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Newbies in Need - Day 1

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    Newbies in Need - Day 1

    Hi, so nice to have others on the same path this very fine first day of September is my first day planned AF. I started supplements today and just finished the first CD in the abstinence set. With all of this support, I know I can beat this problem. THankyou everone for making this such a great community. I used to feel so isolated and ashamed of my drinking behavior and felt powerless to do anything about it. THank goodness that has all changed. Onward and forward back into life, I can't wait to wake up well rested tomorrow. Take care All!


      Newbies in Need - Day 1

      uda;189248 wrote: Good morning to all of you. Hope you don't mind me starting this thread today. For me today is the first day of, what I hope, will be a long af stint, though I'm going to take it one day at a time this time round, rather than the '30 days' I did last time. Thanks to you guys yesterday I have found my motivation again - I will do this, we all will.

      Hope you are all going to have a brilliant day achieving your goals.

      This is my first day too. I feel so lousy and yet the tempted. Do any of you know which supplements are best for fighting cravings? I've joined MWO but my supplements etc. won't be here for a while. And I don't see my doc until Thursday. Meanwhile, it's a long weekend ahead of me..............

      Any suggestions would be gratefully welcome.


        Newbies in Need - Day 1

        less desperate;189469 wrote: This is my first day too. I feel so lousy and yet the tempted. Do any of you know which supplements are best for fighting cravings? I've joined MWO but my supplements etc. won't be here for a while. And I don't see my doc until Thursday. Meanwhile, it's a long weekend ahead of me..............

        Any suggestions would be gratefully welcome.
        No suggestions? Maybe I'm on the wrong thread.


          Newbies in Need - Day 1

          Hey less desperate, sorry if no one has got back to you. Sometimes we log on and off here and maybe nobody read your last post as not everybody reads every thread. Anyway I am here but not the best person to ask as I dont use the supps yet as I havent been able to achieve 7 days af in a row I am still stuck in the two days on ,one day off. Are you in the uk? if so then I believe you can get the kuduz and l glut from holland and barrett which may help till you see the docs. Also try posting on the holistic thread as everyone on there has lots of info about supps extra. This is a great thread for newbies, we try and start it everyday. Hope Ive helped I will check in again Later GGXX


            Newbies in Need - Day 1

            Has anyone heard from Janice?GGXX


              Newbies in Need - Day 1

              Hi Lessdesperate,
              sorry I only just read your thread. I got Lglut from Holland and B, they didn't have kuzdu,
              that I got on Ebay. It's hard work, I know but you can beat this awful addiction. Keep
              posting and reading the mail on here. Have you got mwo book? Best of luck.
              I PMd Janice, but her box was full, don't know if anyone else has heard from her,GG.
              Love Paula.x


                Newbies in Need - Day 1

                paula;189928 wrote: Hi Lessdesperate,
                sorry I only just read your thread. I got Lglut from Holland and B, they didn't have kuzdu,
                that I got on Ebay. It's hard work, I know but you can beat this awful addiction. Keep
                posting and reading the mail on here. Have you got mwo book? Best of luck.
                I PMd Janice, but her box was full, don't know if anyone else has heard from her,GG.
                Love Paula.x
                Hi. I started out the day feeling great but got grumpier and grumpier as time went on. I think it's because my body is adjusting to being alcohol free, and is really in pain. I don't know if I'll make it throughAF today -- I'm on my way to local health food store to get some kudzu. I've been doing the glut all day.

                I sent off for the MWO book, tapes and supplements yesterday. They should arrive just in time for my doctor's visit. I'm going to show him the program and beg him for either tompac stuff or something else. I'm also going to call a hypnotist. What I read in these threads convinced me it's worth a try.

                Anyway, I noticed that as the day progressed all I could think about was what a loser I am. It's bad talk, I know. I do it to myself. I could think of the good things about me, but instead I seek out the criticisms (mostly my husband, my most profound critic for the last 20 years. Sometimes marriage really sucks)

                I figure this is behavior that the combination of a hypnotist and therapy could really help.

                I don't know. This is weird to say, but I feel so close to making true progress, but still so far away.

                Thanks for listening.......


                  Newbies in Need - Day 1

                  Hi Less Desperate, I was on another site last night and the concept of "taking care of yourself as if you are your own best-friend" Came up. I said, "Wow, I never thought of that, but it makes so much sence, I can certainly do that" THen I said that in my marriage (recently seperated), I had always expected my husband to be my best friend, and yet he was always my worst critic absolutely underminded any personal success I was going for. I asked if other people had the expectation that their spouse was their best-friend. Only 1 out of 10 people answered that they did. I was shocked, I mean what is the point of marriage if spouses aren't kind like best friends are? Sorry for the digression, my point is, that it may help your mood and feelings about yourself if you take on the role of being your own best friend. Some one told me last night to "be kind to yourself because you deserve it" The compassion made me feel so good I cried. I am passing the same message on to you, be kind to yourself because you desrve it. Take care,

