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Summer is over --- starting anew...

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    Summer is over --- starting anew...

    Hi everyone!

    Well, summer is officially over now. Back to school for the kids tomorrow, and vacations are all done for the year. Ever since I found this site about 5 weeks ago, I promised myself that I would start fresh after Labor Day. So, here we are ---it is time to leave my "moderating" goal in the past, and get down to business. I am starting today (Tuesday, 9/4) to try to get to a much longer AF spree --- which was only 9 days, one time in August. I have to say that I am not totally psyched about it this time, but I KNOW that it is the right thing to do.

    Is anyone else starting Day 1 today also? I did read many posts of people already well on their way --- (Congrats to all of you!!) --- but, it would be nice to do this together. Just let me know...

    Thanks! )

    Summer is over --- starting anew...

    Just wishing you well PinkLady........mods didn`t work for me either, but am happier being AF now.

    Starlight Impress x


      Summer is over --- starting anew...

      Hi Pink Lady,
      Yes, I am starting over (yet again) this week too. With my daughter back in school as of tomorrow and bf moving out very very soon, I'm very intent on creating a renewed environment in my home. Dinner at the table instead of in front of the tv, homework schedule, etc... can't stick to that if I'm drinking. And the point of me ending my relationship was so I could find better success in getting AF (though I realize now that me drinking has nothing to do with him or anyone else, it's all my own mind-habits).

      So yes! Starting ANEW!
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        Summer is over --- starting anew...

        Oh, and I'm also likely getting a position on the board of a non-profit group in my community - so another reason to see that my life is turning around and I need to turn myself around to keep up.
        FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


          Summer is over --- starting anew...

          MyOwn -
          It sounds like you have a lot of good reasons to do this. Good luck to you! Let me know if I can help you at all.

          I did like what you said about the dinner at the table and the homework. I think that is a good idea! I know I need to focus on being a better mom now. Even though my kids are 8th grade and 10th grade, I need to be present in their lives. I can't do that with the wine by my side sitting in front of the TV.

          Keep in touch!

          PS. Thanks Starlight! You are an inspiration! Keep posting!!!


            Summer is over --- starting anew...

            Ladies! Here's to Great Mum-ing (or Mom-ing!) Handling homework and food in a new way... It does really seem to be more of a new start than 1st Jan to me always...

            So, I'm travelling with you! Look out Fall/Autumn, here we come!

            Love Finding xx

            Should be asleep - just wanted to look up my old house on the web which I've just been told is on the market.... 15 years ago we JUST escaped being reposessed for ?128,000. (came out with ?43!!) It's now on the market for ?600,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I still rent! (Which isn't really the way of the UK unless you're broke...I am!) Well, THAT's going to change.... Lots to look forwards to.... Nite!

            Love F x
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Summer is over --- starting anew...

              Pink - I have managed to have many AF days (about 25) the past 3 months, and just with that difference I notice a HUGE difference in my parenting, and my relationship with my daughter is blossoming like never before. I don't think we've been this close since she was a toddler. So I know it makes a difference, and I look forward to continued improvement as I get totally in control. Like I'll have energy not just to insist we eat at the table and homework gets done, but also to play games together, go for walks, etc.
              Also she is worried about my health because I am quite overweight and I know that will change with sobriety.
              best wishes to you!!
              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                Summer is over --- starting anew...

                Dear Pink, MyOwnWoman, & Finding: When I got serious about being AF (like Star, I can't do mod...I don't know when to stop), I tried the one-day-at-a-time approach. I still try not to dwell on life wo/wh. wine. You can do this. Star is a great role model, & I was a really heavy black-out drinker & have been sober 57 days now. My life is so much better than it was when I was drinking. If I can do it, you can too. Good Luck! Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Summer is over --- starting anew...

                  PinkLady - Hang in there and be strong. I can you can do it and we'll be here for you.


                    Summer is over --- starting anew...

                    Great way to get going Pink Lady. Best of luck to you (well, it has nothing to do with luck, you know that, but you get the sentiment.) Keep us posted.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      Summer is over --- starting anew...

                      Hey Pink Lady... hope you and yours are well ... the Fall is a great time for new beginnings ... school starts, fresh cool air ... all good things ... my favorite time of year, really. I wish you much strength, luck and success. Look forward to hearing from you soon and take good care, jan
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        Summer is over --- starting anew...

                        Hey guys! It's Day 2 now---soon to be 3...

                        Tough day at work, though --- In 2 weeks, 3 people have given notice, so lots of work to spread!! Didn't get home until almost 8pm, so not much real parenting going on tonight... (Good thing not too much happening on the first day!) I did almost tell myself I could stop and get some wine tonight --- you know, to relax --- but I decided better of it thanks to all of you.

                        Actually, got to be ready for work tomorrow at 5:30am to start the school figure skating schedule. Boy, will that seem early!! I am looking forward to a clear head when I wake. I can't tell you how many times I managed it after close to 2 bottles of wine.

                        Well, have a great evening. Janka, Beatle, MyOwnWoman, Finding, Reteacher, Irishguy, Starlight...keep in touch. )


                          Summer is over --- starting anew...

                          Hi Pink Lady. I wanted to welcome you here as well. I have been trying really hard to get through this week Monday-Friday alcohol free. Its not easy, but it certainly helps knowing I have friends and support on this site. Im so glad I found this place.
                          I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                            Summer is over --- starting anew...

                            Good for you Pink and have fun skating tomorrow and feeling good about yourself! You deserve it.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Summer is over --- starting anew...

                              Pink Lady---I can't help but think of apples when I see your name. Pink Lady apples are The. Best. Apples. EVER>>>>:H Back to school always seems like the New Years for me. So much change, newness, and upheaval from the summer schedule. My dd has been in school 2 weeks now, and we have done pretty well. Tonight was tough, and I was grumpy/she was whiney. Or was that she was whiney/I was grumpy?!! Anyways, all the best to you, and hugs for the school start:h
                              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

