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I've hit the bottm

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    I've hit the bottm

    :welcome: Hi Mike you've definately come to the right place, everyone is so supportive here. I'd recomend following the program as much as you can. I rejoined the gym when I started and have found even just a quick swim can make me feel more positive. Logging on to the site just before normal 'drink time' helps too...let us know how you went on at the docs, it's an important first step you're making-well done!:l


      I've hit the bottm

      Hi Mike,
      This is such a familiar story to me. I'd check the level on the vodka bottle often and then become worried that there might not be enough for tomorrow and I wouldn't be in any shape to go to the store, so I'd go get an extra just in case or if I was running low during the night, I run to the store and buy mouthwash or cooking wine because alcohol purchases aren't allowed after 2 a.m. Anything to keep me from going thru those dreaded withdrawals. It's a vicious cycle and know that you are not alone. We've all been there.


        I've hit the bottm

        Yes, please be careful. I visited my doctor last night and you should as soon as you can. You will feel so much better and optimistic. It is such a struggle, but together we will find our way.

        Please take care!


          I've hit the bottm

          Hi Guys,
          Ok, I'm shaking this thing once and for all. No A/F beers either.
          Thank you all for posting it gives me strength. So it's back to day one for me.

          Ding Dong, I'd love for you to join me. I'll be logging onto chat tonight around 7ish if you have the chance come join us.



            I've hit the bottm

            Yeahhhhhhh Mike........just the spirit we want to hear.........and I`ll get the darned "stinky sticks" licked too soon!!!

            Starlight Impress x


              I've hit the bottm

              Mike, you have nothing to be sorry for .........

              In fact you need a huge :goodjob: on your 34 days AF,

              You will do even better this time .............


                I've hit the bottm

                Mike- good luck to you on your new choices... It is a really good idea to see your doc, through blood work they can pretty much tell who drinks too much... it is important for your body to know what vitamins, ect you may be lacking cuz of the beer, and if the system can go cold turkey.... My doc has been great.... never judgemental... "or willing to flame me".. as a matter of fact it feels better to post and be able to talk about it... like a weight off the chest. I tried O'douls too but couldn't stand the taste... I truly hope it works better for you. good luck


                  I've hit the bottm

                  Welcome Mike,
                  I am only new here too, you are not alone and I would never throw flames at you. Reading and posting here has already helped me and I am sure it will help you....we are all in the same boat with the same problem. Going to see the Doc is great.....
                  Take care of yourself,


                    I've hit the bottm

                    Hi my friends,

                    It's Saturday night around 7pm and I'm just chronicling day 4 totally a/f - no O'Douls or the like.

                    Today was pretty good, I actually went on a date this morning before my Soccer game. I had told myself not to even think about dating until I was good with myself.

                    Well, she actually lives in California and won't be back until Christmas so I thought it would be ok to see how I fared. It actually went really well. Just went for coffee for an hour or so and had a nice chat about the east coast / left coast / UK thing. She's going to be moving back here in the New Year so I have time to get a really good grip on the beasts throat. (she didn't seem like a drinker).

                    After my game I went for Lunch at Legal Sea Foods and I sat at the bar as I was by myself. College football was on TV so there were a lot of guys having a few drinks. I had a club soda to go with my Tuna Steak and left right after. I came home emptied the dishwasher, did laundry and took a nap on the couch.

                    Ok, this might sound extremeley boring to you but to me it meant I was nearer to day 5. Tonight is a big night I'm staying home to watch Sox play the Indians again.

                    Once again, Thank You for all your help here. I really appreciate the comments and posts on MWO.

                    Kind Regards,


                      I've hit the bottm

                      Who cares if sober is sometimes boring, Mike? Drunks are even more boring........I can`t remember the half of it, but I know I talked one almighty load of crap when drunk!!! lol

                      Think you are being sensible about getting seriously involved with anyone at the present time though. I myself have no intention of dating anyone until such times as I feel I`ve really sorted out my life........there`s time for all of that when we`re truly well.

                      Glad you found your date nice though, and maybe you can catch up with her at a later date.

                      Proud of you!!!

                      Starlight Impress x


                        I've hit the bottm

                        Hi Mike,
                        You were very brave and strong to go sit at a bar and not drink anything! Wow, I'm really impressed. It was nice that you had a date. It was just something light but probably showed you that you could get out and connect with someone. I hope you enjoy the game!
                        I'm on day 13 and almost slipped tonight but Betty Boop and Starlight bailed me out. What a great group! All the best to you!
                        AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                          I've hit the bottm


                          So glad to hear you making it through.

                          Yes, sitting at a bar is daunting. I try to avoid it because I am weak willed.

                          However, at the hotels I stay, I have started taking special notice of the people there. So many do not drink. I used to only notice the ones that did, now I notice that actually those are the minority and many simply do not. So...

                          Anyway, have a great Sunday.

                          Auntie, so glad to hear you got passed the beast. Good on you!!

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            I've hit the bottm

                            Hello all,
                            I'm just checking in. I've been reading the posts and just want to chronicle this for myself and my own future reading so I can look back, kind of like a diary.

                            I'm at day 11 A/F (no n/a drinks either). Also, 44 out of 45 days if I'm counting that way although I drank O'Douls during my first 34 day stint. By the way, I would not recommend doing the n/a stuff as I never seemed to lose the taste of what it was I craved.

                            I have to admit it has gotten easier as the days passed by. For the most part I do not crave a beer. However, the beast did tap on my shoulder last night as I was driving home in the rain. I heard him say "it's a crappy night, you aren't going anywhere, you'll be bored to tears at home grab a 6 pack no-one will know". I didn't give in but to hear that voice again pissed me off.

                            This morning we had an early soccer game which left me with a very long morning and a full day ahead of me. I do not want to nor will I drink today but I think I'm going to have to dig deep on this one as I keep getting the urge to just grab a couple of beers or go out to lunch and socialize with a drink or two.

                            I'm just going to have to take today hour by hour. I'm going to the Stop 'n Shop in a few and will load up with food and other goodies including the halloween candy for next week. I'm not a great cook but spending time in the kitchen might help.

                            I'm looking for fun ways to pass the time. If anyone has any good ideas please pass them on. Anyone up for a game of cards or dominoes?

                            Best Regards,


                              I've hit the bottm

                              Hi Mike!

                              Way to go on 11 days AF! I'm right behind you at 8. The brewskies are still "talking " to me some too. Last night at grocery store I swear they screamed my name. But I made it through - phew! The weekends are tough, but I just know how that story ends.

                              I don't do the AF beer and stuff either. Better not to awaken "those" taste buds AT ALL in my view. And, the O'douls and other "Non-alcoholic" beers do have a very small amount of alcohol, and I think between that and the taste, well, it's not "safe". Not for me anyway. It makes it a very short leap to the real thing.

                              Stop n' Shop is on my list too (I'm in CT) - Beer section NOT included!

                              Wishing you a happy day AF, and me too!!

                              - Wonder

                              Good luck to us both today!


                                I've hit the bottm

                                Hey Mike........I`d happily beat you at cards, but I`m a long way from Massachooooooosas!!! :H

                                Yip, think the key is just as everyone always have something on the go to do........not always easy on wet, wintry nights, but I guess it`s all about learning to live sober nomatter what.

                                Am not into the AF wine either, as I think for me anyway, it`s almost like "playing at drinking".

                                Keep your chin really does just keep getting better and better to live AF.

                                Much love,

                                Starlight Impress x

