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Anybody else starting day 6 af?

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    Anybody else starting day 6 af?

    Hi, today will be day 6 af for me. Every now and again I get that urge to grab a beer. I'm trying to fight this with everything I got. I know I don't want to start again, yet my stinkin brain wants to. My mind keeps wondering to far into the future, you know the question "How will I ever live forever without a drink". Man I wish I could just have one or two and be fine with that. Oh well, I know I can't. I just have to keep reminding myself one day at a time and tell that little voice in my head to SHUT UP!!!

    Would love to hear how the rest of you all are coping? I hope well.

    :thanks: for listening,

    Anybody else starting day 6 af?

    Today is day 1 for me too

    Today is kind of the easiest because I am hung over from last night. However, I am going to beat this. I will help you if you help me?


      Anybody else starting day 6 af?

      Your on!


        Anybody else starting day 6 af?

        I'm on day 6. Did 16, then 6, now I'd like to keep this thing going. Count me in twosox28 and rothesaydrinker. Let's make this work!
        Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.--- Dale Carnegie


          Anybody else starting day 6 af?

          Hi rvm14136,
          We can do this, I know we can. It's been a little difficult today, but so far still hanging in there.



            Anybody else starting day 6 af?

            I'm on day 6, have felt ok apart from when my two year old has been stressing me out!


              Anybody else starting day 6 af?

              Hi Loussie2,

              I have three 11,9 and 4. The stress is usually daily for me. They like to fight with each other.


                Anybody else starting day 6 af?

                I had a beer dream last night, I drempt I had a beer sitting on a chair next to hubby, laughing and watching TV, when I suddenly realized that I would have to start back at day 1. Felt horribly guilty in my dream and I got up to dump it out. But it was still to late, because I had already drank from it. It was so real that when I woke up, I had to think for a second if it was real or not. Which it was not - Thank GOD!! Any of you have these type of dreams.

                By the way going on day 7 af. Yesterday couldn't stop thinking about the drink and hoping someday the urge to need a drink would go away. I hope all is well with everybody. Keep me posted.


