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Need Buddy

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    Need Buddy

    I'm hoping to find some buddies to post back and forth and encourage each other not to give up and just take it one day at a time. I am going to try my hardest to quit drinking starting today (Sep. 6th, 2007). I usually can get through the first two days with no problem, but then I get the craving and give in. I also look to far into the future and wonder how I will ever live with never having another beer or glass of wine. Which for me I can't have just one, wish I could, but I can't.


    Need Buddy

    Hi Twosox :welcome:

    My names Gargykath and I fell off the waggon last night after going 6 days AF. I can never get to 7 days grr. Basically me and a friend were moaning and shes having boy trouble.

    Hang on in there - me and everyone else on here are very supportive and lovely.

    I dont know where you live but I am in London and its about 4pm here so will be online for another few hours.

    Best wishes



      Need Buddy

      Thanks for your reply Gargy. I live in the USA. I hope I can just get through three days. I usually can't get past that. I wish I could just get rid of all the booze in the house, but can't do, because my husband drinks too. Maybe just maybe this day will be the day I quit for good.

      Best Wishes to you too!



        Need Buddy

        How much and what do you drink ? Does your husband drink loads or can he moderate.

        I drink lager - and sometimes wine. Up to 8 cans (such as last night). Gah.

        I am trying to be positive about everything. I went 6 days AF last week, and went 3 days AF this week. For me getting to three days is not so hard its after that that I think oh well one wont hurt but it never is just one. It was harder before to get to three days for me. I found doing exercise helped and smoking as well as a reward for a hard days work or something nice to eat.


          Need Buddy

          I drink beer during the day (about 5 or 6 cans), I usually start around 1:00 then I start the wine (about 2-3 large glasses) around 6:00 untill I go to bed. My husband starts to drink when he gets home from work until bed, not as much as me, but enough.

          I'm already starting to think to far ahead, I need to keep reminding myself one day at a time. I know how you feel about going a coulple of days then thinking, oh, I will just have one or two, I can handle it. Then the two turns into 5 or 6 again, sometimes more.

          Lets keep in touch as often as posssible, I am trying my hardest to stay optimistic too. We can do this!!!!


            Need Buddy

            :flower: Hiya

            Have you been to see your doctor as you drink everyday you might get withdrawal symptoms so you need to be careful.

            I used to drink about 2 bottles of wine or 8 beers about 2 - 3 times per week esp Fridays in pub after work. Have managed to cut down to one binge on average for a week for past 4 weeks.

            Do you drink cos you are bored in the day ? I drink when am bored is so stupid.

            Yes we can do this. I am going to order some kudzu tea off internet in a sec to help get through.

            Best wishes



              Need Buddy

              Hi to both of you!

              I have just emerged from a three day bender and I really want to beat this now

              Louise x


                Need Buddy

                hey ,you guys can do this!!!Keep writing ,read the threads,maybe I'll catch you"s' in chat.Hang in here.good luck steve


                  Need Buddy

                  Hi Louissie.

                  Poor thing what happened then ?


                    Need Buddy

                    Hi Everybody,

                    Made it past day one, which is usually no problem. Now day two and its a weekend. I'm already thinking about how I'm gonna sit around with my hubby and brother and watch them drink and not have one. I know I have to do this, I can't stand be controlled by alcohol anymore. I want to live a happy and fun life without it.

                    How is everyone else doing? I hope good, keep me posted. Looking forward to hearing from you all.


                      Need Buddy

                      Hello everyone. I went AF starting on Monday after a 3 week binge. I've been good this week but the weekend is the hardest time for me. My husband has promised to not drink during the week but he will be drinking on weekends. Also we are having people over on Sunday for the Bears game. I'm hoping the topamax and supplements will keep me from partaking. I did go two months AF last fall without topamax while doing a low carb diet. I don't know how I did it but when the holidays came along I blew it. I hope to go two or three months AF and then decide if I will try to moderate or not.

                      Good luck.


                        Need Buddy

                        Hi twosox & loussie: I just reached 60 AF, & for me, that is huge. I drank 3 - 5 times per week until black-out. I came to MWO in April & flailed around until July 10th. That was the day I decided to take AF one day at a time. I try not to think about life wo/alcohol even now. I can only say that I feel 100% better physically, emotionally, & spiritually. If I can do it, you can too. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          Need Buddy


                          Hang in there this weekend. I won't be posting because I am traveling but I want to hear from you on Monday. Just focus on today (Friday). Tell the little voice to go away for today! Believe me, I know how hard it is to keep from drinking while it's going on around you. Just get through today and tonight. You can do it!



                            Need Buddy

                            Hello cd771 and retteacher,

                            I know how you feel cd771 about the weekends being the hardest, my hubby drinks to. I made through yesterday and now I am on day three (Saturday) which day three is usually when it starts to get to hard and I give in. I didn't find this site before though, I believe it is already helping with all the encouragment you get from the boards. So I am going to give it my all to get through this day and just keep visting this site when I feel the urge is to strong.


                            I am trying very hard to take it one day at a time, rather then look to far ahead and wonder how I will ever do it. I wish you both the best this day and everyday.



                              Need Buddy

                              Twosox -
                              Congratulations on Day3!! Awesome that you made it through Friday night --- especially with booze in the house! Great job! Be proud!!!

                              I just want to let you know that I used to drink during the day on weekends also. It was something to do when I was bored. In order to get out of that pattern, I needed to stay busy. I started walking, cleaning (ugh!), shopping (not good on the budget!! LOL) and reading and posting here. It got me through. Today may be tough for you, so stay close to this site and your support here.

                              I also drank wine --- a double bottle after work would put me out. The awful thing was that I didn't rememeber anything that happened after 1-1/2. It was such a bad feeling not knowing what conversations I had, the end of a program etc. It is so much better being "present" in my life!!

                              Well, stay strong and confident and you can beat this!

                              Reteacher -- Happy 60th AF anniversary! Kudos to you!)

                              Hugs! :goodjob:

