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Newbies in Need - Day 3

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    Newbies in Need - Day 3

    Good morning everyone and a good day off work to those lucky Americans! I hope everyone got through yesterday ok - I was fine during the day but had a very disrupted night (weird dreams and waking up) - still feel pretty good this morning, though.

    School starts here tomorrow, so will be busy today getting my daughter organises as well as doing some other work.

    Roxane, what is your 'neddy'? I am mystified.
    Cindi, congrats on 3 days - did you have your bbq yesterday?
    Paula, you sound really upbeat
    Beatle, hope you sorted your comp problem and are feeling ready for the week
    Rustop, well done for resisting temptation
    Mary, 55 days. I'm in absolute awe!
    Pakaderm, a very warm welcome - yep 'not drinking' seems to be a very taboo subject.
    Keep posting. This is a great place

    The day 1 thread has some beautiful advice at the end from crystalclear, which I would like to pass on. We all tend to be very down on ourselves, some even hating themselves, which is not just wrong (because we don't deserve it) but also can be a big hindrance in our 'quest'.

    So, today and every day: 'Be your own best friend'

    Hope you all have a good day!

    Newbies in Need - Day 3

    Thanks for passing that on Uda. Though I usually try to read through the threads, I didn't get that far yesterday.

    Computer is raring to go; unfortunately I'm not-- I work from home today, which means I must be very self-disciplined, even when the bed is screaming out for me after a restless night, kids with bad dreams, me with bad dreams, etc. I'm out to get a cup of my favorite coffee now, that should perk me up, both the caffeine and also it tastes SO GOOD.

    Happy Monday all, and you Americans enjoy yourselves while we toil away.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Newbies in Need - Day 3

      Hi everyone. Got through Day 2 with no cravings and felt a bit better. Kids are back at school today so have already listened to Clearing 1 cd and hope to do 2 later in the day and the sleep one tonight. I slept ok'ish but also had some weird dreams about my past. Off to my drink tracker now to insert the magic 0. Have a good day everyone.



        Newbies in Need - Day 3

        morning all

        yet another start to the week, another monday.

        neddy is slang for horse or pony. i have a pony. she is too old to ride now so i just muck out etc. gets me out of the house! lol



          Newbies in Need - Day 3

          Hi Everyone: I'm into day 56, & for those of you who are just beginning w/AF or mod, it does get easier as you go along. I think that I began to really understand the benefits of sobriety when I reached about day 30. Every day isn't total bliss now, but:
          -I don't wake up hungover.
          -I don't worry about what I did last night.
          -I don't sneak drinks.
          What a huge difference those 3 simple changes make! If I can do it, you can do it too. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012

