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Newbies in Need - day 12

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    Newbies in Need - day 12

    hi everyone, don't know whats happening today, keeps saying "page not found". Anyway I had typed a long intro to today's newbies but lost it, just seeing if this goes through. Bear with me!!
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need - day 12

    Not having much luck when I type a long message for some reason! Will have to keep it short and will try again later. Aiming for day 2, good luck everyone - sorry for messy start to thread!!
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in Need - day 12

      Hi everyone and a warm welcome to all you new newbies who joined us yesterday. Had some trouble getting on this thread this am as well Janice. Hope the system does not crash, I really need all the support I can get at the moment. Got through Day 11 ok, was so busy did not get time to have any cravings but it was a relief after the previous day.

      Thanks Mary for posting and keeping us updated on your progress. Its a learning curve for us all and it helps to be made aware of the pitfalls ahead. Must read that thread on the long time abbers board. I am gearing myself up for this wedding at the week-end. I will be bang in the middle of my 30 days and its the first social occasion I will have been at and its of all things an Irish wedding, you dont get much more alcohol around than that!! Anyway off to listen to my cd's. Have a great day everyone.



        Newbies in Need - day 12

        Hi Rustop and all to follow, just got back from work - first day since dad died and the summer holidays (I work in a school mornings). Was really apprehensive about going but know I need to get out of the house. In April I would have been reaching for that first glass by now and as both my children are going away to uni, I can't afford for that to happen. Feel really optimistic about this time round though - I owe a big thank you to Starlight Impress & Mary - your fight, progress and encouragment to everyone over the last few weeks has been amazing, so inspirational - and Star, it was you who gave me that much needed kick up the get my act together so thank you!!

        Rustop, you are doing so well, just keep strong for the weekend and keep going with the cds, they will definitely help. I was very impressed with you pouring that red wine down the sink - don't think I could have done that!!

        Hope everyone has a successful day no matter what your goal is - mine is to achieve day 2.
        Remember, falling down is a temporary condition - staying down is what makes it permanent!!

        Good luck for today and remember, keep reading, keep posting!!!

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Newbies in Need - day 12

          Hi Janice, Rustop and all yet to come.

          Janice, good for you to get back to you less time to dwell on things......will be good to have the company again for a start. Great to hear you`re feeling energized for the fight once more.......that`s more like the Janice I "met" earlier in the year. More power to you!!!

          Rustop, congrats on your superb 11 days. I know the "impending"(lol) wedding coming up at the weekend is giving you a little concern, but try not to obsess about it too much. Am looking forward to you posting that you got through the celebration on soft drinks with flying colours. I understand the Irish love their liquor, but us Scots could drink them under the table, so I ain`t letting you off with that excuse!!!! lol

          Have a splendid day all !!!

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x


            Newbies in Need - day 12

            Hi Janice & Rustop: I'm doing well & so are you. Once we stop drinking, it doesn't mean that we won't ever think about it again. I have been thinking about it, but the most important thing is that I haven't stopped at any liquor stores to buy wine. It's possible that the wedding will be more fun wo/being under the influence. I've gone to a few social events this summer & stayed sober. It was different but fine. Best of all: no black-outs, no slurring or incoherence, no hangover. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              Newbies in Need - day 12

              Well day 2 nearly over for me and guess what Rustop?? Hubby is watching the England match and said he fancied a glass of white (he never drinks weekdays). I only poured the blinking thing for him then got him a top up!! "Aren't you having one?" he said (amazed). I haven't told him yet about how serious I am about staying AF!! I felt absolutely fine pouring the stuff, didn't crave at all!! Quite proud of my little self I am!!!! Mary I read that thread - very useful. I shall certainly try thinking ahead a few drinks when craving that first glass. See you tomorrow! Janicexx
              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                Newbies in Need - day 12

                well done everyone for staying af. janice :goodjob: i think i would of cracked and ended up having a glass. its day 3 af for me and i've been finding it hard, but still hanging in there. its feels like a constant battle in my mind at the moment i just keep coming here and reading and it is helping, i know i would have had a drink today if it weren't for everybody on this site :thanks:
                AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                Snake....... come crawling,
                There's fire in your eyes,
                Bite me, excite me,
                I'll learn to realize.

                The poison transmuted,
                Brings eternal flame.
                Open me to heaven,
                To heal me again.

