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hi everyone

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    hi everyone

    i have tried to moderate many times but with no luck. i want to be af, the most i have got to recently is 3 days then my willpower disappears. i have 3 very good reasons to stop, my children. i love them so much and they have seen me drunk more times than i care to admit.:upset: i feel so ashamed and guilty but that makes me more depressed and i want a drink, its rediculous. i have to do this for my health and sanity and that of my children so today is the start of day one. i'm a single parent and don't have a lot a family support. i cannot get the cd's or book as i'm in a finacial mess at the mo, so any support off you guys would be very much appreciated. i would like to tell more but i am very depressed at the moment and i am struggling to concentrate. i did meet some of you in chat on sunday morning, but this is my first post. i hope to post something everyday and if i stay af hopefully this depression will lift a bit and i can think more clearly. i am very scared though because this has to be a major life style change for me and i also need to find out who i really am. i feel like i'm rambling so i'll say bye for now.
    take care
    wrm. x:thanks:
    AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

    Snake....... come crawling,
    There's fire in your eyes,
    Bite me, excite me,
    I'll learn to realize.

    The poison transmuted,
    Brings eternal flame.
    Open me to heaven,
    To heal me again.

    hi everyone

    Welcome Want

    Hi again Want, so glad you've decided to hang around.

    As you know, we share a lot in common so please, ask anything you want, tell me anything you want and make sure you ask for help when you need it - just remember the time differences sometimes mean you will have to wait a while for a number of responses.

    When I started this journey I didn't have the money to buy gimmicks or suplements, but I found that I got what I needed by seeing my Dr, and getting a counsellor through a Govt run Drug and Alcohol program. I also came here EVERY DAY and recommitted my promise to myself. I told everybody what I was doing, I asked, I cried, I shared, and most of all, I stuck to my hope of being AF. If you want this, you can have it. Never give up. Just keep coming back, even if you feel you've blown it and can't face us. You would not be the first, nor the last!

    You're a winner want. You know what you want, and now you are going to work out how to get it.

    F. :goodjob:
    It always seems impossible until it's done....


      hi everyone

      Hi wrm and welcome.
      Sorry you`re feeling so down, but start to look on the bright side.......this site has changed my life and with a lot of hard work it can change yours also.

      Read and post loads........doing that really did help me get started. Get the book when you can, but meantime, come to the site often.

      Like you say, you have so many real reasons to quit. If you can manage 3 days AF, you can certainly do this.

      Love and strength to you,

      Starlight Impress x


        hi everyone

        Hi and welcome. :welcome:

        You have come to a great place and there is lots of support here for you. Most of us have had our ups and down, starts and failures. I went 6 weeks AF last year with just the support of these boards. I started out wanting moderation but am a bit afraid of the topa. Wont take an asprin but pour bottles of wine down my throat!! I dont think the moderation route is going to work for me at least not without the drugs so now I have come to terms with the fact that I will have to go AF. At the moment I am trying to get 30 days AF taking it one day at a time. After that 60 and a longer goal 90 but I am not thinking that far down the road, right now I just need to get through today AF. Join in on the boards, we are all there for you.



          hi everyone

          Hi Want!

          I am fairly new. I have 23 AF day and my life has changed so dramatically already. The first few days can be difficult, but well worth it. I have a daughter, and the days after being drunk and distant from her were far harder than the days struggling in the beginning. Just keep that in mind.

          Hey, I have a bunch of Kudzu and l-glutamine, I don't take them anymore. If you PM (private message) me your address I will be happy to send them to you! These are two of the best supplements for cravings.

          Take care and tstay in touch over the next few days. Day 4 can be a toughie, so make sure you care close to us here!!


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            hi everyone

            hi all

            hi Flip, luv the picture. thank you all so much for replying, i am feeling encouraged already. i really want to do this, now more than i ever have before. i don't know if i'm physically addicted or not, i've always been a bit nervous and shaky. if i can make the next 7 days af i'll be very pleased with myself. i wont want to mess up after 7 days, but i am very scared about how hard its going to be, i feel that i have been looking at things more realistically recently. the denial has totally disappeared, which, as awful as reality is, that can only be a good thing. i really need to stop mentally beating myself up all the time aswell. its nice to know i'm not on my own and if i get really desperate i can post on here. does your memory improve after a while, i'm scared i have damaged my brain as my memory is shocking. i have started taking omega 3 and vit b complex.
            again :thanks: for the support it means a lot to me.
            AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

            Snake....... come crawling,
            There's fire in your eyes,
            Bite me, excite me,
            I'll learn to realize.

            The poison transmuted,
            Brings eternal flame.
            Open me to heaven,
            To heal me again.


              hi everyone

              hi meditation mama

              thanks so much for your offer of supps,thats very kind of you are you sure you don't want to hang on to them for a while in case you have any bad days, plz let me know and if your still sure i will pm you.
              you are so right about that feeling of distance after drinking and the guilt with regards to the kids, its terrible and most definately worth keeping in mind when its hard. well done for 23 af days. i hope to be able to post that in 22 days but think i'd better take it a day at a time for now. :thanks:
              wrm x
              AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

              Snake....... come crawling,
              There's fire in your eyes,
              Bite me, excite me,
              I'll learn to realize.

              The poison transmuted,
              Brings eternal flame.
              Open me to heaven,
              To heal me again.


                hi everyone

                Hi: For me, the solution was to come here every single day, even if I didn't have very much time. I read & posted. Keep coming. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012

