 I spent 10 yrs getting to.I quit drinking aug, 5th,the 8th&9th about killed me,thats when withdrawls hit me.The wife said don't come home till I was done drinking.She's been really patient for 35 yrs,I went to church my 4th day,changed most everything,still go to church most sundays,still want a beer,but I hate to lose what I have.So you have another story to read,hope it helps.Ya gotta dig down deep,for a couple days,I don't think it'll ever go away,but you learn to live with of luck to you.I'll be watching for you,keep posting. steve


                Cant get past day 3 AF

                I also tried for a very long time and couldn't get past the 3 day mark. Have you downloaded the book by chance? It is a very good read. It will tell you about cravings, supplements and about many other things. Why not set 'small' goals for yourself? Try to make it 4 days AF to start, and then 5 and so on... Keeping busy is a must as well. Best of luck and know you are not alone. Keep on trying!


                  Cant get past day 3 AF

                  Boy, can I relate!! Day 4 was alway my kick in the arse!! Feeling great and then off for a few weeks, back to 2-3 days AF, then back.. and forth.. and back.. and forth. Anyway, this time (three weeks ago) I went 3 days, slipped, for a few days, and back on. I am finally on day 14. Day four was HELL! I ended up going to bed really early on day four and every night I felt squirly (with the help of melatonin). I figured that I couldn't slip if I was asleep.. maybe a cop-out, but it worked. I also spend A LOT of time on the boards the first week,. Every morning and every night. I don't think I could have done it without the support I recieved here. Lastly, the supplements, especially the l-glutamine, that difinaltely helps with the cravings. I remember on day four pouring one right under my tongue (I had heard that here).

                  Keep trying.. It's not how many times you hit the day 3 wall that matters.. One day you will walk through the day four door - you will!!


                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    Cant get past day 3 AF

                    Your a loser only when you quit ! We're giving you a 100 chances to win ! After that.....Maybe your really messed up ! Anyway you know what I mean ! Keep trying !!!!
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Cant get past day 3 AF

                      I'm definately messed up then.. took me more than 100 times!!:bang
                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        Cant get past day 3 AF

                        M, Mama,
                        Your not messed up, I was just being faciuos ! We need as many times as we accomplish our goal ! Who knows how long it's going to take me ! Anyway hang in thier we're trying to come to the same end ! (Sobriety !)
                        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                        Dr. Seuss


                          Cant get past day 3 AF

                          IAD.. I know... I just wanted an excuse you use the banging head thingy...
                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            Cant get past day 3 AF

                            Hi Overit,
                            If you continue to think you can`t get past Day 3, then you won``re creating a mental block for yourself, which is why you are repeatedly failing.

                            Do whatever it takes........even start thinking of it as Day C.

                            It really is all in the mind.......if you can do 2 days, you can certainly do a third.

                            Tell yourself not only that you can, but that you will.

                            Love and strength to you,

                            Starlight Impress x


                              Cant get past day 3 AF

                              Thanks guys

                              Thanks guys for responding and all the advice. Duh, I suppose I COULD get the book...and try the program. Sorry to seem like such an idiot, but for me change has always been a very sloooow process.

                              I realize I have alot of work to do on myself, always have. Ill keep pluggin away, and thanks for some of the great advice.
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!

