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11am day 2 af

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    11am day 2 af

    this is my 2nd day af, hope i can do it. feeling determined. i glad i found this site, i know you are all going to be a massive help to my recovery and i hope to do the same in return. couldn't sleep last night so i was reading lots of threads on here. what a brilliant bunch of people you all are.
    i was reading a thread by someone called 'makeral' i think, long time abstainer who wanted to try and moderate but it went a bit pear shaped, i haven't seen any recent posts from him. so if your lurking out there makeral hope you are ok and please come back. reading your thread in the early hrs of this morning really shifted something inside me. can't put my finger on it yet, cept that it reinforced my belief that i will never be able to moderate, after trying and failing for the last 5yrs i think i except that now, doh! oh what a monster, powerful monster this disease is. withdrawals aren't too bad, feel anxious and agitated and i know i will get worse before it gets better, however, i feel better mentally prepared at the moment.
    well i'm going to hang out some washing and get on with some much needed house work, i've had a very bad year and it looks like a tornado has ripped through my house. time to get things in order in every area of my life one day at a time
    i'll keep checking in through out the day when i have ciggy breaks from cleaning, i'm not giving those up yet:H
    wrm xx
    god bless you all
    AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

    Snake....... come crawling,
    There's fire in your eyes,
    Bite me, excite me,
    I'll learn to realize.

    The poison transmuted,
    Brings eternal flame.
    Open me to heaven,
    To heal me again.

    11am day 2 af

    You can do it! One day at a time, that's what I keep reminding myself to. Today is day 6 af for me. Every now and then that darn voice keeps telling me, you can moderate, when I know I can't. It's funny I enjoy life much more without it, but the brain keeps saying it's more fun with it. Well, Good Luck today.



      11am day 2 af

      It's funny that you talk about the house being a mess and wanting to clean it, only last week xtexan and a few others of us were talking about this very thing - it's almost like we need to clean up our physical space as well as our mental space.

      I don't know where Mack is (or Mrs Mack who is also on here sometimes) maybe someone esle knows? He's great. Probably gone bloody fishing knowing him!

      Anyway, stay focussed and busy and today will be a memory soon and you will have beaten that bastard for another day!

      It always seems impossible until it's done....


        11am day 2 af

        This is my 2nd day also

        We can do this. Let's stay strong and support each other. Good luck to you.


          11am day 2 af

          day 2 too

          Hey there fellow day two'ers and all, I feel absolutely inspired by the amount of support I feel in such a short time and just want to say thank you to you all. Having never participated in any forums such as this it is probably going to take some time for me to hit my straps and ramble on with all the s... thats in my head. I have always been a good listener, never a good talker, trying to change that, keep falling back into old patterns though, much easier to help others through their troubles than focus on your own (love sticking my head in the sand about my own stuff). Anyway I have made a commitment to myself to get myself here everyday, to gain strength and inspiration and to share and give where I can. Day by day.:thanks:


            11am day 2 af

            hi all

            :thanks: thanks for the support. 6 days is great twosox. aud & beetle hi, lets get to day three af. hi flip, i'm a firm believer in that a persons surroundings reflect whats going on inside, and by the state of my house and garden i've had a break down, never have i been in this much dissaray. anyway made a decision not to beat myself up about, been doing that for the past 3mths and it has got me absolelutly now where.
            :l to everyone, we're doing a :goodjob:
            AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

            Snake....... come crawling,
            There's fire in your eyes,
            Bite me, excite me,
            I'll learn to realize.

            The poison transmuted,
            Brings eternal flame.
            Open me to heaven,
            To heal me again.


              11am day 2 af

              just popped in to say hi to you guys. Know exactly what you mean about the state of the house!! Nevermind, my daughter (my baby!!) is off to University on Saturday and my son the week after so I will have plenty of time on my hands then. That is why I have got to do something about this drinking - I will have the house to myself and have all the space in the world to drink, but I really can't do that. Today is day 1 for me though I'm not new to MWO but this time I'm determined. I'm not looking too far ahead, just trying to get a few days under my belt. Looking forward to following your progress!! Janicexx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                11am day 2 af

                Day 2 oh gosh, day 3 was always my hardest and this time I got past it and am on day 7! You are doing GREAT I was soooo irritable and had the shakes for the first 5 dyas, and couldn't NOT sleep at all it was awful, but it passed. I did the EXACT same thing, haha, cleaned my house from top to bottom and I think like someone said it's like what you are doing in your mind also. My husband was thrilled..LOL
                It being such a emotional and difficult day 9/11 I would usually have numbed that with my drink of choice. But, I'm growing stronger everyday and when that little voice pops up I just think of how much better I feel and I don't want to give up all I have done in the past 7 days. As a military spouse and losing my Aunt in TowerII I think of all the people that aren't here anymore and that also keeps me from drinking because I'm still here and I dont' want to spend the rest of my time here in a drunken haze. We are still blessed to be in this world so we need to make the best of it right?
                Stay strong, you are doing GREAT, you took the hardest step which I think is the first day and you passed!!! Everyday you grow stronger and this site is amazing! I've already had so many encouraging words!
                Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                  11am day 2 af

                  Hiya want, beetles, Audrey, Twosox

                  You are indeedy doing great!

                  Can I re-state the need for a PLAN for the next couple of days at least.

                  There seems to be a general concensus that days 3/4 can be the tough ones, so be prepared!
                  Make a plan for every minute of the next few days if you can.

                  After the critical day3/4 time is past, it seems to get a bit easier!
                  And remember - if the going gets tough, the tough get going on to here to talk to someone!!

                  Good luck

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    11am day 2 af

                    Hi Guys & Gals,

                    Just wanted to send a quick reply to say that it's been a pleasure reading all your messages, gotta get to work.

                    Have a great day and I will post later on this thread.

                    Big hugs,
                    AF Since May 2nd 2012

