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Relapse King

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    Relapse King

    :new: Hello everyone. I found this site while searching for help online. It seems I can never stay sober for longer than a few weeks. Once I start feeling well, I tell myself what the hell. "ONE" drink won't hurt. I just keep kidding myself. I work the steps with ann excellent sonsor, go to AA meetings daily and exercise daily. I just cant seem to stop the drinking. I am seeing the doctor tomorrow for a scrip for Antabuse. I know this stuff is poison, but so is alcohol. Does anyone have any experience with this stuff? Side effects? I know it makes you very ill if you drink on it but I have never tried it.

    Thanks all!!


    Relapse King

    Hi manaccar,
    Sorry, have no experience of antabuse, although am sure some members who have will be along to tell you their opinions of it. Get yourself a copy of the book........recommends a couple of other meds which loads of members are having success with.

    Wishing you luck and strength,

    Starlight Impress x


      Relapse King


      Welcome Here! This is a great place to meet others who share in your same struggles. I took anabuse once a long time ago. I was in my early twenties, and not ready to stop drinking. So while I did not drink while on the Anabuse, once I knew my system was clear of it, I went back to my old ways. As Starlight said, why not try this program out, or at least read more on here, and see how this program has helped so many on here. I have not followed the program, but just the support alone on here, has made me have many sober days in a row. Good luck to you.


        Relapse King

        Hi M-Welcome!

        Been there....took me 4 yrs to finally get to where I am now- almost 9 months AF with one slip. Before that I only did 3 weeks here, 2 weeks there. So I know how you feel. Meet the ex-relapse queen! LOL! Don't think of yourself as the relapse king-instead a work in progress. We all are.

        There are some Antabuse threads in the Topa, Campral section but here is a link to a somewhat older thread Antabuse? ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page). You can also do a search on Antabuse here. This might answer some questions but you can always start another thread there and ask some questions.

        I wish you the best. Read the book and determine where to go from there. Most people here have tweaked the program to suit their needs. Have a goal & plan and above all never give up! Good luck.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

