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Hello and thanks

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    Hello and thanks


    Just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks to all of the wonderful folks in chat who gave me the encouragement to post and just get started on this journey in any way I can.

    I don't think long term moderation is a realistic goal for me, but I have been able to reduce my consumption since starting on the supps and St. John's Wort so that is a start. I bought RJ's book and will begin reading it today.

    I hope you all are having great day.

    Hello and thanks

    That great ready,have a good day ,catch you in chat later steve


      Hello and thanks


      Hi Readyforachange, and welcome to MWO. You will find alot of us folks have been where you are at, and working on this journey with the help of the good people here. The sups you mentioned are very helpful, and you can download the book for less than buying a hard copy, and you have it right away so you can start reading. :welcome: Suz
      The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


        Hello and thanks

        Welcome Ready... You will find this place is a Godsend. The people here can help you reach your goal. Read the book and ask questions...Don


          Hello and thanks

          Hi ready4achange & to MWO,

          This place is just amazing, but a word of warning ......

          it's addictive .....

          Nice to meet you ......... Attached files [img]/converted_files/321460=1763-attachment.jpg[/img]


            Hello and thanks

            Hey Ready, great to hear from you again ... hope we didn't drive you daffy last night in chat ... go all too silly. You have found a tremendously supportive and safe place here, a real blessing. Welcome and hope to chat with you later, j
            Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


              Hello and thanks

              Welcome Ready-

              We all have gone at different paces. Some dove right in, some take baby steps. Everyone's journey is different. I wish you luck & success.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

