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Newbies in Need - Day 11

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    Newbies in Need - Day 11

    Hi everyone! I'm opening today's thread with a request that everyone who reads it has to post on it - okay? Even if its just to say hello!! Newbies has been my lifeline over recent months and I think there's a lot of us out there that really depend on it, so please post today!!!!

    Today I'm not going to drink and I'm aiming for day 1 (or day 43 as Star put it!!). Anyone want to join me in stringing a few AF days together?? No pressure to do more - lets just see how it goes - one day at a time as Mary always says - and look at her now!!

    I'll wait to hear from you...........

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - Day 11

    Hi Janice,
    Good for you for getting back down to it. This thread (and site) has also been a lifeline for me, although I don't post much - had to say "hello" today though!
    Stay strong for day one!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      Newbies in Need - Day 11

      great attitude

      hi Janice, I'm glad to begin with you. This will be my second day AF. Let's count them down. Positive attitudes are always inspiring:thanks:


        Newbies in Need - Day 11

        Hi Janice,

        I don't think I could hang in there this long if it were not for this site. Day 5 af for me.



          Newbies in Need - Day 11

          good afternoon!

          would love to join you janice, but not sure i can (wrong attitude!!).

          i will be waiting for your post tomorrow saying day two though (no pressure lol)



            Newbies in Need - Day 11

            Thanks Janice for opening and hello and welcome to everyone else.

            Well it is Day 11 for me and like the rest of you this site has been a lifeline. I thought I was doing so good and had the cravings under control with the supplements, cd's etc. and then wham yesterday evening they snuck up and attacked. I was out putting the kids rabbitts to bed when out of the blue the thought came into my head, wouldnt it be nice to have a glass of wine. You know the little voice that whispers, go on you deserve it, you have been doing so well? I came straight back in and took my evening supplements. It really took me by surprize because as I said I had been doing so well and if I ever were to be tempted, you would think it was over the week-end when hubby was sitting beside me on the couch with his glass of wine. I guess I was on guard then and yesterday it caught me unawares. That beast is one sneaky character. Have any of you been on the Rational Recovery site? There is an exercise there regarding the beast, think I will go back in and do it.

            I got through the rest of the evening but there was more temptation. There was about a glass of wine left in a bottle and I poured it for hubby with his dinner. He said do you mind if I dont have that, I have brought home a nicer bottle and I think I'll open that. So this unwanted glass of red is sitting on the counter looking at me!!!! I quickly poured it down the sink. Whew!! The thoughts were still there and I went to bed as early as I could to get away from them. Today is another day and hopefully it will be easier. One day at a time.



              Newbies in Need - Day 11

              I'm with you

              I'm starting my AF journey as well. We all need all the support we can get.


                Newbies in Need - Day 11

                Hi Janice
                I am very new here but already feel like this newbie site will become very familiar very quickly, already get heaps of inspiration from everyone here. Day 2 AF for me, not that hard yet, weekends are always the worst for me and if my guard is down I'm gone before I know it. I think I'll be spending some time here this weekend.


                  Newbies in Need - Day 11

                  Good morning everyone! It's a rainy day in NJ, but I have no hangover and a clear head, so it will be bright and sunny for me!!! )

                  Janice, Beetles, John -- congrats on starting out. You can do this! I like the one day at a time advice!

                  Rustop - You should be sooooo proud of yourself! That must have been really hard. I am on Day 8, but not sure if I would have the strength to do what you did. Congratulations!! I spent some time in Chat last night with Chief, and he was telling us about the Beast and that Rational Recovery program too. I will definitely need to check it out. Thanks for the info (and much thanks to Chief for spending all that time with us!!)

                  Have a good day everyone! I know that I couldn't do this without all you fine people (and a few close PM buddies!)

                  Love Ya,


                    Newbies in Need - Day 11

                    Janice: I still do the one-day-at-a-time approach. I don't like to count, because I know that I'm really no closer to the goal than the day one people. It's so easy to think: "Well, now I've got 64 (or whatever) days accumulated, maybe I can have a little something." Not!!! Keep coming here. I absolutely love this particular thread. Maybe because it was so important to me in the beginning of my journey to where I am today. Love, Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Newbies in Need - Day 11

                      Good afternoon all.
                      Glad to hear all the optimism in here and that so many of you have got your AF off to a flying start and doing so well.
                      A special Hello to you Mary says, it really is "one day at a time".......we have to renew our conviction every single morning. Don`t look beyond this day Janice. Get through just this one day and think about tomorrow, only when tomorrow comes. You "know" you can do`ve already proved it to yourself. Looking forward to reading of your enormous victory tomorrow Janice........for people like us, a single day sober truly is an enormous victory.

                      Have a splendid day all !!!

                      Much love,

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Newbies in Need - Day 11

                        Hi everyone and a really warm welcome to the 'newbies' joining the thread.

                        I think Mary has a really good point with the one day at a time approach. When it comes to cravings (like rustop I'm on day 11 and have had one very brief but very strong one) it's easier not to give in if it's just 'this time' rather than 'forever'. Outstanding, by the way, rustop pouring it down the sink. I hope you feel as proud of doing that as you should.

                        Hope you are all having a great day and manage to stick with your goals. We can do it!



                          Newbies in Need - Day 11

                          good morning to all, missed this site saying as though i have been in jail for the last 35 days due to my drinking.... boy have i taken EVERYTHING for granted...... everytime the monster arrives in my head the jail time comes right back up.. im in alot of emotional pain right now the shame and guilt eat me up on a minute to minute basis.... thank goodness i have this site to go to !!!! thanks everyone


                            Newbies in Need - Day 11

                            Hello, I'm new here and on day 7. I'm REALLY fighting the urge today as it's a very difficult day as we lost our Aunt today 6 years ago at the WTC but still feels like yesterday. I've been crying alot this morning:upset: and finding that voice is getting a little louder saying just get something it will numb it for a little while. BUT, I'm fighting like I said I don't want to throw the 7 days I've had away. Thank you so much for this thread it's helped ALOT to read what everyone has written. I'll keep coming here through the day to keep my strength up. I'm so glad I found this site!! :thanks:
                            Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                              Newbies in Need - Day 11

                              Hi Cuddles,
                              I am sorry you are having such trouble and sadness today, but you made it 6 you can make it 7. That voice in your head can be beaten, you will only feel worse tomorrow if you listen to it. I will say a prayer for you and you will be in my thoughts.

                              I know you can do it!


