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Cant get past day 3 AF

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    Cant get past day 3 AF

    Hello Over, on day three things get really tecnical... For all of us drinkers... It is as though our cravings are kicked into high gear... Do you have any supps ? Kudzu or L-glutamine? I found that the Kudzu from MWO helped ALOT !!! truely did... Maybe you might consider giving that a whirl... I wish you all the luck in the world... How badly do you want this sweetie??? (that is another question I asked myself and if gets you over some humps too) Keep posting and sharing... Take care and all the best.

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Cant get past day 3 AF

      OverIt2007;188755 wrote: Hello everyone. I am not new to this site, but I have not posted in a long time. I have been disappointed in myself because nothing has changed for me, meaning I am still stuck in the same rut of drinking, depression, and denial. I can't seem to get past day 3 AF.
      Hi Overit2007,

      I am glad that you have come back. It sounds like to me that you're actually moving on from denying you have a problem, because you've come back here. It's actually a big and brave step you are making to admit that you have a debilitating problem with alcohol. But ultimately it is liberating to make that complete admission to yourself.

      I've tried to stop through will power for a number of years, but it's always been a lonely experience. It's also been one dimensional.

      You will get the support and information here to attack it on a number of fronts. Meds arent for everyone, but they have definitely helped me in my first 5 days and that is something you might like to consider. Supplements and eating well have also helped.

      Stick around,



        Cant get past day 3 AF

        meditation mama;189080 wrote: I'm definately messed up then.. took me more than 100 times!!:bang
        I was LOL at the use of the headbanger in your post meditation mama! Very funny :H


          Cant get past day 3 AF

          Thanks guys. I will give the supps a try. I'd rather try the Kudzo and Glut first, since they seem to be more natural. Thanks again for being there! It sure helps to know that I am not alone.


            Cant get past day 3 AF

            Overit, I was a heavy drinker for 30 years and tried many ,many times to quit, or so I thought. I , like so many others, just stumbled onto this site one day and it has changed my life.
            After ordering the MWO book and starter pack w/vits, kudzu, l-glut, and cd's I was able to go AF for a bit and then thought I could moderate. That turned into a 3 month binge, right back to 12-15 beers a day. Then one day I was so sick of drinking and sick of myself I returned to this site and spent days just reading everyone else's stories. At that point something just clicked and I realized in all the times I had tried to quit before I was just going through the motions. I had no intention of quitting. I was convinced I was a drunk and destined to always be a drunk. But suddenly I didn't feel that way anymore. If these wonderful people could quit then why couldn't I ? They had a hard time doing it but they succeeded and it even seemed like they were having fun and liked eachother !
            So I decided I was going to attack this problem with all I had. The pain of drinking was worse than the pain of quitting could possibly be. I started the MWO program and followed it to the letter. I took the vitamins, the kudzu and l-glut ( which really made the first few days bearable), exercised daily, drank plenty of water, listened to the cd's, and during the first week or so quitting drinking was my sole purpose in life. There was nothing else as important. This is the way it has to be. The first 3-5 days are the hardest. During this time, when you are having a hard time and you feel like "caving to the crave", get on here and tell someone. This is why we're here, to help you through it. You have to WANT it though. We can't do it for you, but if you are of the mindset that failure is not an option, WE are unstoppable.
            I am now Day 22 AF and the difference in the way I think and see the world is amazing. I've made a lot of good friends here. We are all going through life facing life's normal problems but we're facing them sober.
            Just wanted to tell you my story and let you know that you can do it. Stop beating yourself. If you want to win you have to get in the game.
            I would wish you luck, my friend, but luck has nothing to do with it... PM me whever you want. Welcome aboard...Don


              Cant get past day 3 AF

              This week has been hell for me. Three binges, and I seem to be able to drink more and more. I'm feeling totally overwhelmed and depressed. :upset: Usually I awake with some resolve and motiation, but I feel drained and all out of ideas. I know what I need to do, reading your post Don, has been good for me this morning. I think I too was just going through the motions, and now I'm so sick of feeling no self worth guilty and ashamed that nothing can be as bad as that. To all you out there who are struggling. - power to you and lets do this LR
              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                Cant get past day 3 AF

                Hi to all,
                A big welcome to you overit,and for sharing your failings.I think you have brought the other strugglers out.That is so important to share these times as if you don't it can lead to isoslation.It is sometimes very difficult,when you see others doing well and this makes you feel inadequate.So thank you and good luck to you.You have recieved some very positive feed back.
                Lillyrose,There you are!It was good to see you again ,and am sorry you too are having a bad time.I am not doing to well either so lets all stick together.
                Don your reply said it all.I think it summed it up for many of us.You really have to want to stop.It is a hell of a complicated process.Thank you
                Thankyou to everone else.Your support is amazing, and me for one would be truley lonley without you all.Heres to a new day, a new begining xxxxxxx


                  Cant get past day 3 AF

                  Hi Wakeupmom, thanks for missing me!!!It doest help that 4 weeks down the line I'm still waiting for my allone powder....I'm really going to try hard this time. Either I want to stop or I don't, not stop now and again and have bleak inbetween periods. I hate to think how my health has suffered, and I'm only 33. I feel bloated and slow and full of aches and pains.......I could cry at anything at the moment. I even cried at X-factor last night! That really is sad......I think this is the lowest I have been. I hope and pray I can get better cos at the moment I think life would be better for all concerned with me not around.
                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                    Cant get past day 3 AF

                    Hi Lillyrose,
                    I have PM'd you xxxx

