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just needaliitle encouragment

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    just needaliitle encouragment

    Good Morning All,

    I have'nt posted very much since i found this site, but read it evry day and have found much solace that I am not alone in this. I have been taking all the supps and have cut down from a pint and a half to under a pint, until lastnight. Had a great day with the family and then found myself back to myold tricks. Luckily no major drama, just fell asleep on the couch for a couple hours, woke up (came to), had a nice chat about the day with my wife and went to bed. Woke up thismorning early with that old feeling of guilt and remorse.
    I just can't seem to take the next step.... why?

    just needaliitle encouragment

    This is a tough thing we are doing, and it takes some time. It is good that you started to post --- for me having a "buddy" (or "buddies") in this really helped. I felt like we were in this together, and that I would not only be disappointing myself if I wasn't strong. I guess it was another little voice in my head to contend with each time I reached for a drink...

    Anyway, how long have you been on the supps? Have you tried the hypno? For me, it took about 3-4 days before I think it kicked in. I do believe that the moderating works better if you can go AF for some time first, though. I have only done 9 days straight (once) and now I am on Day 6 this time (with successfull and not-so-successful mods in between), but a lot of people think that 30 days is necessary before we try to control the drinking. I am going to see if I can get there, but it is a personal choice.

    I will say that when I try to moderate, I have many good days (with a glass of wine or 2) and a few bad. When I have too much, I do feel the guilt the next day. Crappy feeling!! The important thing is NOT GIVING UP! We need to learn from these times, and keep working on it! We are not perfect, and this is not an easy thing. Hopefully, as time passes and we are truly honest with ourselves, we will lick this "booze beast"!!

    Just know you are not alone. We are here to support you through this!


      just needaliitle encouragment

      CTG - just wanted to say welcome to posting....I'm glad reading has helped. :welcome:
      I hope posting begins to help - for me it clarifies things in my head as I type (lots of times I really surprise myself with sudden realisations that I don't get just by thinking...!) and then the feedback from all the MWO-ers is just fantastic on top of that....

      Good luck to you - "Take The Time It Takes" and I hope you reach your goal (which will probably ever shift but that's ok too!!)

      Finding xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        just needaliitle encouragment

        I second the thoughts of Pinklady and Feet, and just want to add my welcome to you.

        Also, I think you have already taken a lot of steps. You are clearly on your way towards your goals (which probably will shift, as Feet points out)- You are aware of your problem and working on it, and already doing better. You should look at what you have accomplished already instead of getting discouraged by one bad night. Keep it up. You can do it.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          just needaliitle encouragment

          Welcome C.T.G.
          I don't have much to add, most has been said already,
          but just one's a decision that you have to MAKE,
          and not just think about. I got to MWO on my face, deprest and discouraged...
          the help that I've received here is here two weeks ago,
          and now I'm starting day 3 AF, if you would have asked me 3 weeks ago If I could,
          or even wanted to, I'ld probably have sayed f*** off!
          So if you go ahead and make that decision, and even if not, you'll get plenty of help,
          Incouragment, suport and most importantly (for me) freindship...
          So stay strong and keep us up to date about what's happening with you...

          Good luck and God bless..


            just needaliitle encouragment

            Hi C.T.G. and welcome.
            You can indeed take the next`s defeatist to say you can`t.........if I could, you can........right!!!
            Loads of help is readily available RJ`s book, consider your options as regards which meds you may wish to take, devise a plan, and make a start.

            I`m not going to say it`s`s not, but it is 43 days sober now, due to ditching the "I can`t" attitude.

            Love and strength to you,

            Starlight Impress x


              just needaliitle encouragment

              Welcome C.T.G,
              it's a long hard road but as Star said it's achievable. Good luck.

              Well done on 43 days Star.
              Love Paula.x


                just needaliitle encouragment

                Thanks to all of you for your words of encouragment!!! Y ou have helped me beyond measure.
                My plan is to keep on the supps and get the hypno cd"s. Not yet sure about the meds, i will need to get some more advice on this. Another part of the plan is to keep posting and reading, I like what Pnk Lady says about another voice in my head. I know what is like because I already have a "Drinking Committee" that debates all day about my drinking until "they" threaten or cajole me into drinking. I hope someone else out there konows what I am talking about so I don't sound too crazy.
                My GOAL is AF. Thanks to Mike for pointing out this a decision I must make, not just think about.


                  just needaliitle encouragment


                  Hello all,

                  I am new here also and hoping I can receive some help and give some too. I have to stop drinking totally. I have diabetes, hypertension and the beginnings of heart disease. You would think that would be enough to make me quit, but it isn't. Every morning I say I am going to stop, but when the afternoon rolls around it's time to break out the rum.

                  I have ordered the beginners kit from the health store, hope it arrives soon.

                  I was in a support group online several years ago and I managed to stay clean for over a year , but they are offline, so I'm hoping I can do it again with your help.

                  Thanks, Michael


                    just needaliitle encouragment

                    welcome Michael!
                    It's amazing the things we will overlook to continue drinking. I can tell you that when I began taking the supplements I could actually feel myself healing. Just go with that and strive towards your goal. Read all the posts; both new and old, there is some amazing info here. Good luck and I hope to keep hearing from you.


                      just needaliitle encouragment

                      Hi CTG & critical, welcome.....

                      With the help and support of all the people here you CAN do it, When you WANT to do it with all of your heart then you will ..........

                      It isn't easy but is achievable .....


                        just needaliitle encouragment

                        Hi Critical and welcome.
                        The fact that you did it for a year before with online support says you can undoubtedly do it again........the support you will find here at M.W.O. is second to none.Of course, it`s even more important that you start over, to help your health problems and also to give you a far better AF life.
                        Glad you have joined us. Look forward to seeing you around the boards.

                        Love and strength to you,

                        Starlight Impress x

