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Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

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    Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

    Hi, this is my first post. I am hoping this program will give me the extra help I need to get back to a moderate drinking pattern. Have gotten to where I drink every evening-mostly beer-not so much I black out or anything, and it does not have too much effect on my job or my life during the day. It is still significantly more alcohol than I wish to be consuming. I know it is really bad for my health, but I cannot seem to pass by the convienence store on the way home from work without the black hole pull of the beer sucking me in there to purchase. Don't really know if my problem is a physical one or just in my head, though I suspect the latter.

    Thought about trying AA but the religious aspect really turns me off.

    So, anyway, I have gotten the supplements, have been using them for 3 days and though still drinking, maybe about 1/3 less, and I feel significantly better and more energetic. My question is about the hypnosis cd's. Does anyone here use em? And are they doing any good that you notice?

    The idea of taking the meds is troubling to me unless absolutely necessary, and in the litigious U.S.- I think it would be hard to find a doc to prescribe them-plus really really don't want the word alcoholic in my medical records. Anybody have an opinion on going it with just the supps and the cds?


    Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

    hey. so what do you mean the drinking medications will show up in medical records ? im trying to be a teacher next year, theres no way it will show up if i ask when i go to the doctor next week right?


      Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

      CG -
      I am on supps and the CD's and it is working. I was so skeptical at first about the hypno, and I am not 100% sure that I am going under, but it definitely works! I had a much bigger problem than you, and this program was a saving grace. I was able to go from 2 bottles of wine a night (or 9-12 beers) to nothing for 9 straight nights!! The supps helped me through detox (without issue except a slight headache, and some sleeplessness). I was then able to moderate for most of the time (with only a few slips) over the past month. There were even AF days in between. I can't say enough about this program!!

      I am not on any of the other meds either, however, I did go to a doctor. He didn't put much in my chart about the drinking --- he put a different diagnosis code so that we didn't raise flags. But, now I do know that my bloodwork was good --- so that was a big load off my mind.

      Anyway, welcome! This site is great!! I wish you success!


        Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

        thank you pink lady

        Thanks for the input, I will probably order the basic cd set when my next paycheck comes through. Good luck to you.



          Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

          I think the CDs are great and they help me so much. The key is trying to be consistent with them.

          Me145, I would really think through whether you want to share this information with your doctor. Legally they are required to put all of this in your medical records. There are members on here who have had trouble obtaining insurance because of being honest with their doctor. If you are interested in the prescription meds there are many online pharmacies you can get them from without a prescription. Check out the Topamax forum on here.
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Gradual start and a question about hypnosis


            I am new here, and am a long way down the 'alcoholic journey'. I know it can affect jobs, not sure about insurance but surely saving your life is more important than worrying about having 'drink/addiction problems' on your medical notes?

            Since I first went to my Dr to tell him I thought I had a drink problem, I have lost 2 jobs...cannot hold down a regular job so am self-employed, destroyed 2 relationships, delared myself bankrupt, been in a terrible car crash, lost my drivers licence and have a criminal record. Did I forget to mention I have been admitted to hospital around 5 or 6 times as a result of self-administered ODs, trying to end my life in dispair at my drinking.

            So officially I am a (disharged) bankrupt, drink driver, criminal who has numerous suicide attempts on record.

            I remember not wanting anything to appear on my medial records, I used to say I had a binge drink problem to prevent the 'A' word from being applied. Drs are not daft, they can tell and have to record what they think anyway. In the grand scheme of things having to pay extra for insurance is minor compared with losing your life.

            I am looking at paying an extra ?1000 (is that $2000) on my car insurance premium once I have my licence back....not to mention having to declare my conviction.....but if I can beat my drink problem for good I don't care. I can easily make that money back as long as I stop drinking.

            Lots of folk have alcohol on their medical records along with lots of other scary conditions.Lots of people lose their licence but still drive, I am starting to be able to get credit again. It can all be repaired but not if you continue drinking.


              Gradual start and a question about hypnosis

              Hi cguest,

              I am using the supplments and the cd's consistently this time and something seems to be working. I dont know if its them, my mental attitude, these boards, maybe everything but the physical cravings defnitely are not as bad as other times when I either stopped on my own or used the supplments and cd's on an ad hoc basis.Not using the topa but am going for AF not moderation. Buy the book and give the programme a chance, it's worked for so many. Good luck.


