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Newbies in Need Day 10

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    Newbies in Need Day 10

    Good morning everyone,

    I'm up early again so I decided to start the thread. It's Day 10 so we are into double digits!! Have just started my second week doing the cd's, hence the early start. Some days there are a couple of hours of listening and its hard to fit it in or rather to find the quite time to fit it in. Dont know if I am really being hypnotised or not but have read that they work if you use them consistently so I am determined to use them for the 21/30 days in the beginning and then take it from there. Something seems to be working regarding the cravings as I had none yesterday. I know that they can sneak up on you so I have to be on guard but the more alcohol free days I can get the better. We are now one third of the way to our 30 day goal. Hope you all have a good week.


    Newbies in Need Day 10

    Good morning Rustop and all to follow. We've had a couple of busy days so haven't been able to post. It was great to read yesterday's thread, everyone's doing really well and there's a few new newbie faces so welcome to everyone who visits here!

    Well, sadly I should be able to say to you guys that I'm on Day 4 but I can't. I drank Friday and Saturday. Friday I was having another really good positive day then late afternoon, my husband came home early and was helping me with some of dad's probate paperwork. We ended up having a glass of white to help us through it. I had about 3/4 glasses that evening. Much the same on Saturday and I ended up having two sleepless nights and felt awful. I just can't sleep properly when I drink - go into a very deep sleep but wake about 2/3am with so much anxiety!. Yesterday we were out all day and got back late so I went straight to bed. Today Monday has got to be day 2 for me. I'm hoping that I can get a string of AF days together this week so that come Friday when my weekend-only-drinking husband pours himself a glass, I can be strong and say no. Like you Rustop, we always have wine in the house but my hubby is very disciplined and won't have anything on a weeknight.

    So, with my tail between my legs, its back to the drawing board and day 2 for me. Thanks for all your inspiration everyone. Janicexxx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in Need Day 10

      Janice: Please do not give up. You'll get to your goal when the time is right. I agree w/the sleep issue. When I was drinking (in fact, drinking to fall asleep was a big reason I started in the first place), I'd have a short period of black-out sleep, then slept very sweaty & shallowly the rest of the night. In sobriety, I still have trouble falling asleep, but once I do I'm OK. Even if I only get 5 - 7 hours of sleep sober, I still feel better than when I drank right before bedtime. Good Luck, Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Newbies in Need Day 10

        Hi Rustop, Janice and Mary (and all to come),

        I so agree with Mary. Do not give up, Janice, you and the rest of us will get there, even if we stumble a few times on the way.

        Alcohol definitely doesn't give you good quality sleep - a short period of unconsciousness followed by anxious, sweaty, depressed semi or total wakefulness. It does take a while to get used to falling asleep without booze but it's totally worth it. Even if short, it's good quality sleep that leaves you refreshed rather than tired, depressed and anxious.

        Day 10 for me too Rustop.

        Hope you're all having a great day!


