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A new beginning

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    A new beginning

    Found this website this evening and see this as a super support group as I move forward with a new beginning for my life. I can see the tremendous support of others in this community and I look forward to encouraging others and receiving the support of others as I move forward in my goal of being AF.

    A new beginning

    healing;189648 wrote: Found this website this evening and see this as a super support group as I move forward with a new beginning for my life. I can see the tremendous support of others in this community and I look forward to encouraging others and receiving the support of others as I move forward in my goal of being AF.
    Are you going to do the MWO method?


      A new beginning

      Welcome to you both! Order or download the book and take it from there. This site is full of great people who have been there, done that and will provide all the love and support you need to help you achieve your goals.. Keep reading and posting... Don


        A new beginning

        :welcome: Healing and Less Desparate,

        You will find much support and many caring people here.

        Some laughs, too.

        We all deal with the same issue and many of the same problems from it.

        Read the book, look into the supplements for sure, and then make a concrete plan of attack. It helps alot to have a good goal in mind.

        If you slip, we don't judge, we just want to help you get back on track.

        After some time, you will probably be helping some of us, too.

        AF April 9, 2016


          A new beginning

          Welcome Healing:welcome:

          This program is great, but you have to use to the tools of the MWO website. Download the book, and take the suggested supplements.

          That is what the successful MWO members did.
          Enlightened by MWO


            A new beginning

            Welcome newbies!

            SK is right- read the book and the supplements are a huge help.

            All the best. YOU CAN DO THIS!


              A new beginning

              Welcome healing & Less Desperate ,can't hardly add to above,make youselves at home


                A new beginning

                Hi healing, I'm the laughs part of this website, take everything everybody says seriously, except for me. :-)

                It always seems impossible until it's done....


                  A new beginning

                  welcome... can't add much to the above due to the fact that I'm a newbie as well... but I hope and pray we all make it... best of luck and God bless....


                    A new beginning

                    Welcome. Please do take the advice and at least read the book -- it's fun and easy to read and it will give you an idea of what to do and how to do it. The MWO guidelines and the support you get here are all flexible and great ways to take the steps you need to solve this problem yourself. You are in control here, you are in the driver's seat (but there are an awful lot of back-seat drivers here too!).
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      A new beginning

                      Welcome-Glad you found us!

                      A goal & plan and detrmination. Many of us have tweaked the program to suit our needs. Any questions & support-we're always here!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        A new beginning

                        Welcome healing and less desperate.
                        M.W.O. has allowed me a new`s like you`ve just woken up from a deep sleep to find life is so full of hope.

                        Love and strength to you both,

                        Starlight Impress x


                          A new beginning

                          Welcome LD and Healing.. The begining is tough, but the support from everyone here carries you through like a wave in the ocean if you allow it. It worked for me and I am one who love to swim against the tide....

                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            A new beginning

                            Welcome Healing and Less Desperate,

                            I can't add any further advice, except to say that I feel so much better about life and the future, after being AF for 6 days. A big big part of my continued sobriety to this early point has been the fantastic support offered by the caring and wise people here. So much good advice, so have a read through and keep posting.


