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Itss not me that needs it

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    Itss not me that needs it

    Hi im actually not the one in need of help it is my brother but i dont know what to do, tried counselling but to no avail. He is drinking Port and a lot of it, i am at a loss to know what actions or way to go.

    Itss not me that needs it

    Hi Kirky,
    Sorry that your brother`s plight is causing you such concern.
    Why not introduce him to the site and let him see for himself all the help, support and advice available at M.W.O.?

    There is also a board here which could prove a great help to yourself: Family Members Affected By Alcohol.

    Hope your brother joins the site........I`m now sober, thanks to coming here.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress x


      Itss not me that needs it

      Hi Kirky - You're lovely to be so concerned. Your brother has got to want to cut down/stop himself but if you can get him to read some of the things here........... Good luck and do visit the Family's page whatever as Starlight suggests .... at least you'll get some support and advice until...

      Love and good wishes,
      Finding x
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Itss not me that needs it

        Hi Kirky,
        I broke my brothers heart with my drinking, he begged me more than once with tears in his eyes to quit... but I was in denial, and now we're barly in touch...don'tl let that happen to you two... I love my brother...I admire him, but the thing is if your brother is in denial you have to find a way to show him that he has a problem... there are a lot of online questioneers that could show him that he has a problem, he just has to answer tha questions honestly... I did that and ended up here...then at the doc's... don't give up on him, don't give up on your freindship with your brother... get him here and we'll all toss in and help him and suport him, we all know what it's like to try to quit... if he can't picture his life without booz...he's got a problem... ask him that... but do it lovinglly... and if he answers him the posts here...I'm sure he'll identify with a lot of what's been sayed here, and understand himself... we don't want you to lose your brother!!!!!!
        Good luck and God bless...


          Itss not me that needs it

          Though be prepared for possible defensiveness... I think most of us know that just before admitting we have a problem with alcohol, we are in fierce defiance. Because to admit it means taking on a huge struggle, and giving up our beloved booze, and all sorts of painful emotions.....
          Good luck, and stick with him, for sure. You can't change him, but you can always love him.
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            Itss not me that needs it

            Hi Thank you very much for replying to me. It really touched me. Because he is living by himself and he doesnt have any close Friends drinking is his comfort zone. He does have a job but lately the Alcohol has been taking over and he hasnt been going. Also he has a 19 year old Daughter who lives a long way away.
            My Parents and myself care deeply but become frustrated cos he seems to be drunk when it is special ocassions such as Fathers Day, Mums Birthday and even Christmas last year he was too far out of it.
            I am going to suggest taking him to see someone again and go from there.
            Thanks again, hope to keep in touch Kirky


              Itss not me that needs it

              Thankyou for replying i will do my utmost to help my Brother i am going to suggest taking him to see someone. He doesnt have a Computer but i am going to give him my old one and set him up so he can talk to you wonderful people.
              Regards Kirky


                Itss not me that needs it

                So glad you`re supporting your brother, kirky and we`ll happily support you both.
                We`ve all been there kirky..........the alcoholic is full of good intentions as regards special occasions until we get started on the`s`s the drunk that ruins all those special times and not the person inside the drunk.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Itss not me that needs it

                  Hi This i a wonderful site and Thank you for replying.
                  I am going to do my utmost to help my Brother and i will hopefully get him to come around and read some of your replies.
                  Regards Kirky


                    Itss not me that needs it

                    Hi Thankyou very much for your lovely works i will show all the replies to my Brother.
                    He is certainly in denial and because he is without any close Friends doesnt have any one to turn to. Those he does talk to are in the same position as himself.
                    Thanks again Kirky


                      Itss not me that needs it

                      Look forward to welcoming him, kirky.

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Itss not me that needs it

                        Hi Kirky,

                        I can't add anything to what the others have said except that there is plenty of help here in Oz if he wants it. You could also try Al Anon - it's an AA off shoot for family and friends of alcoholics.

                        PM me if you want to talk to someone homegrown.
                        It always seems impossible until it's done....

