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day one; hour one

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    day one; hour one

    Hello All,
    (Deep breath)....One hour at a time. I've been pushing that rock up the hill for too long --- it has now become a mountain and the grade is way too steep. I know I can do this- but not alone. Your support will be very much appreciated and, hopefully in time, reciprocated. I am beginning this journey by telling myself that it's not just another day, it is an adventure!... we'll see how that works.

    More later

    Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
    - Soren Kierkegaard

    day one; hour one

    I'm with u flutter. Getting a little tired of the hitting my head against that wall every day and wondering why my head hurts, myself.


      day one; hour one

      Hi Flutterby---

      I'm new, too. On Day 4 (would be Day 51 if not for wine on Sunday, darn it). Trust me, I'm amazed that I've abstained as much as I have, and if I can, ANYONE can. I miss everything about white wine---the pretty beads of condensation on the glass, the delicate curve of the Riedel tulip, the sight of the (mostly) full bottle promising more to come...oh, everything. I miss it like I'd miss someone dear who DIED!

      But I also miss my self-respect, and even more than that bottle, I want to know that I exorcised my demon. I look back on the hidden stashes, the carefully-disposed-of empties, the long afternoon "naps," and just feel DIRTY.

      Let me tell you, dear, that if you can make this happen for yourself, you will wake up one morning clear-eyed and headache-free, and feel downright cocky! Like you rule the world!

      Then you'll maybe slip, when you're feeling festive...but make it just that, a "slip" and not a downward spiral. Then start right back over. As many times as it takes.


      Jane Jane


        day one; hour one


        I am on day 4 myself. I have spent way too many years hitting my head against that wall. I feel like I have had a mental shift (FINALLY) and "GET IT". I mean, I really, really, don't want to drink. There are several of us in the new stage, but doing quite well, and many of us with lots of time under their belt.

        Check out chat, read the boards, meet people. Talk, listen. This place grows on you.


        formerly known as bak310


          day one; hour one

          Hi Flutter, Jane, Hart and Beth.

          Great to see so many newbies. I'm here a year and a half. Tried moderation and it did not work. Now working on being AF for 30 days and am on Day 13. Just take it one day at a time and join in. Welcome :welcome:



            day one; hour one

            Welcome Flutter! I detect a sense of humor in your post which will help bring some levity to the situation and is a coping skill for sure! Jane, Welcome to you as well.

            Beth, it is always a pleasure to run into you...on the boards and for lunch as well!
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              day one; hour one

              Hi Flutterby,

              Day 2 for me, I arrived yesterday! I am feeling grateful and hopeful today. I am also clear headed and not hung over!

              Glad you found this place a well, read and ponder, there is so much here. I am enjoying reading in the forum.....we are not alone. I am also enjoying the Research forum.

              Today I will be downloding the book and ordering some supplements.

              Best of Luck to are so is and Adventure.

              Today I Choose to Live Sober

              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                day one; hour one

                Hi FBy and welcome.
                Know you`re not alone........we`re all sharing the same path.Is more than an adventure though........quitting the booze sees us beginning to understand just who we really are........

                Wishing you love and strength,

                Starlight Impress x


                  day one; hour one

                  Hiya flutter, jane jane, bak and Kate.

                  Welcome aboard

                  This place is awesome - I got the real ME back - and that was after more than 20 years of alcoholic haze - drinking nearly every day to excess.
                  It would not have happened if I had not discovered MWO.
                  I had been trying to quit unsuccessfully for 15 years or so - on and off.

                  Bak - I can so relate to the "switch" you mentioned in other threads - I just woke up one morning a couple of months ago thinking "I really can not be bothered with all this any more" (except my version was not so polite )

                  Since that day - I really do not feel that I want to drink any more!

                  I still get some cravings - but after almost two months AF, I do not really think about alcohol very often at all.
                  So - hang around and read and post often - we are always here if you need to talk any time day or night!

                  Good Luck - welcome to a NEW life!


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    day one; hour one

                    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and advice. Just to let you know that it is now day one hour three. I am actually going to count the hours down (just for today) because it is helping. I hope to graduate to counting days then.... well we'll see.
                    Again -- thank you my way outers.

                    Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                    - Soren Kierkegaard


                      day one; hour one

                      Welcome, welcome!! This is a very special place. You will find support, love, understanding, laughter and friendship. I am glad you found your way here.


                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        day one; hour one

                        Flutter: Your one day, one hour approach is great. Try not to look into the's too daunting. I came here to MWO in April after trying over & over by myself to stop. On July 10th, I had my last drink. I haven't been sober for this long in ages. Keep trying. Don't stop coming here to MWO. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          day one; hour one

                          It's me again. Day one; hour 4. I should stop drinking coffee at this point... getting a little edgy. Time for supplements and then exercise. This forum really helps guys. I hope it doesn't seem too ridiculous checking in every hour.
                          MM - read your post. Just think, we'll have the same b'day next month! Looking forward and keeping my eyes on the prize.
                          Bye for now,

                          Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                          - Soren Kierkegaard


                            day one; hour one

                            Day one; Hour 5

                            So good so far.:

                            Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
                            - Soren Kierkegaard


                              day one; hour one

                              Good going FBy. You`re doing great.......just take it an hour at a time to get through this 1st day and you sure will soon be counting the days. Pop into Chat later if you find it gets hard going.........there`s always someone in there to give support.

                              Starlight Impress x

