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UK newbie

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    UK newbie

    Hi I have just finished reading the book and am anxious to start. I am 63 and have been drinking heavily for many years. I did stop once for 6 months but have never been able to since. Any how I know my health can not hold up if I continue and when I retire I cannot afford to spend so much on drink!
    I have a good incentive as I am expecting my first grandchild around xmas time.
    I think I can get vits etc cheaper over here but I am not sure about Kudzu and its comparability with American product. Can any uk member comment please on their experiences with products?
    all the best,

    UK newbie

    Sorry, I'm not in the UK, so cannot help you with your questions but just wanted to say welcome. You seem to be motivated and you will find much support here. Hope to "see" more of you here.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      UK newbie

      Hi donachu and welcome.
      Well, what better incentive to quit than a first Christmas time too........what a beautiful Christmas. However, you also deserve to be free of the drink.............for your own self.

      Also, you managed a 6 month quit in the past, so you "know" that you can do it. Am almost 6 wks sober, thanks to coming here.........really don`t think I`d have gotten around to quitting, had it not been for M.W.O.

      I started taking vits and supps in Wk. 4, as I was feeling drained........I had thought I could manage very well without them, which was silly really, when you think of how much damage the booze has inflicted on certainly takes its toll.

      I bought my vits and supps from a local health store.........a bit of a "shot in the dark" you can only hope you`ve chosen well. Am planning on ordering my next lot from the site, as RJ has done all the homework for us, and done the research which says the M.W.O. products are of excellent quality. I don`t now see the point in shelling out cash for vits and supps, if like myself, you don`t have any way of knowing for certain if locally bought products are giving us everything we need.

      Wishing you love and strength for starting out,

      Starlight Impress x


        UK newbie

        Many thanks for your reply Starlight, its nice to know there is some one else here from the uk !
        I am going to order the hypnosis cds today and will probably add the Kudzu to the order. I am still waiting for meds but would like to start on of the vitamins as soon as possible juist to show I am doing something positive.
        all the best,


          UK newbie

          I have tried Kudzu on it's own before, it made me feel 'clean' but never with the other suppliments.

          R x


            UK newbie

            Welcome Donachu, I have been taking kudzo from Holland & Barrett but if you're ordering the cds anyway I would get what you can from the site. I also take the L-Glutamine, vitamin c, evening primrose and milk thistle and find when I take them regularly, they really do help. Lots of luck, Janicexxx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

