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interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

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    interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

    HI- found this site and really hope that it and the fantastic people I see posting who are also goign through or have been thoruhg a similar thing, can help me do what i need to do to stop drinking so much!

    I have been thinking for years now that i should cut down, must cut down, for health, for happiness, to stop looking and feeling like a total bloat; and I have bought books and supplements and made enough decisions to feed an army but nothing really gets me through from thinking that it has got to stop!!!! to actually stopping.

    I have had times when taking antibiotics or being in places where they don't drink has made me stop for a week or two and i can do it then quite easily- but at home, coming through the door, getting dinner ready and opening that good old bottle of wine just seems a habit i can't kick consistently.

    Anyway, crunch time which is why i could really do with some help. I have a couple of big interviews coming up where I might be able to get the sort of promotion i have always wanted; to go into those clear headed and sober would give me a chance- to go into them a little fuzzy about the edges means I have no hope at all.

    becaue i am a single parent with fantastic kids; I really need to eb able to do this so i am asking for assistance, please, and inspiration and hope to give me the beleive in myself that i will need- becasue if I can beat this then I think i can relaly do well.

    Thanks for reading this outpouring- i won't go on now but even writing it down helps. Any tips about how you get the self determination to do this? Or is it just the grind, day in and out until you get to the point where you can take it or leave it? In anything else i am super strong and dtermined; but not this.


    Must try harder x

    interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

    Must Try - You've come to the right place! You can do it!! Yes, reading and posting does help. The hypno CD's helped me too. Plus, committing in writing to not drinking somehow makes you more accountable.

    It is a struggle, but one day at a time, one hour at a time it gets easier.

    Focus on your interviews, and keep thinking that you want this more that the drink. You will only feel worse about everything if you give in and don't take this opportunity for yourself and your kids.

    Be strong and positive!! We are here for you!!!


      interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

      Hi must try harder.......hope you enjoy the site.

      Am not long sober........6 wks...........but in my mind`s eye, I could never envisage that I would actually do it. I was constantly wishing prior to quitting.........wishing my life away in fact, because while the idea of becoming sober only ever got as far as wishing, I was never going to quit drinking due to a mere wish, however heart-felt.

      To quit, you have to really want to quit wholeheartedly, much like how you wholeheartedly want that promotion. If you are prepared to commit to sobriety in the way that you are committed to making a good impression at your forthcoming interview, you will find that sobriety is sitting right where you are, just waiting on you taking it up on its offer.

      Am in no way saying that quitting is anything but. However, it is within reach of us all.

      Wishing you love and strength,

      Starlight Impress x


        interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

        Welcome to here. You are so much like so many of us. We support each other and we do make progress. You can too. For now, think about your goal, and even if you just cut down on drinking it will help you achieve it. And for the long-term get going on the MWO program-- read the book, get the supps, etc.

        My best wishes for you.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

          Welcome Musttry,
          Glad you found us and I think you are really motivated. Going into an interview with a clear mind will be great and give you the edge you need.
          If you keep coming hear and talking it works, it has for me. Before here I never talked about any of my troubles. The people here are wonderful and open.

          Good luck.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            interviews ahead- mustn't mess up


            It all starts in the mind. Visualize your success with alcohol and in the new position. You can make it happen.


              interviews ahead- mustn't mess up

              thanks so much for the advice and support. it is sunday evening here and I am probably far less inebriated than I usually am this time of the week, which has menat I cna do much better the normal mom things that my kids expect and need as well as catching up on some stuff and keeping the old man happy with a steak-but not too mcuh red wine with it!!!

              i like the idea of visualisation- and I remembered that this is a technique that has worked for me in the past for toher thigns as well so i wil try that. Ans datelight, the idea it is there waiting fo rme is good.

              thansk you so much, all of you. i have also opened an entry on drink tracker; i relaly don't want to given up altogether , just handle this darn thing, but I am coming slowly and very relutantly to teh conclusion that for me, moderation might have to be earned by a long tiem sober.

              much love,

              Must try harder x

