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    Hello, this is my first time finding this site. I never new so many people were dealing the same problem I have been fighting. And AA was not an option for me either. This all just sounds so perfect, that`s it hard to beleive. I am definately going to try though. It is so strange that lately I have been really feeling like I was getting to the end of my rope ( so to speak), and this morning I woke up , started googling and ran accross this site. Maybe this is the answer for me. God , I hope so.



    You've come to the right place. Everyone here is great and eager to help. We're all in this together. Read and post often and let us know how you're doing.




      Hi KJ, welcome to mwo ......

      Read and post as much as you can, there are hundreds of people here who know exactly how you feel, as we have all been there are still there ....

      Take it one day or even one hour or minute at a time ..

      We are all here for you,

      Love & Hugs, BB xx



        Hi kj and welcome.

        Yes, it`s a great comfort to connect with others who are addicted to alcohol, and to find that we are not alone, after all.

        It`s very much like everything else in that input = output. If you are prepared to give it your all, then M.W.O. is certainly the answer to your prayers.

        Love and strength to you,

        Starlight Impress x



          Kjshope07....a very warm welcome to you. Bella xxx



            kjshope07;190350 wrote: Hello, this is my first time finding this site. I never new so many people were dealing the same problem I have been fighting. And AA was not an option for me either. This all just sounds so perfect, that`s it hard to beleive. I am definately going to try though. It is so strange that lately I have been really feeling like I was getting to the end of my rope ( so to speak), and this morning I woke up , started googling and ran accross this site. Maybe this is the answer for me. God , I hope so.
            You sound so much like me. I'm new too, and thankful I found this site. I'm starting the program as soon as the book/cd etc arrive. And I'm begging my doctor for an appt Tuesday so I can get started with some kind of medication.



              Dear KJ: I can't tell you how hard I tried to stop drinking. I had everything I needed to be happy but wasn't because I was drinking heavily 3 - 5 time per week (at least). I came here in April & struggled until July 10th. Even when I was slipping & starting again, I kept coming here every day. I'm now 56 days AF & haven't felt this well in many years. Stick w/it. Keep reading & posting. Nobody judges here...there's only encouragement. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012



                Welcome to you. Many people find that this programme and the forum is the answer. I hope you do too. Anyway, you will find many caring people here. We all want to "get better" and help each other. Read the MWO book and get started as soon as possible. Some of us are managing without medication, but if you can get it and you want it, the medications are a big help to many people. Hope to hear many positive posts from you. (of course you are welcome also when you feel down-- we prop each other up then).
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



                  Welcome. KJ! I think you will find this place to be a fantastic, informatice, suportive place. I have. Stick around and ask a lot of questions...

                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.



                    Yes Hi from me too,and you can give yourself a pat on the back for making that first move.Lots of great people here from all walks,countries and at different stages,who will go out of their way to help,offer advice....You are not alone.



                      Thanks guys, I dont have any of the tools for this program as of yet and at the present I am still drinking. I have been drinking for so long (daily) that I don`t know what to expect when I do stop. I have done alot of my own reserch , and I`m scared of what kind (or how severe) of withdrawls I may experience. I have been drinking around a pint of bourbon a day( sometimes more and rarley less) for a long time, except Sundays. For some reason I usually don`t drink on Sundays. I dont really want to take other addictive meds to get off alcohol if it`s not neccesary. I guess I`m just really confused at this point, and maybe at least one of these questions can`t be answered without actually stopping. The withdrawl has become one of my biggest fears right now, I`ve read so much about withdrawls but I don`t know what I personally will have to deal with. Not nowing is almost enough to drive me crazy. Other than where I`ve gotten myself with alcohol, I like to have control...or least knoledge of where I`m headed. Sorry if I am rambling , it`s just that I don`t have much time to type right now but I have so many questions. And getting away from this addiction has become just One Constant Thought. Thanks for the welcomeand encouragement everyone.



                        Thanks for the welcome

                        Thanks guys, I dont have any of the tools for this program as of yet and at the present I am still drinking. I have been drinking for so long (daily) that I don`t know what to expect when I do stop. I have done alot of my own reserch , and I`m scared of what kind (or how severe) of withdrawls I may experience. I have been drinking around a pint of bourbon a day( sometimes more and rarley less) for a long time, except Sundays. For some reason I usually don`t drink on Sundays. I dont really want to take other addictive meds to get off alcohol if it`s not neccesary. I guess I`m just really confused at this point, and maybe at least one of these questions can`t be answered without actually stopping. The withdrawl has become one of my biggest fears right now, I`ve read so much about withdrawls but I don`t know what I personally will have to deal with. Not nowing is almost enough to drive me crazy. Other than where I`ve gotten myself with alcohol, I like to have control...or least knoledge of where I`m headed. Sorry if I am rambling , it`s just that I don`t have much time to type right now but I have so many questions. And getting away from this addiction has become just One Constant Thought. Thanks for the welcomeand encouragement everyone



                          I also came across this site by accident but I think it will be a good thing. Also noticed we are in the same profession, I'm an assistant ops manager for a constructio company seems drinking and construction for whatever reason go hand and hand even with all the rules and regs. Just a thought try not to dwell on what is ahead it will likley scare you away sometimes the unknown is a good thing, and if I think about it I never know what is going to happen after I finish off a bottle and that doesn't seem to stop me from drinking it



                            Good advice - don't try to think of all that you will need to do, all the struggles that lie ahead... think of today. Today you want to take control of your life. And it doesn't happen all at once. Steps..., and one day at a time. In the beginning it can be one hour at a time, one moment...
                            Even while you are still drinking you can read lots and lots here, books recommended, the MWO book, journal, post, chat... it's all work toward healing, even before you commit to being sober each day.
                            Good luck, and welcome.
                            FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

