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I've hit the bottm

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    I've hit the bottm

    I'm not sure what to say here but I've a feeling this board can help me. I've finally hit rock bottom. I've realized I need help and I'm trying to reach out. I've already decided to make a doctors appointment and I'm planning on telling my boss who is also a really goog friend that my drinking is out of control. I'm sitting at home right now finishing my last 2 beers. I couldn't throw them out due to OCD.

    My problem is that if I have one beer I have to have 10. The weekends are the worst. I drink until I'm sleepy at night. Go to bed and when I wake up in the morning go downstairs and have another beer. Then I'd go back to bed to sleep it off again. Come Sunday, I'd start drinking early in the afternoon and go to be around 8 so I could get up for work in the morning. I lose my appetite the next day and can't get my food down. Monday's my intentions are to stop drinking but want to wean myself off the beer. I end up buying a six pack on my way home. After drinking two beers I'd get nervous that I'm going through them too fast so I go buy another six pack which means I have left over for the next night so I think to myself if I just buy a six pack i can finish them all and not have any to come home to on Wednesday.

    This keeps happening through the week and when the weekend comes alll hell breaks loose.

    Gosh, I'm sorry for rambling but I know my life is screwed up and all these thoughts are rushing through my head.

    During the day I can function and people would never suspect.

    Please try not to flame me, I've realized this for a long time and only now I'm looking for some serious help.

    Thank you for reading this.

    I've hit the bottm

    Who's going to flame you Mike??? We've all got the same problem here....and this is a good place for help. Keep reading....and I'm sure one of the 'old hands' will be along in a minute with excellent advice!

    Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


      I've hit the bottm

      Hi Mike & Welcome to MWO.....

      Your story sounds all too familiar, believe me you aren't rambling, you just perfect sense to most of us here .......

      You have made a good decision, and with the help of the lovely people here you CAN do it.

      I understand your decision of cutting down gradually, can you start drinking later? (which is what I did) or drink soft drinks or water in between? Or just drink slower? (again it worked for me).

      Read as much as you can here, and I would recommend RJ's book.

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        I've hit the bottm


        No flaming here!! You are not unique nor alone. Your lifestyle mirrors many on this site.

        Please keep coming back and reading and asking. We are all here to help and we will sometimes rely on you for help.

        Read the MWO book, cheap download, relatively speaking. Think about it how it could fit into your life, many tailor the "program" to their needs and lifestyle. There is not right way, just the wrong way of NOT doing anything to get better.

        Take care. No judgemental people here, just caring individuals.

        AF April 9, 2016


          I've hit the bottm

          Hey Mike... welcome... I got the same problem... like all of us in here... but good for you admitting your problem.... seing a doc is good... I went yesterday, gave me a long list of blood thests to do...hope I'm still ok... anyway... even the longest jurney bigins with one small step... you took that one... good luck and God bless...


            I've hit the bottm

            Thank you

            I already got responses. I really appreciate this gave me a really nice warm feeling. Thank you so much.

            I've decided not to cut down but to stop cold turkey. I have had a six pack of O'Douls in the fridge for a couple of weeks now waiting for this moment. I think it may help in the beginning to resemble doing what I've done every night for the past couple of years. I'm from Europe and the drinking/pub culture got me started drinking very early. We could get in the pub at 16, I'm now in my early 40's and I'm out of control. I thought I could hide my drinking but people can notice all the time now. Like I said I can't just have the one.

            I think alcohol has been a factor in every major decision I've made in my life. I've also been in fights because of it. I was never a mean drunk but occasionally I've looked at another drunk and I think I got angry because I saw myself in that person and I didn't like it. I'm not a tough guy at all.

            I can't wait until tomorrow when I can open up to my doctor and friend. I've been to the doctor before and was supposed to get blood work done for high LFT's but of course I was never able to abstain from the beer to actually do this.

            I'm hoping and I'm sure she will be empathatic.



              I've hit the bottm

              Do a little research before you go cold turkey... that can be deadly...


                I've hit the bottm

                Hi Mike & welcome,
                A lot of what you say is familiar to me - going out to buy more beer because I was worried I'd run out and then having the "spares" available to drink first thing in the morning. Oh yeah, I've done that more times than I care to remember.
                You've made a great first step coming here and also making an appointment to see your doc. Read the posts on this site to see what works for different people (some follow the programme to the letter, some don't, some are taking meds, some aren't etc) and you'll get lots of ideas about what might be useful for you.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  I've hit the bottm

                  Mike R.;190453 wrote: Do a little research before you go cold turkey... that can be deadly...
                  MikeR is right, please read up on it first .....

                  BB xx


                    I've hit the bottm

                    Thank you Marshy for your comments. I see you are from London. I'm originallly from Hull up North in Yorkshire. I think you can relate to my upbringing and the beer culture. I live in the US now and I've met a lot of people here who have had it worse with the binge drinking.

                    I'm glad to hear. That might not be the appropriate thing to say that I'm "glod" to know I'm not the only one who has done what I've done. I'm very ashamed of myself at times. I did not feel ashamed at the time though.

                    I'm happy I signed up for this believe it or not I'm getting a positive feeling about this.



                      I've hit the bottm

                      I can totally relate to the British booze culture - growing up, me and my friends knew all the local pubs that would serve 15-year-olds! - but I guess there are a lot of people who don't succumb to it.
                      Anyway, we've all felt ashamed. Don't beat yourself up about what's happened in the past, put your energy into creating a better future. You can do it. Stay positive!

                      PS If you still have friends/relatives in Hull I hope they escaped the floods this summer!
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        I've hit the bottm

                        Thanks guys

                        Thanks Marshy,
                        My family was pretty lucky but there was a lot of damage done. Kind of weird over there.

                        I was reading the on-lline newspapers over here in the US and cringed when I saw the pictures of people on the streets raising their beer cans.

                        Hull is a really tough working class town as I'm sure you've heard and if you didn't drink you were ostricized and thought as an outcast. I don't know how old you are but when I grew up there the pubs were only open from 11:00 til 3:00 during the day 6:00 to 10:30 at night except on Sundays when they were only open from 12:00 'til 2:00 in the afternoon and 7:00 'til 10:00 at night. I sure learned how to get as many pints down as I could in that time though.

                        When I came to live hear I never was able to adapt to the bars open all day and not close until 2am. I drank at my English pace and was probably the first to get drunk and tried to stay out with my friends. It was like I was in a fog for most of the night. I also used to show off with how much I could drink not realizing it wasn't a clever move to do that.

                        The funny thing is though until the last couple of years I had that old English "rule" never before noon. I think once I was enabled to drink in the morning it was all over. Took a long time to realize it though.


                          I've hit the bottm

                          Starting in the morning usualy ends whith a heavy binge... been there dont that more than I'ld like to remember... usualy don't remember anyways!


                            I've hit the bottm

                            Hi Mike and welcome ... this is a great placae, with many smart, inspiring and supportive people. Hang in there, read the threads and write as ofte as you'd like. take good care
                            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                              I've hit the bottm

                              Hi mike,
                              Welcome and well done! you have made a big step forward-just admitting it is really positive.I could be you the way you descibed the way it all progresses.(another victim of the good ol british drinking culture,and around the same age)Then the point you realise it has changed.It feels so sinister,and you really need to dig deep to keep it together.
                              This is a mean creature and getting out can be very complicated,physically and mentally.I would arm yourself with all that you may need from supps to support.You will find your way out.Sending best wishes.Keep close
                              Hi to the other mike too!wishing you all the best also

