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Going for 30 days...

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    Going for 30 days...

    Hangovers suck. I have been trying to moderate and deal with my depression on my own and haven't been here in a while. Hasn't been working too well. I have decided to work the program to the letter this time and I know I need to clear my head and assess my relationship with drink with a head not in the throws of a hangover. I have done 30 days in the past, but I haven't been able to do it the past few times I said I would do it. I am a binger, not an everydayer. I can sometimes have a beer or no beer and don't typically smoke and then sometimes I start and slam the hard stuff and smoke like a pack. I know I make a choice somewhere along the way to drunkendom, but I don't always catch myself. I just need to stop for a while and order some meds/supps that may help me stop if I decide to go the moderation route later. At the moment though abs sounds pretty good too.

    Looking for some support and somewhere to check in and some people to be accountable to in my 30 day challenge. Thanks

    Going for 30 days...

    Hi out, Go for it, shout if you need support, there is always someone here for you.

    BB xx


      Going for 30 days...

      Hey OUT!

      Join us over in the 30 day BOOZE BUSTERS and Daily Abstainers!! I ordered topamax this time and am taking the supplements. I havent made it past 3 days in years, but I'm on day 15 today and feeling great. I wouldn't have been able to break through that pattern this time had it not been for this program. So join us!!

      You can do it.. Hangeover DO SUCK!!!!

      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        Going for 30 days...


        to both of you...

        day 15, way to go mama! I'll check out those other forums. thanx

