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Newbies in need... where to start???

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    Newbies in need... where to start???

    guess you allready know I'm new here... wondering how the hell to start this prosess... I don't realy think a program is the way for me... I think I need to change as a person, too many masks and one of them is getting waisted...

    Newbies in need... where to start???


    The My Way Out (MWO) program is exactly for people like you. In fact, perhaps the word program is misleading. MWO simply offers the various elements that together with the desire to stop or decrease your drinking will help you do so.

    It is flexible and each person tailors it to their needs. You take what works for you, leave the rest behind. And it really works for a lot of people. Most members do not feel comfortable with the AA approach (although some are very successful in using the MWO program together with AA) and find the individual, private approach of MWO more suitable to their needs. Each to his own.

    Please at least read the book. It is fun reading too --very easy and makes good common sense. Then you can decide for yourself.

    Of course, if you decide that you don't want to follow any of the guidelines in the MWO book, you are still completely welcome here. This website and forums are very important elements to many of us struggling to get or remain out of the control of alcohol. We are totally non-judgemental and give and take advice all day and night. We do have quite a lot of fun too.

    Welcome to us here!
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Newbies in need... where to start???

      I miss my other half as well... and she replaced me in a week!!! ouch, that hurt..


        Newbies in need... where to start???

        Ouch, that does hurt. Was it because of your alcohol problem?

        Either way, I strongly urge you to at least read the MWO book (it is downloadable for a fairly cheap price). It is fun to read and you will at least get some inspiration from it. And keep coming back here with your questions, problems, anything.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          Newbies in need... where to start???


          Having chatted with you last night, I can tell you are in huge pain about losing your other half. I am so sorry about that but now you must decide what you want to do with yourself.

          In earlier posts, you indicate that you get the shakes whenever you go a few hours without a drink. This is very indicative of a serious addiction, Mike, and you MUST consider professional help with detox.

          Until you finally decide to quit, go through detox, and start the real struggle of staying sober, you will not be able to change. Alcohol is all you have right now and if you want to change, you are going to have to remove it from your life in order to give yourself the freedom to find out who you really are.

          MWO is not a "program" in the traditional sense and has been very helpful to me and many others here. Once you detox, the advice, the supplements (which many alcohol hospital incorporate in their programs, too, and for good reason), the exercise and perhaps medication (topamax, campral, naltrexone are some options) can help you achieve sobriety.

          I highly recommend you start reading about MWO, about the research RJ has done, and google on some of the research yourself.

          But, you MUST decide what your goals are and come up with a concrete plan of achieving them and then take action.

          Please take care of yourself, Mike. You can do this!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Newbies in need... where to start???

            You're an optomistic person Cindi... that's wonderfull... wish I still had some optimisim... after searching the web bout what booz can do to us... I cinda sh@t myself... I don't need a doc, I need a whole med team!! But ya, I guess it's my decision to change... hope I'll be strong enough to do that... that's why I'm here... can't do it alone..


              Newbies in need... where to start???

              I'm brand spankin' new here too. Just read your posts from this morning, and wanted to send you big hugs!
              Drinking does not change anything, so why bother? -Starlight Impress


                Newbies in need... where to start???

                Welcome Mike and Melissa, come and join us and you will get lots of help and support.
                Janice I have been trying PM you but your box is full. Are you ok?.


                  Newbies in need... where to start???

                  Hi. I just joined this message board this very second. I've decided to jump on board with The My Way Out method. I have a question, though. Are the CDs really effective?:new:


                    Newbies in need... where to start???

                    I'm new too

                    I just joined today too. I"ve been lurking the message boards all week and finally took the first step.

                    My other half quit drinking and smoking cold turkey on August 18, 2006, of course, I thought I could too, but, we all know how easy it sounds and how hard it is.

                    I did order the Kudzu Rescue and started it this morning and am optimisitc it will help with the cravings and along with the rest of the program, help me quit for good.


                      Newbies in need... where to start???

                      whew! This thread is going here and there, but first off--

                      Welcome to you less desperate! (I think that's spelled wrong... is it?) Anyway we all open our arms to you and, I think the CDs are effective, but I am not completely sure. Many members swear by them, and I can tell you that they are at least very effective in relaxing you and making you have a positive feeling. But that's all I can say.

                      And Mike R. We are here for you. Don't loose hope. If you need help detoxing, PM me, 'cause I have been through it enough to write a book. (Oh, maybe I should... I'm needing some money now he he).
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Newbies in need... where to start???

                        sorry, our posts crossed, but welcome also lagirl777. Keep coming here.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

